On usage of composites in the Chinese industries. Seems like Guangwei's T800H could be a mainstay for the next generation military aircraft. this particular one is referring to usage in J-163.2T800H可应用主承力结构件价值量占比显著提升 我国两步并一步跨越式发展,T800H将成为下一代军机复材主要材料,空间潜力 大。复盘我国战机复材用量的发展历程,我们认内主要分为两个阶段:第一个阶段是
较早问世的歼-8战机以及歼-11,其复材使用处于尝试阶段,用量占比小于等于10%; 第二阶段是三代半代机到四代机的快速发展期,这一时期机型迭代没有明显时间维
,沈飞三代机2019年开始放 量(2019年H1营收增速高因首次实施均衡生产导致),中航高科复材业务2019年上 半年营收提速明显,光威2018年H2营收开始提速至20%+。站在当下新型战机放量
The next generation attack helicopter will also be using T800 carbon composite. expecting to be > 50% of body weight. Big change over Z9 and Z10 both of which uses T300 and at lower %.我国新一代武装直升机已应用T800复材,复材用量超50%。欧美发达国家20世纪80年代已经开始研制和使用T800复合材料。欧洲“虎”式武装直升机复材用量达到了80%,而同时代的RAH-66 以及 V22,NH90 等几乎都达到了全复材机身结构的水平。据《直升机复合材料应用现状与发展》,我国直9、直10等用量在35%以上,碳纤维以T300为主,新研制的专用武装直升机复材使用量超50%,首次应用T800碳纤维。对标国外,我国直升机复材应用提升空间较大。
Sounds like domestic carbon composite T800 still has yet to pass PCD of C919. Need to wait a while longer and COMAC is still buying from foreign supplier. That's an obvious place they can improve in
Another big one is eVTOL and drones.
Current status for Guangwei
We got the new Baotou production of line producing T700 and better - 4000t
2000t more of T700S and T800S
up to 1100t of T800H
So if they get the new Baotou phase 1 and 2 into production, adding 10000t, China's T700 and up production will increase a lot