This is the problem with this forum. Any moderate criticism of CCP immediatedly gets tagged as "hate" by overzealous supporters.
Still, there has been incremental progress. Criticising the Zero Covid idiocy a few months ago garnered zero positive responses. Today, more and more people are slowly accepting that it's a bad strategy but are divided on when to end it. There is still a big faction of people who are hardline supporters of the CCP no matter what they do, and that dumbs the conversation down. Like, you don't have to accept all the Western media BS to admit that the CCP isn't flawless and they make mistakes. Like, seriously, it won't hurt you. I promise.
The vast majority of Covid deaths in all countries are concentrated in the 70+ age bracket. How many promising scientists are there to be found? I'd argue that even leaders above the age of 70 shouldn't be in the business anymore.
Covid isn't going away. It's going to be with us for years to come. So there are only two choices: either China accepts having permanently lower economic growth by ~2 percentage points per year (which adds up to a lot over a ten year time horizon) or it will have to accept a fraction of its elderly dying earlier than expected. So far it has chosen to prioritise the boomers over the economy.
I don't know man, you are framing your own criticism of CCP as "moderate criticism" while framing people who disagree with you as "overzealous supporters". You also frame your perceived shift in opinion as "incremental progress" and labeled "a big faction of people" as "hardline supporters of the CCP no matter what they do", and are "dumbing the conversation down". You also implies that people think they might hurt themselves by admitting "CCP isn't flawless and they make mistakes".
Quite a way of strawmaning other people's positions and dumbing the conversation down isn't it? Have some
self-awareness please! Putting yourself on a pedastal doesn't mean you are better in reality. You still
fail to convince a significant portion of people of your position with the information you presented. I think you should try better at
convincing people rather than
putting labels on people who disagree with you.
You still fail to address the argument of the specific "overzealous/hardcore supporter of CCP"(
KYli) that you replied to. The countries that have already lifted all lockdown or didn't have any serious lockdown in the first place are not doing any better than China in just simple economic term, not mentioning the massive loss of human life.
You also showed your childish understanding of Zero-Covid policy by presenting the false dichotomy of 1."China accepts permanent lower economic growth" or 2. "a fraction of its elderly dying earlier" without any nuance. Since the implementation of Zero-Covid policy,
no one in Chinese government ever claims that Zero-Covid policy will be permanent. They only said that the Zero-Covid policy was there to protect the health and lives of the people. And, in the early stage of Covid, the officials in Chinese CDC actually came out, quite publicly on Chinese state-owned media, and specifically laid out the condition under which the Zero-Covid policy will be lifted. One of the condition is, to put it in the phrase that you are so inclined to use without any nuance, a
lesser/more acceptable fraction of its elderly dying earlier.