Chinese Economics Thread


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I just realised something today.
China's system of economic governance compared to the hierarchical nature of anglo-western economics, summed up is that China strives for a more egalitarian society compared to the feudal nature of anglo societies which necessarily requires someone to be above and below you.
Such a system by the anglos is by its very nature, predatory and corrupting to the soul, because it makes one perceive their fellow human being as inferior and lesser and lower- which is why america and its anglosphere acolytes in the west can allow their own ppl to die in the hundreds of thousands from COVID and yet claim to be paragons of virtue. Only billionaires' lives and assets matter in the anglosphere led west.
Is that not corrupting?
Compared to China where the state ensures that everyone will be given an opportunity to live well and strive for better things and better lives.


Registered Member
I just realised something today.
China's system of economic governance compared to the hierarchical nature of anglo-western economics, summed up is that China strives for a more egalitarian society compared to the feudal nature of anglo societies which necessarily requires someone to be above and below you.
Such a system by the anglos is by its very nature, predatory and corrupting to the soul, because it makes one perceive their fellow human being as inferior and lesser and lower- which is why america and its anglosphere acolytes in the west can allow their own ppl to die in the hundreds of thousands from COVID and yet claim to be paragons of virtue. Only billionaires' lives and assets matter in the anglosphere led west.
Is that not corrupting?
Compared to China where the state ensures that everyone will be given an opportunity to live well and strive for better things and better lives.

What is described here is the class system.

Generally in the past, especially in Europe, you were born into your class and that was it. No one really went up or down within the class structure. Today it may be different, but who knows?

China always had the imperial examination system, which is still used today for membership into the Communist Party of China, who people like Ma Yun and Ren Zhengfei are proud members, extolling for lower taxes and more business and more profits.

China had always had more inclusive ideology, while the West wants to keep its privileges. The lower classes have no power.

Then again, maybe Black Lives Matter have a chance.


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Nationalism is good but sometimes bad. When blinded by nationalism/ideology, the discussion will become emotional.

The issues discussed/argued can be classified into 3 groups. Mixing them will be hard to discuss.
1. Monopoly crackdown
This is a less controversial issue
2. Common Prosperity
Main focus is the "forced" donation
3. Education reform
Banning after-school tutorial and burden relief


Registered Member
Nationalism is good but sometimes bad. When blinded by nationalism/ideology, the discussion will become emotional.

The issues discussed/argued can be classified into 3 groups. Mixing them will be hard to discuss.
1. Monopoly crackdown
This is a less controversial issue
2. Common Prosperity
Main focus is the "forced" donation
3. Education reform
Banning after-school tutorial and burden relief
I dont see anything bad on your list.
And please no more "wealth distribution will hurt China" posts. The West has numerous such schemes and it has still managed to grow to a developed status.

Property tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, significant voluntary donations.

China has none of that. Time for the rich to pay up and finally wake up from this capitalism dream


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China’s Vice Premier Liu Reassures Businesses Amid Crackdowns​

“The principles and policies for supporting the development of the private economy have not changed,” Liu, who is President Xi Jinping’s top economic adviser, said in a video speech to a digital economy expo in Hebei province, according to a Xinhua News Agency
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. “They don’t change now, and will not change in the future.”

China must stick to socialist market economy reforms and persist in opening up the economy, Liu said, vowing the country will protect property rights and intellectual property rights. He reiterated that the private economy has contributed to over half of China’s tax revenue, more than 60% of economic growth and 80% of urban jobs.

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I hope he's right man. A return to the Cultural Revolution or USSR/Mao Zedong style central planning would be a bad idea. China has prospered since 1978 and can continue to do so along the current path of economic opening up.


New Member
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I dont see anything bad on your list.
And please no more "wealth distribution will hurt China" posts. The West has numerous such schemes and it has still managed to grow to a developed status.

Property tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, significant voluntary donations.

China has none of that. Time for the rich to pay up and finally wake up from this capitalism dream
For the tax part, China has five social insurance and one housing fund. The overall tax rate is almost on par with the west. Not cheap anymore.

The aim of "wealth distribution" is less arguable but the way is questionable. It kills the incentive for investment. That's the worry.


Registered Member
What are Chinese kids going to be doing now that they can't be playing video games and being forced into after school tutoring?
Chinese scouts-like paramilitary training

this is actually a good thing; anyone who's ever done Cadets or Scouts can come away with key survival skills and building character skills
If they are preparing for war, they should implement mandatory conscription like in Singapore.


Junior Member
Registered Member
If they are preparing for war, they should implement mandatory conscription like in Singapore.
Not necessary, any more than Australia needs to implement mandatory conscription; having Cadets and Eagle Scouts is great for young boys to channel their hormones and aggression into a boys' fraternity of esprit de corps, Oath of the Peach Garden type stuff.
I don' t expect the sexually repressed homosexuals of the anglo led west to understand since they did away with all of that in favour of globohomoc and transvestite navy seals.


Registered Member
Not necessary, any more than Australia needs to implement mandatory conscription; having Cadets and Eagle Scouts is great for young boys to channel their hormones and aggression into a boys' fraternity of esprit de corps, Oath of the Peach Garden type stuff.
I don' t expect the sexually repressed homosexuals of the anglo led west to understand since they did away with all of that in favour of globohomoc and transvestite navy seals.
@DarkStar bro I'm older than you but I remember vividly how my mother discipline us, that kind of discipline will land her in court for child abuse...LOL. But we had develop backbone and sometimes a little hardship is needed. The current one child policy had shattered the old values of raising children, it may be good on a certain degree (the child will have top educate and care) but the outcome is not ideal, so a need to balance it.