Chinese Economics Thread


Lieutenant General
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One has to ask why does the West care? They want to see China's tech sector destroyed so it isn't a threat to the West. The one commonality is it goes against the culture of unrestricted accumulation of wealth that is indicative of the Western financial system. If Australia can find other customers for their products, why are they still whining about China? Because that culture says they're suppose have that too. Greedy people want it all. They aren't content with what they just have. They always want more. And it hurts them even more that they had it and then lost it. They also don't understand nature at work that when they sanction China for human rights violations, China has the right to sanction them back. They think they're doing it for the human rights god, entities higher themselves so they lie to themselves it's not all about what they want. People tend not to obey when they admit it's all about what they want.

What choice do rich Chinese have? With the help of the West, Westerners shun anything Chinese. Chinese billionaires just can't leave for the West. They made their money in China. They don't make all their money in the West. Set up their business in another country to escape the clutches of Beijing and they'll have no supply chain to exploit cheap labor to make all the billions they have now. Are they as dumb as Hong Kongers who think they can make another Hong Kong in other countries that let them in to escape China when they cut themselves off from China that only makes Hong Kong... Hong Kong? Then they'll have to deal with the racist paranoia of the West where they won't give them a chance in the first place. Chinese celebrities... you ain't celebrities in the West meaning no more fame and fortune for you if they think it'll be better in the West. Ironic that the West works to isolate China and yet it has given Beijing all the more this power. Of course the West wants to see that because all the more they'll see their culture is superior that Chinese rich and famous will throw it all away because they think living the West is better. Have we seen it happen? Like we haven't seen the 100 million Chinese that travel overseas in a year ask for asylum to escape China. It wouldn't escape the Western media for propaganda if it did happen.

It's unheard of in the West where the government tells corporations they should give their wealth to charity and then they do it. More over if it works in China, the West is going to feel the pressure. The wealth in the US is only more and more in the possession of the ever shrinking few. "Common Prosperity" is a foreign concept to them. It's in by the nature of that culture, they want to see that happen because it's a sign of success. China is everything they say the world should not follow yet China is the second most powerful country in the world and has No. 1, the US, worried about their position. That's why the Western criticism of something they want to do themselves to China but the difference is Beijing isn't looking out to destroy China. The West doesn't care about the poor in China except it makes them look good saying it. They want to replicate what they've done to their own countries on China except it's not a few Chinese accumulating all of China's wealth. It's the West taking China's wealth. They think it's their right to make money off the Chinese while denying it the other way around. You notice it always comes back around to slavery. Why are they afraid of the rise of Chinese technology? Because the goal of the West is to have everyone in the world have to pay them licensing fees in order to use that technology for themselves. The West won't have to manufacture anything anymore to sell. They get the rest of the world to do it and then they just sit back and watch their banks accounts fill up with money from the world having to pay licensing fees in using their technology. China is going to ruin that monopolistic plan.


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The desire for living off others, ie the rentier mindset that all western companies strive for, comes from a place of insecurity.
Westerners know they can't compete against Asians so they hope to maintain hegemony by forcing asians and other nations into paying them royalties, whilst the west steals tech from asian nations eg Plaza accords, PRISM, Tailored Access Operations etc


Registered Member
More over if it works in China, the West is going to feel the pressure. The wealth in the US is only more and more in the possession of the ever shrinking few. "Common Prosperity" is a foreign concept to them.
Bingo. If China manages to have at least some success with "common prosperity" without destroying its economy (highly unlikely to destroy its economy), then the Western oligarch billionaires and their politicians puppets would feel tremendous pressure to follow the same tactic and give back to society some of their wealth.

For the greedy capitalists, this is almost a life and death battle for them. They need to make China fail (impossible) or at least make propaganda about how China failed (far easier, they have the media on their pockets after all)
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Junior Member
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Bingo. If China manages to have at least some success with "common prosperity" without destroying its economy (highly unlikely to destroy its economy), then the Western oligarch billionaires and their politicians puppets would feel tremendous pressure to follow the same tactic and give back to society some of their wealth.

For the greedy capitalists, this is almost a life and death battle for them. They need to make China fail (impossible) or at least make propaganda about how China failed (far easier, they have the media on their pockets after all)
Propaganda works up to a'd be far more difficult for the anglo propaganda organs to criticise China when the West is in neo-feudalism and brazilification whereas Chinese tourists have more money, wealth and more strikingly kilometre class Starships forming off world colonies.

Even the soviets couldn't keep the better living standards of the west out, forever and that was pre-internet.


Lieutenant General
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More bullsh*t from the notorious suspects when they're not looking for China to be prosperous. They're basing this off how Western corporations outsourcing to China as being the pillar of China's economy. No they're the low wage jobs of China not the middle income jobs that China is "losing" to other countries. China is moving up the value chain. The US lost those jobs to China so are they saying the US is stuck in the middle income trap? The reason why outsourcing to China is becoming more expensive due to higher wage costs is because Chinese are finding better domestic jobs in China that pay more than foreign outsourcers so they have to pay more to compete for workers. It's bad for US corporations that want to pay as less as they can but it's only good for China.


Registered Member
Reminds of the stupid Republicans voters always being against taxing billionaire and multi-millionaires because, "what if I later become a billionaire and the state comes and takes more money". Every single Republican voter is wanna-be billionaires any time now. Hilarious

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More bullsh*t from the notorious suspects when they're not looking for China to be prosperous. They're basing this off how Western corporations outsourcing to China as being the pillar of China's economy. No they're the low wage jobs of China not the middle income jobs that China is "losing" to other countries. China is moving up the value chain. The US lost those jobs to China so are they saying the US is stuck in the middle income trap? The reason why outsourcing to China is becoming more expensive due to higher wage costs is because Chinese are finding better domestic jobs in China that pay more than foreign outsourcers so they have to pay more to compete for workers. It's bad for US corporations that want to pay as less as they can but it's only good for China.


Lieutenant General
The desire for living off others, ie the rentier mindset that all western companies strive for, comes from a place of insecurity.
Westerners know they can't compete against Asians so they hope to maintain hegemony by forcing asians and other nations into paying them royalties, whilst the west steals tech from asian nations eg Plaza accords, PRISM, Tailored Access Operations etc
Yes Silicon Valley is facing an innovation problem. That's why they reacted harshly to the rise of Chinese apps like TikTok and Zoom even though it wasn't a China app but created by a Chinese. They use to taunt how apps were "the next biggest thing" and China didn't have the software programming skills and the innovation knowing what the public wanted to be successful in that arena. Normally some startup in the US if they created the next big thing would be bought out by the likes of Google or Facebook. Not in China. That's why Mark Zuckerberg took a turn against China. He couldn't buy out TikTok which is what they do to eliminate the competition and to be dominant. They don't have the most downloaded app in the world. So what are they going to call that? Are they going to wait until it happens to China before giving it a name so the world thinks it only happens along with predictions of doom and gloom to others and not the US? Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt warned this was going to happen in Silicon Valley because they were arrogant there and didn't see China as a serious threat.


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One has to ask why does the West care? They want to see China's tech sector destroyed so it isn't a threat to the West. The one commonality is it goes against the culture of unrestricted accumulation of wealth that is indicative of the Western financial system. If Australia can find other customers for their products, why are they still whining about China? Because that culture says they're suppose have that too. Greedy people want it all. They aren't content with what they just have. They always want more. And it hurts them even more that they had it and then lost it. They also don't understand nature at work that when they sanction China for human rights violations, China has the right to sanction them back. They think they're doing it for the human rights god, entities higher themselves so they lie to themselves it's not all about what they want. People tend not to obey when they admit it's all about what they want.

What choice do rich Chinese have? With the help of the West, Westerners shun anything Chinese. Chinese billionaires just can't leave for the West. They made their money in China. They don't make all their money in the West. Set up their business in another country to escape the clutches of Beijing and they'll have no supply chain to exploit cheap labor to make all the billions they have now. Are they as dumb as Hong Kongers who think they can make another Hong Kong in other countries that let them in to escape China when they cut themselves off from China that only makes Hong Kong... Hong Kong? Then they'll have to deal with the racist paranoia of the West where they won't give them a chance in the first place. Chinese celebrities... you ain't celebrities in the West meaning no more fame and fortune for you if they think it'll be better in the West. Ironic that the West works to isolate China and yet it has given Beijing all the more this power. Of course the West wants to see that because all the more they'll see their culture is superior that Chinese rich and famous will throw it all away because they think living the West is better. Have we seen it happen? Like we haven't seen the 100 million Chinese that travel overseas in a year ask for asylum to escape China. It wouldn't escape the Western media for propaganda if it did happen.

It's unheard of in the West where the government tells corporations they should give their wealth to charity and then they do it. More over if it works in China, the West is going to feel the pressure. The wealth in the US is only more and more in the possession of the ever shrinking few. "Common Prosperity" is a foreign concept to them. It's in by the nature of that culture, they want to see that happen because it's a sign of success. China is everything they say the world should not follow yet China is the second most powerful country in the world and has No. 1, the US, worried about their position. That's why the Western criticism of something they want to do themselves to China but the difference is Beijing isn't looking out to destroy China. The West doesn't care about the poor in China except it makes them look good saying it. They want to replicate what they've done to their own countries on China except it's not a few Chinese accumulating all of China's wealth. It's the West taking China's wealth. They think it's their right to make money off the Chinese while denying it the other way around. You notice it always comes back around to slavery. Why are they afraid of the rise of Chinese technology? Because the goal of the West is to have everyone in the world have to pay them licensing fees in order to use that technology for themselves. The West won't have to manufacture anything anymore to sell. They get the rest of the world to do it and then they just sit back and watch their banks accounts fill up with money from the world having to pay licensing fees in using their technology. China is going to ruin that monopolistic plan.
NO No No, we in the West want to see Van Gogh's "Sunflower " fetch a billion pounds at Sotheby's, or a Banksy print numbered 256 sell for 3million dollars at Christies.


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Are you referring to the Jack Ma's, board members of Didi and various tax evading China celebrities by any chance? I can see that point. On the other hand, I feel there is an over abundance of people in China who are competent but who underestimate themselves. I believe this to be an overarching national sociocultural trait that far outweighs the other side of this coin. In other words, I consider China, as a whole, to have excessive humbleness that leads to a national character of self-reflection and humility. I think it is this overall national character that confounds outsiders who cannot figure out China while most outsiders can far more easily identify and understand a country like India who show all the traits of outward confidence that is more easily understood.

Most western countries suffer from "Tall Poppy Syndome", this is where is someone is doing really well, whether its' a celebrity, country, company etc, the general population finds that it is necessary to cut them down and defame them e.g. what they do to China. Although India is way more boastful, it does not suffer from the harsh rhetoric China receives simple because India is not a threat. Whether China is humble or boastful, the western world doesn't like it either way.