a little exerpt from a magazine (or at least they claim it to be from this newspaper called (Chinese aviation)
“太行”、“昆仑”的生产流水线已经建成运行,投入批量生产 :|).7
据10月3日的《中国航空报》消息《董建华考察一航黎明》:一航黎明领导陪同董建华一行参观了装配试车厂。在发动机总装车间,董建华一行饶有兴趣地观看了“太行”、“昆仑”航空发动机总装流水线。在试车台前,董建华亲手拉动操纵杆,看到“太行”发动机运转良好,他露出了满意的笑容。 |Zcy19?T
从上述报道中可以看出,“太行”、“昆仑”在一航黎明已经投入批量生产! &O10^Fd
It's just saying that some big shot went to see WS-10A and Kunlun engines starting mass production.
Kunlun engine was original design for F-8 aircraft,3 years ago,interview with the chief engineer,he do not rule out using WP-14 core technology to develop turbofan engine,but with China obtain liscense to produce RD-33,but the project may be in question.