Chinese Aviation Industry


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It had problems with the deliveries of the PW-150C engines as Canada blocked the exports, right? Overall, it does not look good for the future of the project. I believe China also doesn't have a modern replacement, right? As the one they have is at least 3 decades old? And afaics it has colliding roles and capabilities with the Arj-21 regarding so besides some export potentials of being a natural MA60 replacement candidate, I don't see a good future regarding the project.

It is like a double-edged sword. Obama once banned the export of supercomputer chips to China, they wanted to prevent China from using supercomputers to simulate nuclear explosions. But a year later, China developed its own native chips. If the United States can foresee the future, it will continue to export supercomputer chips. This does not stop China from developing its own supercomputer chip, but will slow the research process (3-4 years) and help American corporations make more money.

The same thing happens in the case of international space stations. If US allows China to become a member of the project, now, China may not have his own space stations

Current US and West strategy, is it working or not. Only the future can answer.
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It is like a double-edged sword. Obama once banned the export of supercomputer chips to China, they wanted to prevent China from using supercomputers to simulate nuclear explosions. But a year later, China developed its own native chips. If the United States can foresee the future, it will continue to export supercomputer chips. This does not stop China from developing its own supercomputer chip, but will slow the research process (3-4 years) and help American corporations make more money.
Even with this example, the Tianhe uses an exhorbitant amount of power, is not globally competitive and is no longer the world's fastest supercomputer anyway
It is not the most effective supercomputer, but it's good enough to simulate nuclear explosions

Given that the Chinese engine project is decades-old and still doesn't have an effective product (and meanwhile foreign competitor aviation systems have a complete supply chain to fuel sales & further R&D), I think we know the answer.
It is the answer of Westerners. China doesn't care


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Nuclear explosions have been simulated on computers for 3 decades now, since the CTBT came into existence.

And also according to that logic, gunpowder - paper - compass ... was invented by China for centuries ago

Given that the Chinese engine project is decades-old and still doesn't have an effective product (and meanwhile foreign competitor aviation systems have a complete supply chain to fuel sales & further R&D), I think we know the answer.
It is the answer of Westerners. China doesn't care
China cares *very* much that it is nowhere near close to closing the gap between it and foreign avionics and engine systems for commercial aviation.

Westerners purpose is trying to persuade China to stop developing the aviation industry. That's why in China does not care about Western views.


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No, a computer doing decades-old computations isn't impressive. It's as impressive as a company making paper or gunpowder
Westerners are not impressed. It is their freedom.

China isn't doing a good job developing its aviation industry anyway even after decades of garguatan efforts.

China doesn't care what the world thinks, nor does it need others to believe them
China works hard and advances every day, and doesn't waste time decrying others


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China either being helplessly dependent on the West or a technical laggard are both optimal outcomes.
West here are mainly Eu and North America, countries that are prejudiced against China. Buying parts from them is like buying someone's noose to hang China. And the West can use any excuse to block supply if the two sides come into conflict, or they simply want to destroy China, the same way they nearly brought ZTE to bankruptcy and got Huawei in trouble.

Still waiting on the MA700's domestic engine for a 2-decades old project
Sit and wait. It is your freedom


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Right: in the supercomputer case, China can either have extremely large, power-guzzling CPUs or be helplessly dependent on Intel and Nvidia. Re: ZTE and Huawei, China can either have them depend on the West or no 5G. It's a win for the United States, any day, all day.
United States barks constantly about that victory. That's their right.

Sit and wait and wait. The SMEE ArFi, MA700 and C919 are all hopelessly delayed
That's why China doesn't care. The dog kept barking, who kept going.


Registered Member
Right: in the supercomputer case, China can either have extremely large, power-guzzling CPUs or be helplessly dependent on Intel and Nvidia. Re: ZTE and Huawei, China can either have them depend on the West or no 5G. It's a win for the United States, any day, all day.

Sit and wait and wait. The SMEE ArFi, MA700 and C919 are all hopelessly delayed
Seriously, I don't understand your butthurt persistence, it's as if you think posting incessant cope will somehow turn around the very real American (and by extension western) decline.

Get real. If you have worthwhile information, it will be appreciated here. If you want to bitch and moan and have someone to tell you it's all going to be ok, Chyna evil and USA #1 supapowa, maybe go to reddit.

By the way, if it's of any consolation, the recent news around the F35 "landing mishap" (totally not a crash) gave us great entertainment, so don't worry, despite many headline worthy deficiencies and failures, America can still always be world #1 in comedy.


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Right: in the supercomputer case, China can either have extremely large, power-guzzling CPUs or be helplessly dependent on Intel and Nvidia. Re: ZTE and Huawei, China can either have them depend on the West or no 5G. It's a win for the United States, any day, all day.
I understand that you are extremely butthurt will all those bans, Sleepy Student, but TaihuLight is more energy-efficient and powerful than the Intel-based Tianhe-2.