Zero COVID policy doesn't need zero COVID cases to be successful.
Aim for Zero COVID, end up with a little bit of COVID kept under control.
Aim for a little bit of COVID, end up with unmanageable COVID in normal life.
Aim to make COVID a normal part of life/society, end up in recession and on the world's top 10 death list.
“”It's only in 2022 that more infectious COVID variants have cast doubt on whether zero-COVID is sustainable or desirable.”” - That’s it.@ZeEa5KPul
@Rettam Stacf
So I've put together a draft of what could be a "standard" response. Comments and plagiarism are welcome. I'll post up a final version in the Soft Power thread.
Let’s look at China's economic performance since January 2020 when COVID started. Since then, China has posted the world's best economic performance by far and also the lowest death rates by far of any major nation. The growth gap between China and the West is even larger than originally expected – all due to COVID.
The lockdowns in China actually did work in completely eliminating COVID, hence the term zero-COVID. So for the first two years, over 90% of the Chinese population did not have to worry about COVID or lockdowns for over 90% of the time.
The US has had 1 million deaths due to COVID, whereas Chinese deaths are about 1% of this figure. But if China had followed the US, China would have had 4 million dead. That is impossible to cover up.
So the conclusion is that Zero-COVID for the first 2 years was a BRILLIANT move on China's part.
It's only in 2022 that more infectious COVID variants have cast doubt on whether zero-COVID is sustainable or desirable.
In addition, England is estimated to have 1.6 million people suffering from Long COVID for example. The equivalent figure for the US would be 8 million people and for China would be 35 million people. So it would be better to wait for more research to appear and it does look like China can tolerate the current level of disruption
Sources below
BBC - Covid map: Coronavirus cases, deaths, vaccinations by country
NHS England – Long COVID
Time - Covid death toll vs China’s puts US to shame
NB. It’s very curious how the BBC and other Western Media hasn’t reported on the estimated 1.6 Million people in the UK who suffer from Long COVID.
And why aren't other Western governments commissioning their own research on Long COVID?
Shouldn’t such a story be front page news, instead of Western Media stories attacking China for China's successful zero-COVID policy?
Ahh wow!! Had an inclination that you're either Chinese-Filipino or that you have been to the Philippines far too often than you've familiarized yourself with the culture. Either way good to know.I'm a mixed person(asian looking), dad is dutch and my mom is Filipina(Cebuano).
The Dutch kitchen sucks ass they think that salt and pepper already has too much taste, so i grew up eating my moms and her friends filipino and Indonesian food. And i have been multiple times to Cebu in my life.
My mom has Chinese roots(great grand father came from Guangdong region i'm told) but culturally my family married more into filipino culture.Ahh wow!! Had an inclination that you're either Chinese-Filipino or that you have been to the Philippines far too often than you've familiarized yourself with the culture. Either way good to know.
How did you managed to find this site and what led you here to begin with?
“”It's only in 2022 that more infectious COVID variants have cast doubt on whether zero-COVID is sustainable or desirable.”” - That’s it.
Most scientists agree that the new variants are more contagious but less deadly. Current vaccinations give you at least some protection against severe illness and hospitalization. Innate immune system gives you a bit more protection on top.
—Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has proven efficacy against upper respiratory viral infections. And it also works against long Covid symptoms (which is likely caused by lingering inflammation - TCM recognizes this as excess heat, damp heat, yin def, etc.. and has been successfully treating it for hundreds of years). TCM is widely available China, but not in the West. Western Allopathic western medicine has a hard time even diagnosing long term covid.
—Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin, and other polyphenols help strengthen innate immune system (backed up by robust clinical science), and help you recover from viral infections. Elderberry works on ACE receptors in the nasal cavity to lessen the migration of Covid to the lungs where it can then cause long term issues. Masks work.
Tons of thing Chinese citizens can do to significantly limit Omicron and long term Covid syndromes without mass lockdowns. We can manage this virus and learn to live with it. It ain't going away.
Living with covids, People are also getting re-infected after a few months and the likely hood of getting more cases of long covids after each infection. And with more variants popping up, the situation is just going around in a cycle with massive hospitalisation.People that had covid know exactly what the damage can be, imaging a fever that takes you out for 3~5 days that spreads faster than the average cold. It's like having multiple waves each taking out huge chunks of your working population for a couple of days each year increasing the cost for healthcare either in sick leave or hospital costs.
Then you also have a very small percentage of people that gets long covid, god knows what the economic damage will come from that situation when the group of people with long covid will slowly but surely grow.
So i can see why the Chinese government thinks Zero covid will be more limited in economic costs than to just let covid rip through the population.
Zero minus 0.2-2 percent is still zero, so 'Muricans are safe.In one study, researchers at the University of Oxford compared brain scans of people before and after they got Covid and found that even mild cases can cause the brain to shrink by 0.2 to 2 percent more than in people who had not been infected.
Almost all of the "perplexing" Long term covid symptoms are due to prolonged inflammatory response. Allopathic medicine is horrible in this area because it doesn't show up on traditional blood tests, and it is hard to treat without using strong steroids. So patients in the West are left without solutions.
Between 8 million and 23 million Americans are still sick months or years after being infected. The perplexing array of symptoms known as long Covid has left an estimated 1 million of those people so disabled they are unable to work, and those numbers are likely to grow as the virus continues to evolve and spread. Some who escaped long Covid the first time are getting it after their second or third infection.
In one study, researchers at the University of Oxford compared brain scans of people before and after they got Covid and found that even mild cases can cause the brain to shrink by 0.2 to 2 percent more than in people who had not been infected.
The majority of long Covid patients — more than 75 percent, according to some estimates — were never hospitalized for their original infection.