The WS-10 wouldn't even fit into the JF-17. The JF-17 uses a smaller engine class...I'll refrain from treating you in kind.
WS-10x is substandard, compared to engines like F100-220/220E, F119, and its cousin the F135, due in part to poorer manufacturing capability and process controls, and the inability to sell them internationally is one of the results. Pakistan, for example, would love to have WS-10x for the JF-17, but China's factories can't supply them in sufficient quantities.
Also, we know the WS-10 has had quality issues with production. We don't know whether that's resulted in a down rated performance. It could just as easily be a problem of maintenance and engine life. That said, what we do know is that it's not unusual for there to be production quality issues for a new turbofan of this class. The F100 engine had such issues at the start of its production. Did that make the F100 substandard upon its debut? Personally, I would say no, but if that's the standards you want to impose, you're certainly entitled to your own opinion.
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