Chinese Economics Thread


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Chinese economic system is already making these two Americans fighting each other or at least beginning to.

This dude made a video on How China conquered the Keyboard which attracted a lot of views without thanking or attributing the dude below for using his works and research. Instead, this dude, Mr.Harris is using the Chinese western bootlicker a.k.a. Taiwanese separatist as his "source"

And here's the American researcher who's now sort of bummed that not even a scintilla of credit has been given to him. Here's the video.

The video shows that as China rises and expands it's economic clout, more and more people from the west will begin to have this kind of frictions and maybe even unraveling trying to get a piece of that Chinese pie, and this is done without China or Chinese people doing anything shitty, nefarious, underhanded manipulation to these people. Sign of things to come?
Johnny Harris had some decent reporting when he was working for Vice. I liked his piece on Hong Kong cage homes.

Whoever does his graphic is pretty good. They are sharp, high contrast and highlights the issue.

However, now that he's gone "independent", the quality has gone down a bit. He seems more partial and less nuanced. Not that Vice was really all that independent to begin with. Here is one of their shit pieces:



Registered Member
Chinese economic system is already making these two Americans fighting each other or at least beginning to.

This dude made a video on How China conquered the Keyboard which attracted a lot of views without thanking or attributing the dude below for using his works and research. Instead, this dude, Mr.Harris is using the Chinese western bootlicker a.k.a. Taiwanese separatist as his "source"

And here's the American researcher who's now sort of bummed that not even a scintilla of credit has been given to him. Here's the video.

The video shows that as China rises and expands it's economic clout, more and more people from the west will begin to have this kind of frictions and maybe even unraveling trying to get a piece of that Chinese pie, and this is done without China or Chinese people doing anything shitty, nefarious, underhanded manipulation to these people. Sign of things to come?
Watched the Harris video. Thought it was normal until the last few minutes where somehow typing prediction is linked to CCP's evil domination of all thoughts or some shit lol


Registered Member
Stay Unhinged Indian American bootlicking h.. e

Glib, that is the word to describe it.

The United States and China contest, if there really is one, all rest on two main themes, one is economics and the other is technology. These two themes will support all the other themes of the so-called conflict.

That is the problem, and that is people do not understand economics, and people definitely do not understand technology.

What happens it seems to me, is that people develop a very superficial views of things, especially when it comes to China. Being this glib like our Indian friend, means they will be totally wrong.

These general comments seems to me is the problem with reading the news today. The person reporting it may not have a clue. A superficial understanding of the item in particular, does not cut it much of the time.

Therefore, to speak with some knowledge about China and its economics and technology, one must have some knowledge about China, economics and technology.

It comes apparent very quickly in the media who has some of it, and who has none.

========= =========

As for the specifics of the article and PMI posted, my guess is this.

1. The PMI number goes up and down, but after going up a lot from the recovery after the pandemic, no need to put any stock if it happens to go down. The business cycle does exist after all.

2. It is already September, and the October one week holiday is a month away. Who is going to ramp up production? Do it after the holiday.

3. The Christmas orders for the world should be completed. The problem is the shipping, with the container rates. It is too late to put in Christmas orders now. Retail sales are something like half or three quarters from the Christmas season in America? I forget. A Chinese factory's biggest order to America has already been completed. Well, factory production should be going down.

Anyways, we should go back and stick with the party line (for dezinformatsiya purposes) ... the sky is falling ... the sky is falling ... the sky is falling ...



Registered Member
Watched the Harris video. Thought it was normal until the last few minutes where somehow typing prediction is linked to CCP's evil domination of all thoughts or some shit lol
Yeah I was already waiting for that moment all throughout the video, almost though he wouldn't do it. And in the last few minutes he sneaks in a censorship combined with Tiananmen square reference.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Yeah I was already waiting for that moment all throughout the video, almost though he wouldn't do it. And in the last few minutes he sneaks in a censorship combined with Tiananmen square reference.

Johnny Harris had some decent reporting when he was working for Vice. I liked his piece on Hong Kong cage homes.

Whoever does his graphic is pretty good. They are sharp, high contrast and highlights the issue.

However, now that he's gone "independent", the quality has gone down a bit. He seems more partial and less nuanced. Not that Vice was really all that independent to begin with. Here is one of their shit pieces:

Oops, I've mixed up Vox and Vice.

Anyhow, here is an example of shit piece by Vox.

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Junior Member
Registered Member
Great info. Buy I feel you should post this also on China Taiwan thread or China ww2 thread. As it is longer lasting over there. And perhaps it is a better place for it.

Have you ever teach? Both Deino and I are teachers. And even in the great capitalist world like U.S. and U.K. where greed is good. The government still don't see a place for reward base education. I wonder why that is? You obviously don't know because you are advocating a reward base system where a reward base simply won't work.

I'm a lecturers and Deino is school teacher. I'm sure he'll agree with me on this. A reward base system will simply divided the haves from the have not.

I came into teaching late in life. I was working in finance for a better part of 30 years. Teaching in the last 6 years.

I can tell you there's no more reward for us teachers than seeing our students faces when they got the results and a whole years achievement have allow them to progress. If it was money that motivate me, I would stick to being a chartered accountant. I would be paid twice as much and work less hours with less pressure. The only pressure I received is from my boss. Whereas teaching, i get it from mt boss, students parents, and students themselves.

It's a good job I came into this profession late in life, otherwise I would've packed up a few years ago. But the rewards of seeing my students happy faces and knowing I had made a difference in their lives is priceless.

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I coach in my spare time, almost as a hobby, and I can attest that the satisfaction comes from the light that literally goes on in their eyes when they finally comprehend what they didn't understand before.

Unfortunately, this doesn't pay the bills so I work (which I also fortunately enjoy) to pay for when I take time off to coach.

A good teacher tends to have an altruistic bent which is not necessarily swayed by material rewards. Implement a high pay, reward based system and I can guarantee you that system will be filled with charlatans gaming the incentives. It's not an easy problem to solve.


New Member
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As for the specifics of the article and PMI posted, my guess is this.

1. The PMI number goes up and down, but after going up a lot from the recovery after the pandemic, no need to put any stock if it happens to go down. The business cycle does exist after all.
PMI is a diffusion index. Being less than 50 means it's in contraction
2. It is already September, and the October one week holiday is a month away. Who is going to ramp up production? Do it after the holiday.
PMI is seasonally adjusted
3. The Christmas orders for the world should be completed. The problem is the shipping, with the container rates. It is too late to put in Christmas orders now. Retail sales are something like half or three quarters from the Christmas season in America? I forget. A Chinese factory's biggest order to America has already been completed. Well, factory production should be going down.
It's services, not a goods PMI