Re: WS-15 Thread
There is a new report about WS-18
本报通讯员 刘晓强 李丹
2013-04-16 09:46:54
长寿命设计是当前航空发动机技术发展的一项关键技术,而盘、轴、叶片等关键零部件则是上述关键技术中的核心。成发技术中心压涡室承担着公司此类核心技术的开发研究,他们的创新能力决定着发动机研制的进展乃至企业的技术水平。2012年,压涡室全员以“咬定青山不放松”的精神,迎难而上,先后解决了某型涡轮轴抗低周疲劳设计和考核验证,某涡轮盘的循环疲劳试验设计和考核等数十项科研攻坚任务,为型号研制奠定了坚实的基础。 “我喜欢干项目!”这是压涡室副主任吴国炜常说的一句话。正是由于喜欢,自2007年从北京航空航天大学毕业进厂后,始终全身心扑在项目上。“拼了!”成了吴国炜的“口头禅”,正是这股“拼劲儿”,短短5年时间,他从一名普通的设计人员,迅速成长为公司型号研制不可缺少的中坚力量。“2012年的低压涡轮轴试验载荷设计与其他设计不同,从头到尾都由我们自主设计”,他自豪之情喜上眉梢。转子结构复杂,轴、载荷计算难度极大,设计前要综合考虑方案,既不能低于飞行环境要求,又不能使载荷过于严酷。吴国炜争取有效时间查阅大量飞机、发动机技术资料,对发动机外部、内部载荷以及特殊工况载荷的循环分析,确定设计循环载荷谱等,解决了低压涡轮轴试验载荷设计中遇到的一项项关键瓶颈问题,通过外部专家评审、指导,最终完成了轴试验工作,为型号鉴定、定寿工作奠定了扎实的基础。工作中,吴国炜总是有条不紊地带领团队开展攻关,年仅28岁的他,根根白发与他年龄极不相符。在型号攻关的决战阶段,加班成了正常的上班,工作到凌晨成了家常便饭,目的是“把一个个阻碍研制进度的技术关键消灭在苗头阶段。”
娄涛2012年最难忘的工作莫过于某型机高压涡轮2级盘低循环疲劳试验。从过完年开始,娄涛就着手定试验件、装配、工装加工,形成整个试验件组件。该试验件要求完成6750个循环,并作阶段性探伤。前期试验还算顺利,但循环到2000个左右时,试验盘出现裂纹!这可急坏了压涡室的所有人,因为试验结果直接影响到长试进度。“就是不眠不休也要保证试验工作顺利开展!”娄涛开始排查原材料、设计、工艺、质量等一切与此相关的数据,通过对裂纹尺寸、表面粗糙度、理化分析,终于找出了问题根源。他将所有设计参数、试验设备、试验过程记录细细复查一遍,并与负责该试验方案的研究所对接,重新计算试验方案。“十一”长假一开始,他便扎进了试验室重新试验,这一扎就是4个月,终于在2013年1月30日完成试验。 这个团队的成员平均年龄不满26岁,却担当起为科研试车保驾护航的重任。“中国梦”在他们心里投影成“航空梦”,而“航空梦”又被一个个不眠不休的攻关夜和一点点被解开的项目难题所组成,用汗水浇铸中国心,用实干托起中国梦,他们用青春和智慧鲜明地诠释了自己心中的“中国梦”和“航空梦”。
... /story/343338.shtml
Auto Translation:
Win every model battle - and remember AVIC Chengfa technology center pressure the vortex chamber newspaper correspondent Liu Xiaoqiang Li Dan 2013-04-16 09:46:54 Long Life Design is a key technology of the current aero-engine technology development, The disc, shafts, blades and other key components is the key technology in the core. Into a technology center pressure vortex chamber bear the company of such core technology research and development, and their ability to innovate depends on the technical level of engine development progress and the enterprise as a whole. 2012, pressure vortex chamber full insist Aoyama do not relax, "the spirit of the difficulties, has to solve a certain type of turbine shaft resistance to low cycle fatigue design and assessment validation of a turbine disk cycle fatigue test design and assessment dozens of scientific research and the crucial tasks of model development has laid a solid foundation. "I like to do the project!" This is Wu Wei, deputy director of the pressure vortex chamber used to say. It was like that since 2007, graduated from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics into the plant, always devote myself to the project. Fight! "Wu Wei became the" mantra ", it is this" is placing children, just five years, from an ordinary designer, he quickly grown into the backbone of the company model development indispensable. 2012 low-pressure turbine shaft test load design Unlike other designs, from start to finish by our own design, his pride is very happy. The complex structure of the rotor axis, load calculation is extremely difficult, considering the design proposal which can not be less than the the flight environmental requirements, without the load in a severe. Wu Wei towards the effective time access to a large number of aircraft, engines technical information on the outside of the engine, internal loads and loads of special conditions cycle analysis to determine the design cycle load spectrum, a key to solve encountered in the design of low-pressure turbine shaft test load bottlenecks, review by outside experts to guide the final completion of the shaft pilot , fixed-life work has laid a solid foundation for model identification . Work, Wu Wei is always in an orderly manner to lead the team to carry out the research, only 28 years old, he stud white hair is extremely incompatible with his age. The decisive stage of the model research, overtime has become a normal work, working into the wee hours has become commonplace, the purpose is to impede the progress of the development of technology in a key nipped in the signs of stage. "In 2012, a captain trial entered a critical stage , compressor, turbine section the long trial installed components state of the art review, the problems zero and summed become the focus of the work of the pressure vortex chamber , Liu Yanping responsible for the technical state of each inventory of installed components. The model types of engine parts, in large quantities, as the a pressure vortex chamber only lesbian, she nei, access to large amounts of data, calculated data, the approval of the site, the state management of the preparation of the components directory tree. Collected, laid the foundation for the state of the art summary of the successful completion of a long trial on the state of the art of stand-alone components of the test engine. Over the past year, overtime has become Liu Yanping commonplace. Make a phone call every night, ask a son job doing? Is there a good meal? Urged children to listen to the words of the grandparents. 22:00 over her office lights still lit. Lou Tao's most memorable work in 2012 than the low cycle fatigue test of a certain type of high-pressure turbine 2 disk. After the New Year began, Lou Tao begin test piece, assembly, tooling and processing, the formation of the entire test piece assembly. The test pieces required to complete the 6750 cycle, and for periodic testing. Pre-test went smoothly, but the cycle to about 2000, the test plate cracks ! This can be very anxious all of the pressure vortex chamber, because the test results directly affect the progress of the long trial. "Is around the clock must make sure that the experimental work carried out smoothly!" Lou Tao investigation of raw materials, design, process, quality and all the data associated with this crack size, surface roughness, physical and chemical analysis, we have finally found the source of the problem . His record carefully review all design parameters, test equipment, test process again, and docking with the Institute responsible for the pilot program, re-calculation of the pilot program. "11" the beginning of the holiday, he headlong into the re-test of the laboratory, this tie is 4 months, finally completed the trial on January 30, 2013. The team members average age of 26 years old, but take on the important task of the escort for scientific research test. "China Dream" in their hearts projection "Aviation Dream", "Air Dream" by the research of a sleepless night and a little bit of unlockable items of challenges, with sweat pouring heart, hold up the hard work Chinese dream, youth and wisdom distinctive interpretation of his mind "China Dream" and "Air Dream".
... / story/343338.shtml ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Model identification, rather than stereotypes, is a replica model, not a self-development model, the only the cottage of Mao Zaiguo the D30K2. Code WS18. Here are the speakers of the identification of long-term life.