Chinese Aviation Industry


Lieutenant General
Looks like something you'd see flying around Pandora.







Lieutenant General
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Looks pretty cool, but I can't see what such a platform would be good for... Too big for attack helicopter, having a rotor in the fuselage means it can't carry a decent payload of any kind... Probably for private aviation?

Encouraging that AVIC are at least considering and researching some innovative concepts though.


The C919 has received total orders of 100.

中新网珠海11月16日电(记者 孙自法)中国拥有自主知识产权的C919大型客机16日在珠海航展上获得中外6家客户共100架订单。




Senior Member
News of the first orders in English.

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"Nov. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China announced its first 100 C919 passenger-plane orders, breaking Airbus SAS and Boeing Co.’s stranglehold on the world’s second- largest aircraft market.

General Electric Co.’s leasing arm and China’s big three domestic airlines are among customers for the narrowbody plane, state-controlled Comac said in a statement issued at the Zhuhai air show in southern China today. Chinese airlines accounted for more than half the orders, said Zhang Xinguo, vice president of Comac shareholder, Aviation Industry Corp. of China. .............................."


Junior Member
Some nice pics of the C919 cockpit and interior.
Now that the cockpit is all padded up and smooth it sure does look like it's ready to compete internationally, and the economy class doesn't look to shabby either.

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I just don't understand why the avionics and flight control system have to be western western stuffs? After all if they can do it on J-10, Y-9 etc, it shouldn't be much of a issue for C919.


New Member
I just don't understand why the avionics and flight control system have to be western western stuffs? After all if they can do it on J-10, Y-9 etc, it shouldn't be much of a issue for C919.
It's for the same reason that leads to the use of foreign engines in the first phase: safety, and the related authorization patent needed from the international flight authorities. They require time and the use of a full chinese made plane would bring a lot of delays in C919 operativity (expected in 2016). So at the beginning, in 2016 the plane will be chinese only on the airframe, later hopefully (i hope by 2020-2025) will be chinese even in the avionics and engines...


Not to mention that most of their potential customers would likely be used to western layout, so they need to get them to switch sides first.