There is nothing implied in the article because:Credit to Oedosoldier, notice the wording in the,“南朝鲜” which mean SOUTH North Korea(朝鲜) instead of North Korea(朝鲜). This might imply Chinese support in a military context.
- the red text "North" is not part of the Chinese texts. 南朝鲜 is just Sough(南) Korea(朝鲜) in Chinese.
- the paragraph is the words of Kim, when he said "If 南朝鲜..." he was referring to South Korea only, nothing else.
Here is the paragraph concerned:
Here is my translation, see the highlights.金正恩表示,当前朝鲜半岛形势开始向好发展。我们主动采取了措施缓和紧张局势,提出了和平对话建议。按照金日成主席和金正日总书记的遗训,致力于实现半岛无核化,是我们始终不变的立场。我们决心将北南关系转变为和解合作的关系,举行北南首脑会晤,愿意同美方对话,举行朝美首脑会晤。如果南朝鲜和美国以善意回应我们的努力,营造和平稳定的氛围,为实现和平采取阶段性、同步的措施,半岛无核化问题是能够得到解决的。在这一进程中,我们希望同中方加强战略沟通,共同维护协商对话势头和半岛和平稳定。
Kim Jong-in stated, the current situation on the peninsula is improving. We have initiated measures to deescalate the tense situation, proposed peaceful dialog. Denuclearization is always our unchanged position according to the decree (?, it is a typical Chinese expression of instruction, decision from ex leaders) of late leaders, Kim il-sung and Kim Jong-Il. We are determined to turn the North-South relationship towards reconciliation and cooperation, hold North-South summit, willing to hold talk with USA and hold summit with US leadership. If South Korea and USA respond to our good will, build peaceful environment, take stepped and simultaneous (with us) measures, the matter of denuclearization can be resolved. In this process, we wish to enhance strategic consultation with Chinese side, and jointly keep up the momentum of dialog, maintain peace and stability of the peninsula.