Chinese Engine Development


Lieutenant General
china would love to cooperate with western aerospace firms, they are sometimes reluctant to cooperate with china because they are worried about intellectual property protection.

obviously "cooperation is important," but these tautologies are not helpful. if everyone "cooperated" and shared all their technology then there would be no such thing as patents and no such thing as monopolies.

the west is not dependent on anyone for their aerospace technology. they contract it out to some other places because of cost and efficiency benefits, but they keep the top trade secrets for themselves and that's a fact.

do not use the words "cooperate" and "interdependency" out of context. there are many types of trade relationships between nations, some of which are more favourable toward certain parties than others. correspondingly, in international economic relationships, some are more dependent and some are less dependent; what always happens is that the less dependent get the better deal because they have more to bargain with.

when you imply that my statement is against "cooperation" you are not only misrepresenting what i
originally said, but you are making a non-sequitur argument that is essentially meaningless.

I don't believe western company are afraid to get into Chinese market It the one that control the access to market that has the power and not western companies. They know very well China will get there sooner or latter. I would say they will delay it for while by supplying ready made equipment .

For China having them there improve the ecosystem of modern industry whether they transfer technology or not and away to learn modern industrial management .In Technical world sometime the business aspect is equally important as the technical break through
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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
For China, their poblem is this
GE, like other companies, must weigh which technologies should be brought to joint ventures with China and how to protect them from being stolen or misused. These decisions face virtually any executive trying to develop a presence in the country — from the most sophisticated technology firms, which worry about software piracy, to old-line industrial equipment makers, which have seen knockoffs of their products pop up soon after making deals with Chinese partners.

GE, like other companies, must weigh which technologies should be brought to joint ventures with China and how to protect them from being stolen or misused. These decisions face virtually any executive trying to develop a presence in the country — from the most sophisticated technology firms, which worry about software piracy, to old-line industrial equipment makers, which have seen knockoffs of their products pop up soon after making deals with Chinese partners.

why you did not highlight that part?

And... yes... China could copy any high tech systems easily, that is why people don't like to invest into China. If that is your claim, it only show how ignorant and bias you are actually are to China... seriously. If not for the fact that there are other people reading this forum, I would have completely ignored your claims.

However, lets look at it this way... an aircraft engines is totally different from a software (IT stuff), an Apple Iphone is easy to copy and manufacture... not an aircraft engine whereby material science and manufacturing technology plays the biggest part. If the Chinese could copy the engine to the said western (and Russian) company... then they would already process the necessary skills, techniques, technology, etc to build those engines in mass numbers and they definitely would have that same ability to design the engine from scratch.

All the examples you have given are more or less form from products that have very low tech (software company, low tech equipment knockoff, etc etc, although you chose to coat them in big names). I find that disgusting (sorry).


Banned Idiot
And according to your logic China can take credit for Apple's success. Don't blame me that you associated tech transfer as meaning Mexico makes better engines than China. How does making an engine for a foreign company translate to Mexico making world class engines? The only way is because Mexico would have to steal the technology to make their own.
First we are no going to steal, that is the reason GE, Honeywell and ITP are in Mexico, for an Mexican engineer working on GEnx which is one of the most advanced engines out there and design some components is a reason to be happy.

Do we care GE is american? no we do not, in the same way a Mexican designer of ITR designing low pressure turbines for the latest ITP models to be used on trent engines is a reasonto be Happy

Both Trent and GEnx are engines which basicly are in the forefront of engine tech.

Therefore we are working on the forefront of jet engine tech, same is Frisa.

I never said we are better than China, i said we are not behind in many ways.

Knowledge wise in Mexico we are working thanks to GE and ITP and honeywell in the forefront of engine technology.

Yes we are suppliers and junior partners.

For China to get into the chain of the latest engine designs like 117 or GEnx is harder, and you know why.

Will China develop engines as capable as F119 or F135 or GEnx? i do not know

However the problem of going alone is you may just trail and the Chinese engines could end up getting into production very late, and that is what happned with J-10`s WS-10 that still has Al-31s or J-20`s Al-31 or Y-20`s Il-76`s same engines or J-31`s RD-99.

Can they make the engine i guess so, on time i do not know.

If in Mexico we follow the right policy the next generation of GE or ITP engines could have more parts designed in Mexico and we are going to be on the forefront of jet engine tech ad we are not going to invest as much as China will.

Frisa will be able to make money of every an each jet engine of P&W and RR.

Is it good to cooperate ad respect your partner? yes it is.

Sooner or later China will need to cooperate with better track record and is possible in 10-20 years you will see joint ventures with Russia or the US.

We are getting the technology as China is doing, it is just a different policy


Junior Member
Comparing to India or Mexico, China has gained much more in their own aerospace development, this is a clear and simple fact. Parts of this development may involve legal or "illegal" copying/referencing/reverse-engineering but it doesn't change the outcome, in fact it contributed favorably to what China is capable today. Anyone who suggest India or Mexico should serve as a model for China in aerospace development needs a reality check first. It would be silly and incredibly naive to think that placing priority on being a subcontractor for Western and Russian companies would be in the best interest, economically and politically, for China. Claims like this may be in the best interest for US or Russia, but certainly not for China.

I'm not saying China should never collaborate or become a subcontractor, they have been doing both for a long time as many before me has pointed out, and yes these collaborations also include engines despite all the cries about knockoffs, that's the capitalistic reality. What I'm saying is that China needs much more than just serving a role like Mexico or India does. If they decide to cancel their J-11/15 development just because they want to become a supplier for the Russians to earn more money and create some job openings, that would indeed be a very, very stupid decision for China. Fortunately they're much smarter than that.


Lieutenant General
First we are no going to steal, that is the reason GE, Honeywell and ITP are in Mexico, for an Mexican engineer working on GEnx which is one of the most advanced engines out there and design some components is a reason to be happy.

Do we care GE is american? no we do not, in the same way a Mexican designer of ITR designing low pressure turbines for the latest ITP models to be used on trent engines is a reasonto be Happy

Both Trent and GEnx are engines which basicly are in the forefront of engine tech.

Therefore we are working on the forefront of jet engine tech, same is Frisa.

I never said we are better than China, i said we are not behind in many ways.

Knowledge wise in Mexico we are working thanks to GE and ITP and honeywell in the forefront of engine technology.

Yes we are suppliers and junior partners.

For China to get into the chain of the latest engine designs like 117 or GEnx is harder, and you know why.

Will China develop engines as capable as F119 or F135 or GEnx? i do not know

However the problem of going alone is you may just trail and the Chinese engines could end up getting into production very late, and that is what happned with J-10`s WS-10 that still has Al-31s or J-20`s Al-31 or Y-20`s Il-76`s same engines or J-31`s RD-99.

Can they make the engine i guess so, on time i do not know.

If in Mexico we follow the right policy the next generation of GE or ITP engines could have more parts designed in Mexico and we are going to be on the forefront of jet engine tech ad we are not going to invest as much as China will.

Frisa will be able to make money of every an each jet engine of P&W and RR.

Is it good to cooperate ad respect your partner? yes it is.

Sooner or later China will need to cooperate with better track record and is possible in 10-20 years you will see joint ventures with Russia or the US.

We are getting the technology as China is doing, it is just a different policy

Have you seen Mexican Twinkie rip-offs?

GE or whoever are certainly not going to give the blueprints to you, what does that mean? You're gonna steal it or as you like to point out about China, Mexico can't make an engine on its own, because what does technology transfer mean then, and will be dependent on another country to make a domestic engine. Pretty hypocritical just from the charges you have made against China.


Banned Idiot
Comparing to India or Mexico, China has gained much more in their own aerospace development, this is a clear and simple fact. Parts of this development may involve legal or "illegal" copying/referencing/reverse-engineering but it doesn't change the outcome, in fact it contributed favorably to what China is capable today. .

Actually is not smart, making small money by illegal ways is not smart.

To put you in simple ways is China has competition, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico are trying to get investment, just the last 5 years, mexico has been the top destination for aerospace related investment.

We get more foreign companies tha China a year.

India has a huge potential, Russia too and Brazil too.

By China adquiring illegally foreign tech, they simply create a bad repution and allowing other nations to get more investment.

This is reflected in what i said, In mexico we develop engine components for GE and ITP.
China struggles to power their aircraft, can not even power it latest Y-20 or C919 with domestic engines, their stealth fighters lack domestic engines.

What will happen is very simple other nations will benefit from this Chinese mistake.

BUt asyou say Chinese are smart and they will correct it, they will be forced to play by the rules, simply because investment will go other places and the US. Europe and Russia will protect more their tech.


Lieutenant General
Comparing to India or Mexico, China has gained much more in their own aerospace development, this is a clear and simple fact. Parts of this development may involve legal or "illegal" copying/referencing/reverse-engineering but it doesn't change the outcome, in fact it contributed favorably to what China is capable today. Anyone who suggest India or Mexico should serve as a model for China in aerospace development needs a reality check first. It would be silly and incredibly naive to think that placing priority on being a subcontractor for Western and Russian companies would be in the best interest, economically and politically, for China. Claims like this may be in the best interest for US or Russia, but certainly not for China.

I'm not saying China should never collaborate or become a subcontractor, they have been doing both for a long time as many before me has pointed out, and yes these collaborations also include engines despite all the cries about knockoffs, that's the capitalistic reality. What I'm saying is that China needs much more than just serving a role like Mexico or India does. If they decide to cancel their J-11/15 development just because they want to become a supplier for the Russians to earn more money and create some job openings, that would indeed be a very, very stupid decision for China. Fortunately they're much smarter than that.

Excellent retort all those China basher always pointed to India, Mexico, Japan, anybody but China as poster boy to cover for their own anxiety, and denial of fact

Here is an excellent article posted by Don Juan. While China attract billion of dollar in Aerospace industry let see what is China neighbor doing

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In 13 years, India got only $4.94 million as defence FDI

Rajat Pandit, TNN | Aug 6, 2013, 03.46 AM IST

NEW DELHI: India remains the world's largest arms importer, having failed to develop a strong defence industrial base (DIB) despite all the tall talk since the 1999 Kargil conflict. Here is the latest shocker: the country has attracted a grand total of $4.94 million as foreign direct investment (FDI) in the defence production sector over the last 13 years.

To put this measly sum in perspective, it is important to note that India inked arms deals worth $50 billion in the decade after the 1999 Kargil conflict — mainly with foreign armament majors — and is zooming ahead to spend almost triple that amount in the current decade.

It was well-known that India was floundering to draw FDI, much like it was failing to ensure the domestic private sector joined the defence production arena in a big way. With the defence ministry also refraining from undertaking systemic reforms to revitalize DRDO, five defence PSUs, four shipyards and 50 Ordnance Factories, the armed forces have no choice but to import over 60% of their military hardware and software for the foreseeable future.

On Monday, responding to a written question in the Lok Sabha, minister of state for defence Jitendra Singh disclosed, "FDI amounting to Rs 24.36 crore ($4.94 million) has been received in the defence industry sector from April 2000 to April 2013."

"The data regarding investment made by Indian private sector firms is not maintained. Sixty-three applications have been received for industrial licenses for manufacture of defence items from private companies in 2012-2013," he added. Sources, however, said a bulk of the around 200 letters of intent (LoIs) or manufacturing licences issued till now are yet to materialise on the ground.

This comes just a few days after defence minister A K Antony, once again, successfully torpedoed commerce minister Anand Sharma's bid to lift the existing 26% FDI cap in the defence sector. The ostensible sweetener was that the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) would consider FDI proposals beyond 26%, which brings "state-of-the art" technology, on a "case-to-case" basis.

But critics say this has been the MoD's "stated position" for the last several years without actually being implemented. They argue greater FDI will bring in capital, high-end technology, and better quality and management skills in the defence sector.

A robust DIB, even with higher FDI, in India will reduce its current strategic vulnerability in being so overwhelmingly dependent on imports. "If we are buying so heavily from foreign arms vendors, why not get them to set up factories here in joint ventures? They are reluctant to come in with a 26% cap" said an expert.

Antony, however, is not impressed. He is steadfast that the 26% FDI cap in the "sensitive and strategic"' defence sector is more than enough at present. The endeavour, instead, is to push genuine indigenisation in the defence production sector, with greater private sector participation. This will, feels Antony, also help weeding out all-pervasive corruption in arms deals.

But it will take a lot of doing, given the track-record. India has lagged far behind China in developing a strong DIB despite the defence sector being opened up 100% for the Indian private sector, with FDI up to 26%, way back in May, 2001. Till then, the sector was largely the preserve of the public sector.

Over the last couple of years, the commerce ministry's department of industrial promotion and policy has even proposed the FDI limit in the defence sector be hiked to as much as 74%. Even the Economic Survey has also called for the FDI limit to be raised to 49%, with even 100% being allowed in a case-by-case basis. But to no avail till now.
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Banned Idiot
Pretty hypocritical just from the charges you have made against China.
hahaha what about Chepkin one of the chief desgners of 117 who says the Chinese have used AL-31 documentation in WS-10 or the americans who say F-35 tech got into J-20 and J-31.
What about Sukhoi demands to China about J-11B

These are not my charges, in fact in mexico they have capitalized a lot from this simple we got 5 years in a raw more aerospace related investment than China and we are working on the GEnx and low pressure turbines of RR for trent jet engines

We do not care if they give us the blue prints, as long as we have work and we learn and we make money


Lieutenant General
hahaha what about Chepkin one of the chief desgners of 117 who says the Chinese have used AL-31 documentation in WS-10 or the americans who say F-35 tech got into J-20 and J-31.
What about Sukhoi demands to China about J-11B

These are not my charges, in fact in mexico they have capitalized a lot from this simple we got 5 years in a raw more aerospace related investment than China and we are working on the GEnx and low pressure turbines of RR for trent jet engines

We do not care if they give us the blue prints, as long as we have work and we learn and we make money

I don't really care what you think how China got its engines. It doesn't lessen the hypocrisy of how you're the one that has been trolling this forum for a long time charging that China can't make a domestic engine without outside help. Well bragging about Mexico making a world class engine , BTW doesn't exist yet except in hope for the future, because of US technology transfers means Mexico can't make an engine on its own just like you've been hypocritically putting down China for all this time.

Did you know that a large portion of pirated DVDs sold in North America are from Mexico? I remember reading about a person who was arrested in Chicago for piracy and he made all his bootleg DVDs in Mexico. Talk about respect for intellectual property...
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Banned Idiot
I don't really care what you think how China got its engines.Did you know that a large portion of pirated DVDs sold in North America are from Mexico? I remember reading about a person who was arrested in Chicago for piracy and he made all his bootleg DVDs in Mexico. Talk about respect for intellectual property...

First i have a different opinion, that is not trolling, or call chepkin a troll, he says that and he is one of the chief designers of 117, the same engine Russia wants to force China to do not copy if ever is sold to China.
Китайский самолет — это точная копия нашего?

— Что касается двигателя, это не точная копия. Я его видел. Китайцы использовали и свои разработки, но на 70 процентов это наш "АЛ-31Ф", автоматика вся наша. Покупать лицензию на производство двигателя они не стали, лишь купили лицензию на ремонт двигателя (естественно со всеми чертежами). А поскольку ремонт и производство, по сути, очень близки, китайцы все тщательно изучили и самостоятельно освоили производство. В Китае очень грамотные инженеры, и то, что они освоят эту продукцию, у меня лично никаких сомнений не было. Поэтому выход у нас один — сделать лучше. И мы сделали двигатель "117С". Пусть теперь они за нами погоняются

he says 70% of WS-10 is our Al-31
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F-35 hacked files was a claim by the americans.
Chinese spies hacked secret US weapons systems including F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: reports

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And third i do not defend criminals because they are mexicans, if they break the law, they must be in jail, in fact by putting me this example shows me how much you lack a good argument; why China copied illegally J-11B or J-15 or why J-7 was sold and many fantasies people write here.

The reality you like it or not is China has some flaws in its approach and you want to defend a wrong policy

Mexico is currently the top destination for aerospace manufacturing investments in the world.

look who says that
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