Chinese Economics Thread


Registered Member
Regardless of whether it supposedly affects ww3 talent, I still think 1 hour a day is a too strict

What are under-18s gonna do at home during free time other than game? Study? But the government is reducing homework and private tuition already. Sports? Sure but who's gonna play sports the entire night every friday/saturday/sunday?

Kids are just going to jack off or get addicted to douyin


Registered Member
Xi is shaking up China's economy and society like no one before since Deng Xiaopeng. Rather its for good or for ill remains to be seen. The old system is showing cracks and needs to be replaced. But I still have a bad feeling about all of this.
You have a bad feeling about everything. What would you have a good feeling about?
Kids are just going to jack off or get addicted to douyin
Or they might just, you know, go outside. Just sayin'.
Tl;dw, what was that about?
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Registered Member
A slight historical digression but has anyone really wondered why the Anglo americans behave so hysterically when it comes to China? It's because the CPC prevented anglo america from essentially doing another Unequal Treaty on the ROC:

Every single one of these treaties would have resulted in a Revolution, as Mao and the CPC could have put it, Thanos like, "We Are Inevitable"

Great info. Buy I feel you should post this also on China Taiwan thread or China ww2 thread. As it is longer lasting over there. And perhaps it is a better place for it.

If this were the case, then teachers' salaries should be varied. For example, if the average final exam score of Class 05 is higher than Class 04, then the chief instructor 班主任 for Class 05 should receive higher bonus those of Class 04 at the end the year. Otherwise the teachers aren't going to work hard to make the students successful. If not given incentives (like bonus for students' improvement, but marginal wage cuts for sudden drops in student grades) to make students successful, these teachers would just behave like the Soviets: pretending to work.

Have you ever teach? Both Deino and I are teachers. And even in the great capitalist world like U.S. and U.K. where greed is good. The government still don't see a place for reward base education. I wonder why that is? You obviously don't know because you are advocating a reward base system where a reward base simply won't work.

You obviously don't know very much about workplace motivation.

Praise and awards for a good job are far better than money, as per the studies.

Plus any teacher that is only pretending to work needs to be fired asap.
They should want to see their students succeed as a matter of course.

I'm a lecturers and Deino is school teacher. I'm sure he'll agree with me on this. A reward base system will simply divided the haves from the have not.

I came into teaching late in life. I was working in finance for a better part of 30 years. Teaching in the last 6 years.

I can tell you there's no more reward for us teachers than seeing our students faces when they got the results and a whole years achievement have allow them to progress. If it was money that motivate me, I would stick to being a chartered accountant. I would be paid twice as much and work less hours with less pressure. The only pressure I received is from my boss. Whereas teaching, i get it from mt boss, students parents, and students themselves.

It's a good job I came into this profession late in life, otherwise I would've packed up a few years ago. But the rewards of seeing my students happy faces and knowing I had made a difference in their lives is priceless.

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Registered Member
Regardless of whether it supposedly affects ww3 talent, I still think 1 hour a day is a too strict

What are under-18s gonna do at home during free time other than game? Study? But the government is reducing homework and private tuition already. Sports? Sure but who's gonna play sports the entire night every friday/saturday/sunday?

Kids are just going to jack off or get addicted to douyin

Go outside and spend time with friends perhaps?
Because most children in China are only children, I don't think they get enough peer socialisation.


And I feel you don't understand how children can spend their week outside of China

In schools, you can have a huge variety of sports clubs and societies.

Here is a list of a few hundred school clubs that I've picked off the internet. These can extend over into the weekends as well.