Chinese Engine Development


Banned Idiot
DD-22 new generation single cyrstal turbine blade

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【作者】 杨帅;

【导师】 曹国强; 唐定中;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳航空航天大学, 机械制造及其自动化, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以DD22合金为基础,调整Ru含量为0wt.%,3wt.%,5wt.%,利用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、示差扫描量热分析(DSC)、能谱分析(EDS)及X射线衍射仪(XRD)等分析方法研究了合金的凝固行为、组织演化及力学性能,结果表明:随合金中Ru含量的增加,一次枝晶间距呈递减趋势,枝晶间共晶含量减少,单个共晶尺寸减小;合金元素的偏析程度明显减轻,合金枝晶干、枝晶间的γ′相尺寸差减小。Ru的加入可提高合金的液相线温度,降低γ/γ′共晶溶解温度。随合金中Ru含量的提高,γ′相尺寸逐渐减小,枝晶干、枝晶间的γ′相尺寸差减小;Ru的加入可造成“逆分配”效应的出现,即随Ru含量的提高,Re、W、Al、Ta等元素在γ相、γ′两相中的分配更加均匀;在980℃及1070℃的长期时效过程中,随Ru含量的提高,γ′粗化速度明显增加;Ru能够抑制长期时效过程中TCP相的形成,随着合金中Ru含量的提高,在980℃及1070℃的长期时效过程中析出TCP相的时间延迟,TCP相的尺寸及数量明显减小。随着Ru含量的提高,合金在760℃,980℃条件下的屈服强度和抗拉强度均得到提高。Ru含量的增加能够显著提高合金的蠕变性能。850℃/650Mpa条件下,合金的变形机制为层错及位错切割γ′相,随Ru含量的提高,层错切割γ′相现象逐渐增多,此时Ru的强化作用主要表现为固溶强化;1100℃条件下,Ru含量的增加,可有效抑制TCP相的析出,显著改善合金组织稳定性,提高合金高温蠕变抗力,1100℃/130Mpa条件下,合金的变形机制为位错切割γ′相,Ru含量的提高可增大γ、γ′两相错配度,使变形过程中形成的位错间距逐渐减小,形成更加细密的位错网络

韩凤奎 燕平 甀京晨 踀潇翔 曾强 张龙飞
【摘要】:运用LEICA MEF4A定量显微图像仪、JSM-6480LV高低真空扫描电子显微镜、SYSTEMSIX NSS300扫描电镜能谱仪、原子探针等分析手段,研究了一种新型四代单晶高温合金的元素分布和组织结构特点。研究结果表明:该新型四代单晶的元素分布与对比三代合金的元素分布和组织结构具有不同的特点,特别是Re元素在γ和γ′相中的分布相对于不含Ru元素的对比合金有显著的变化,合金TCP相的析出倾向明显下降。
【作者单位】:钢铁研究总院高温材料研究所 清华大学物理系
【关键词】:四代单晶高温合金 Ru Re
is there any one have auto translator,to many technical term.


Lieutenant General
Relax take it easy, i was just pointing the difference in approach, but i guess you need to read more, Mexico has an aerospace tradition since 1914, in fact we designed fighter aircraft from most of 1920 to 1940, and fro 1970s we became military suppliers of US companies.

Today, one aerospace AERI has been established for the Querétaro
cluster based on the region’s human capital
. This AERI’s primary areas
of focus are: materials, manufacturing processes, coatings, friction
welding and technology development for a “green airplane.” It is precisely
in Querétaro where one of the country and General Electric’s
main engineering- and development-based innovation projects is being
developed. This project involves component design in latest generation
turbines for the civil aviation market, such as the GP7200
engine for the Airbus A380
, currently the world’s largest airplane,
or the new GEnX turbine for the Boeing 787 “Dreamliner.” Also in
Querétaro, ITR’s Engineering Center designs low pressure turbines
In turn, AERI ADRIAA, the Alliance for the Regional Development
of the Automotive and Aerospace Industry, is made up of local nodes
in cities from the Baja California-Sonora-Chihuahua region with the
highest industrial and academic presence. This AERI’s main goal is to
increase companies’ industrial participation by generating proprietary
technologies and strengthening human capital programs in the region.
There is also a proposal for the creation of a network in Baja California,
coordinated by Honeywell. Honeywell’s plant in Mexicali is
working on systems integration testing on t
he new A350 airplane,
which should come into service by mid-2012. What’s more, it has the
second largest Engineering Center, after one in the United States.
The above capabilities, together with the talent available in Mexico,
must be the axes on which the leveraging strategy is built. This
strategy will allow the successful models of regional innovation companies
to be duplicated.

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My point was not tht China can not build jet engines, but you follow a different approach

we simply work for Western Companies, the Chinese companies want tech transfers, in Mexico, they design too, but we do not demand tech transfers, for Scnema, that by the way is also in Mexico, Mexico offers more advantages in terms of exclusivity in terms of IP, China in the other words wants to create her own jet engines, it does not mean other nations are technologicaly speaking behind China or do not offer better options than China in terms of design or manufacture.

China might get the tech, but definitively we are getting the tech too.
However for western companies cooperate with China has risks that in Mexico they might not have at last at the moment and we are not looking to create military items that might threat the US, we are US allies in terms of industrial cooperation and commerce.
So we can get relatively easily access to some technology China might not be able to get

By the way we also design industrial turbines

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By 2016 we will have the first industrial turbine designed and manufactured in Mexico.

Low pressure turbine is dime a dozen. Snecma and GE has no problem transferring technology or buying low pressure turbine component from China because they know there is no need to be afraid China can built and design low pressure turbine component. It is the high pressure, high temperature first stage turbine that is hard to built.

If and when Mexico can built first stage turbine I will salute them until then I withhold comment on Mexico aerospace technology advances and no need to post article


Banned Idiot
Low pressure turbine is dime a dozen. Snecma and GE has no problem transferring technology or buying low pressure turbine component from China because they know there is no need to be afraid China can built and design low pressure turbine component. It is the high pressure, high temperature first stage turbine that is hard to built.

If and when Mexico can built first stage turbine I will salute them until then I withhold comment on Mexico aerospace technology advances and no need to post article

Low pressure turbines are not a dime, for a comment on a forum well, it is okay, in real life ITR, does design low pressures for ITP and Rolls Royce, and they are in the forefront of high tech simply because the are fo trent jet engines ad other type of engines


•Design and development from requirements definition & concept development through certification and support engineering
•Multidisciplinary capabilities
•Expert support from parent company, ITP

read source

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If you do not know what ITR/ITP do check the following drawing click on link

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does Mexico design jet engines? yes we do, we do not do it as a single program, but as several programs from General Electric, ITP and we manufacture jet engine parts too for these former companies but also Frisa and Honeywell.

We already design the first stage of jet engines, basicly the low pressure turbine is that.

here is a video of Frisa of what Frisa builds in jet engine parts, Frisa also supplies Rolls Royce and pratt and whitney jet engines

However, it does not make us better than chinese engine companies, we just have a different policy, China does not want that, however you can not blame western manufacturers for do not share their technology, they want what Mexico offers, mexican designers and not sharing tech transfers with Mexican companies unless you do not threat their business.

Will China build advanced jet engines, i guess yes they will, but we are like you learning, but we have other ways of doing it and we are no behind to China in jet design now since we work already in advanced jet engines for ITP, Honeywell, GE and Rolls Royce
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New Member
Every time I read about Chinese aviation there is always so much angst over its engine development, why? Do people genuinely believe that because China has run into a few hiccups with their engine programs, that they will just throw up their hands and give up after 30 years building an aviation industry of its own?

It reminds me of argument about manufacturing reshoring; the argument usually goes, once robots or 3d printers take over, all the jobs will leave China and it will become a wasteland - as if Americans are singularly capable of adapting to technology and the Chinese can only twiddle their thumbs and wait for armageddon.


Banned Idiot
How many yrs China is behind US in this? Looking at the big picture, China at this moment is completely blank in the big high bypass jet engine for the large transport and commercial airliner.

Can China even produce a Boeing 707 at this point? The answer is No, Boeing 707 entered service in 1959.

The talk of all those exotic material in engine blade maybe overblown, back in the day, when Boeing 707 was being made, was the materials more advanced than what China has of today? I don't think so.

Was 3D printing available back in 1959? You don't need all those advanced tech.

I think China is just lack of experience, lack of trial of errors. Too conservative, too slow. They did tried to imitated the DPK300 engine couple yrs ago but nothing heard of them ever since. Same with WS13. No progress.

Lack of large scale trial and error causes the lack of experiences for China.
Its inability of to produce a 1959 Boeing 707 has put thing in big perspective. People are just over concentrating too much on a specific WS10A engine for military jet. The overall picture says China is lacking overall experiences fundamentally.

A Smart thing for China to is buy the complete tech transfer from Russia or RR , the obsolete of big bypass engines in 70s or 80s and start to play with it. I don't believe you can skip and jump directly to advanced one.

Just like Chengdu can't make J20 without the J10 experience, impossible.
I think WS10A possible because of the WS9 experience.

Bascially, China has to have a working model to follow in anything. It can't create something without prior similar experiences but it can improve or advance upon the old stuffs. That's why it makes sense for China to buy up as much obsolete tech as possible. They are very valuable for China.
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Banned Idiot
How many yrs China is behind US in this? Looking at the big picture, China at this moment is completely blank in the big high bypass jet engine for the large transport and commercial airliner.

Can China even produce a Boeing 707 at this point? The answer is No, Boeing 707 entered service in 1959.

uhmmmm... well i do not agree.

Is very likely China can build a B707 equivalent with Chinese engines equivalent to the Pratt & Whitney JT3D, but the question is that economically cost effective?
No it is not, today`s B-787 or A-350 use modern engines.

Can china play with old engines? the answer is yes but by the time they know about the Pratt & Whitney JT3D, RR or GE will be in a very advanced engine.
Their current commercial jets have western engines.

China, like Mexico have MRO facilities to learn about jet engines, however the problem for the Chinese is most western companies won`t transfer a lot of knowledge, in Mexico is the same, we get training in jet engine design, but all new technologies are owned by them and they design just components in Mexico.

In Mexico we have several jet engine companies some Mexican like Frisa, some western like GE or ITP, if we collect what mexican engineers know about jet engines, is probable we can build and design small jet engines and at least be at a 1970s level, however it is not easy to compete with Giants like GE or Pratt & Whittney so it is a moot point for our government to do a Kaveri type program.

So what Frisa has done is simply become a supplier of RR and Pratt and whittney and our government has comitted universities to train people in jet engine design to work for GE or ITP.

Mexican designers work in the latest jet engine technology, but the price is we are just suppliers or employees of big western firms.

Do we care? no we do not, first for a Mexican engineer being part of the latest jet engines design team of GE is a great thing, he does not care about nationalism he cares about his pocket and aviation only

China is different, but in Many ways they are as limited as we are, th big advantage China has is they are a larger market so they can demand tech transfers, but even this has limits, specially when they want to build jet engines for fighters.
Russia was the only source of tech but now even that has change.

For China the best is do joint ventures and improve its reputation in terms of intelectual property and very likely they could get better tech tansfers from western companies.


Banned Idiot
uhmmmm... well i do not agree.

Is very likely China can build a B707 equivalent with Chinese engines equivalent to the Pratt & Whitney JT3D,.

That's basis of argument. Can China build that on large scale Volume with enough good quality?

I don't think so.

China has Zero experience and track record in producing or license producing any large high bypass engines let alone volume production.

It's better for China to get that old tech and waste some money to produce some uneconomical plane in order to get valuable experiences. For example if China never has J10, and Lavi available for transfer today, China would still jump at that today.
China has to have that Lavi experience in order to produce the J20.

For the new one, no one will share with China. So forget it.
like recently CMF decided to withdraw and NOT to setup a production line for LEAP-X in CHina for fear of tech leak.
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Banned Idiot
That's basis of argument. Can China build that on large scale Volume with enough good quality?

I don't think so. be honest i disagree, they can, their Tu-16 copies shows they can, their engines are as ancient as the Pratt & Whitney JT3D, however being able to make a old soviet engine and modify it. is not the same to design a GEnx.

here is the dilema for China, China wants to challenge the west, however the west is ahead for at least 30 years, to narrow the gap they need tech transfers.

The west will try to widen the gap unless China wants to cooperate on a more friendly basis.

China can design engines, but their problem is their gap makes their engines useless economically for big aircraft and their military jets still are to some degree unreliable.

Japan took a different route, their P-X has IHI jet engines designed in Japan while their C-X has american engines.

But Japan worked as a partner to International Aero Engines.
Germany also with MTU do parnerships like in international Aero Engines and in even GEnx with GE.

China`s main problem is the risks companies see of being copied and ripped off by Chinese companies and these includes GE, Lyulka or RR.


Banned Idiot
Provided if there are No foreign help on this, What China needs today is to waste some Money for ALL-OUT, Large scale production of military and Transport Plane jet engines. That's only way out of this doldrum is through Trial-n-Error, there NO substitute for that.

Everytime I see Chinese articles regarding some breakthrough on material or tech , I laugh at them. There are tons of them throughout the years saying breakthrough this breakthrough that. It's all talk and didn't translate in real environment.There's no breakthrough in big scheme of things.


Banned Idiot be honest i disagree, they can, their Tu-16 copies shows they can, their engines are as ancient as the Pratt & Whitney JT3D,

How many engines CHina has made for their Tu-16?
I wonder if China purchase the tech transfer of similar to a DP30K class from RR? I am not sure if Russian willing to sell that tech yet.
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