There is nothing implied in the article because:
However, although there is no implying from this article, there is absolutely no doubt that any Chinese involvement on the peninsula has an military part according to the "mutual assist treaty" between NK and China.
- the red text "North" is not part of the Chinese texts. 南朝鲜 is just Sough(南) Korea(朝鲜) in Chinese.
- the paragraph is the words of Kim, when he said "If 南朝鲜..." he was referring to South Korea only, nothing else.
Here is the paragraph concerned:
Here is my translation, see the highlights.
I have to disagree. Even though 朝鲜 means both North Korea and Korean ethnicity in Chinese, this is the first time I have seen a Chinese official publication use the word 南朝鲜. Even though this is a quote from Kim himself, the editor and translators had the choice to use 韩国 but they did not. They used 南朝鲜 instead and I believe that was deliberate and had its implications.
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