Jews does not control China, but not for lack of trying. Jack Ma is an infamous example that attempt to subvert the state for Jewish exploitation. If there is accumulation of traitors in the system, strongest country can fall. People always want to be rich, and western system breeds billionaires fastest at the cost of society. It is entirely logical rich people want to be richer individually like west, even if as a whole China is stronger as a society. And this is a weakness of China. But also its greatest inherent strength, that it breeds less billionaires for sake of stronger society. I expect the allure of massive Jewish wealth remain, long after China surpass west.China schedules these trips to Israel not just for Alibaba but various different business leaders and celebrities.
Remember near the start of the war that Chinese influencer guy who was touring an Israeli settlement when he broke mask and accused them of doing national socialism? Well, what was he doing on the Israeli equivalent of a Z celebrity Donbass tour anyways?
China is incredibly cunning geopolitically, we have to remember that China hasnt always led US in economic power, the no1 asset for China has always been their geopolitical cunning, not brute force economic strength.
China knows Israel sits on the biggest trove of intelligence and kompromat on US in the world, maybe as big as what Langley and Pentagon sits on. They also know that Israel has their own desires. Israel already used then dumped the USSR before.
When your enemy goes to your girlfriend's house and blatantly glazes her with some shit like:
That is not because he wants to reconcile with you! If so he'd have gone to your house (Washington) not Tel aviv.
I'm pretty sure Israel leaks intel like a sieve to China and is one of the reasons China always sees through what US is doing.
But you might ask "it's unethical to deal with one of the lowest morality countries in the world!" yeah China also keeps an invitation open to Japan to leave US whenever, and Japan is even more immoral. Plus China signs favorable deals with countries that have absolute dogshit domestic situations. Beijing doesn't care, Beijing practices China first to a religious level.
Do not mistaken Jewish elites with Israel. Israel is just a dumping ground for their insane relatives. Their main power source does not depend on it. Their power is the ideology of eating the society for fastest individual interest.