Chinese Aviation Industry

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
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A model of the China-made C919 passenger airliner is seen at the 8th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong province, Nov 15, 2010. The model, which comprises the cockpit and the front part of the passenger cabin, is the same size as an actual C919 plane -- 17 meters long, 5.6 meters high and 3.96 meters wide. [Photo/Xinhua]
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Economy class seats are seen inside a model of the China-made C919 passenger airliner at the 8th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, South China's Guangdong province, Nov 15, 2010. [Photo/Xinhua]
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A worker cleans an aircraft engine of GE Aviation at the 8th
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International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (Zhuhai Airshow) in Zhuhai, southern coast of Guangdong province, China, Monday, Nov. 15, 2010. The airshow will runs from Nov. 16 to Nov. 21, 2010.

Red Moon

Junior Member
I just don't understand why the avionics and flight control system have to be western western stuffs? After all if they can do it on J-10, Y-9 etc, it shouldn't be much of a issue for C919.
For the sake of getting it approved by all the right international bodies, it also helps to grease the right palms.


Senior Member
Additional 100 orders for ARJ21.

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"AVIC International has signed an agreement with the Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (Comac) to purchase 100 ARJ21 regional jets to market to international customers.

AVIC International is the international marketing arm of Chinese state-owned aerospace conglomerate Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC).

"The two companies will form an international marketing partnership and work together to promote China's new regional jet to overseas markets," say Comac and AVIC International.

Comac aims to have the first delivery of its ARJ21 by the end of 2011, after it receives certification from the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

Most of the current orders for the ARJ21 are from domestic carriers, but Lao Airlines, which has ordered two aircraft, will likely be the ARJ21's first foreign operator.

Including the latest order from AVIC International, Comac reportedly has more than 300 orders for the regional jet."


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Ecuador seeks 2 Xian MA60-500 transports deal for its Air Force

SOURCE:Flight International Ecuador seeks deal for MA60 transports
By Negotiations are under way between the Chinese and Ecuadorian governments for the purchase of two Xian MA60H-500 transports for the latter's air force.

Also to include options for a further two aircraft, the potential deal has been valued at nearly $38 million.

If introduced, the MA60s would be expected to replace the Ecuadorian air force's last three British Aerospace HS748s, which were previously acquired from the Brazilian air force.


Junior Member
Who's in the mood for a fresh spoonful of more Russian bullcrap? :nana:

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here's a translation of the important bits

In December 2008, following the 13th meeting of Sino-Russian inter-governmental commission on military-technical cooperation we have finally managed to sign an agreement with China on the Protection of Intellectual Property in the PTS, but so far that the result - almost zero: the old "clones" have not disappeared - and at the recent exhibition of Airshow China, they again demonstrated with the label "Made in China", and to replace them already fit "clones of the new generation."

So, this year, that is, under the current agreement, China was hoisted into the air "clone" of the Russian shipborne Su-33 - the plane J-15, as the basis for the creation of which has been taken acquired from Kiev in 2005, one of the prototypes.And Beijing is a long time, "expressed interest" in buying the Su-33, Russia: first - two cars, then - 12-14, but Moscow has kept it no less than about fifty.And, as stated in November of this year, Deputy General Director of Rosoboronexport, Alexander Mikheyev, in the end, taking into account the Russian position, this topic has been withdrawn. " It is clear now - why.

Examples of a unique - not even count. This happened, for example, with the Russian engine AL-31F, after careful study and exploitation of which the Chinese engine experts was established analogue - WS-10 "Taihang", which was first demonstrated at the last show in Zhuhai in November 2008. This engine is designed for Chinese fighter J-10, J-11B and J-15, but so far the characteristics still inferior to its "grandparent".

Another example - the Chinese Bypass Turbofan engine WS-13 "Taishan" is already standing on one of the prototypes of the FC-1 and created a "widespread use" technical solutions implemented by Russian engineers in the RD-93 engines. However, while the Chinese "version" must be tested and, judging by the individual publications in the foreign press too concedes "grandparent" in terms of reliability and compliance with the specified weight requirements.Therefore, purchases of Russian engine continues - in late 2009 was awarded a new contract to supply additional 48 RD-93, designed for the latest Sino-Pakistani light fighter FC-1/JF-17.


Lieutenant General
Well not according to WSJ They can say whatever they want but the reality is something else. For the rest of the article read WSJ Online
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ZHUHAI, China—A year after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a cash-strapped Kremlin began selling China a chunk of its vast military arsenal, including the pride of the Russian air force, the Sukhoi-27 fighter jet.

For the next 15 years, Russia was China's biggest arms supplier, providing $20 billion to $30 billion of fighters, destroyers, submarines, tanks and missiles. It even sold Beijing a license to make the Su-27 fighter jet—with imported Russian parts.

Russia's military bonanza is over, and China's is just beginning.

After decades of importing and reverse-engineering Russian arms, China has reached a tipping point: It now can produce many of its own advanced weapons—including high-tech fighter jets like the Su-27—and is on the verge of building an aircraft carrier.

Not only have Chinese engineers cloned the prized Su-27's avionics and radar but they are fitting it with the last piece in the technological puzzle, a Chinese jet engine.

In the past two years, Beijing hasn't placed a major order from Moscow.

Now, China is starting to export much of this weaponry, undercutting Russia in the developing world, and potentially altering the military balance in several of the world's flash points.

This epochal turnaround was palpable in the Russian pavilion at November's Airshow China in the southern city of Zhuhai. Russia used to be the star of this show, wowing visitors with its "Russian Knights" aerobatic team, showing off fighters, helicopters and cargo planes, and sealing multibillion dollar deals on the sidelines.

This year, it didn't bring a single real aircraft—only a handful of plastic miniatures, tended by a few dozen bored sales staff.

China, by contrast, laid on its biggest commercial display of military technology—almost all based on Russian know-how.

The star guests were the "Sherdils," a Pakistani aerobatic team flying fighter jets that are Russian in origin but are now being produced by Pakistan and China.

• 1950s — Soviet Union allows China to copy various low-tech weapons

• 1956 — Ideological dispute leads to cutoff of Soviet military assistance

• 1992 — China becomes first country outside former Soviet Union to buy Su-27 fighter jet

• 1994 — China buys four Kilo class diesel submarines from Russia

• 1996 — China buys license to assemble Su-27

• 1997 — China buys two Sovremenny-class destroyers from Russia

• 2002 — China buys eight more submarines and two more destroyers from Russia

• 2007 — China unveils J-11B, which Russians say is a copy of Su-27
."We used to be the senior partner in this relationship—now we're the junior one," said Ruslan Pukhov, of the Russian Defense Ministry's Public Advisory Council, a civilian advisory body to the military


New Member
You should pay more attention to China aircraft export vulnerability due to a wide foreign airgraft engine dependence, rather to the russian "bulcrap". Russian had hard time relying on P&W wich was supposed to develop engine for Mi 38. Project was stalled tremendously, since Pratt&Witney halted further engine testing unilaterally, when war in South Ossetia, broke out, succumbing to the US goverment influence. Gaining self sufficency in this field should be top priority, otherwise China reputation will be at stake


VIP Professional
I just noticed something interesting. If you look at the supplier list:
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And members of AVIC I/II & ACAC:
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Prelude of eventual merger like the European EADS, Russian United Aircraft Corp, or US Boeing-Douglas?


I just noticed something interesting. If you look at the supplier list:
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And members of AVIC I/II & ACAC:
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Prelude of eventual merger like the European EADS, Russian United Aircraft Corp, or US Boeing-Douglas?

If I remember correctly it's actually the other way around. COMAC was a consortium established by AVIC I, so it actually disaggregated from AVIC.