People here are nationalistic. That’s whey they are on this forum. Most ordinary Chinese people at home don’t care this much about geopolitics. If they disagree with Zero Covid or other government policies, they keep it on the hush hush, and it’s discussed in private. Everything is tracked on Weibo/internet.
With all due respect how do you know the thinking of "average Chinese in China" that you seem or keen on insisting you know them better than people from China and in China do?
Do you have any supporting evidence to back up your claims or is this pretty much an assumptive declaration that requires no such evidence all because you're familiar with China through some kind of latent skills you possess or some shush like that.
If we're all nationalists what says about you? An internationalists? A more sober minded realist westerner? This is why your comments come off the wrong way and does rub people like myself with a WTF.
I can opine openly about Canada, U.S. because I have studied, worked, dated, lived on these two countries, been all over the place in both countries to gain some (not whole) picture of what those people are like culturally, their way of thinking, prejudices etc..better than you know about China, the governing system, the people, and the culture. You don't even pay taxes or have contributed anything meaningful to our motherland other than give your opinions on matters regarding China.
I mean dude, you're a tad too sensitive from the gentile pushbacks you're getting from most of the Chinese members here but this is a nunnery compared to the crap, racist tirade/verbal diarrhea and abuse we get on your freedom platforms called Reddit, Twitter, hosts of defense forums populated by Western supremacists that is derisive of anything Chinese Commies...frankly, we don't act like those cretins because we're not imbecillic and do like a good rational debate/discussion with geopolitics and military matters.
Personally speaking, I am just allergic to b.s. that people from the west tend to inject to support their nonsense with "Human rights, freedom, democracy" it's cringy and deranged.