China's strategy in Afghanistan.


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If only Afghanistan post withdraw could be no more failed than Syria.

Syria is not even a state really but it is partitioned into 3 parts. It has more resemblance to balkan because it is more or less balkanized but Afghanistan didn't go down that road and will go into gear and develope fast. This is the prime goal of IEA themselves. They have already started construction work across the country they are sparing no time


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Just read this long article written by Michael Brenner (no relations to CIA Dir.John Brenner) for
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regarding the Afghanistan debacle that's unfolded and is still ongoing. I must say that the article makes it points really well. It's a worthwhile read and it at least touched upon or in my view dismantles this pervasive and popular belief that the withdrawal mess must solely be attributed to Biden which the author suggests that the blame (of which I agree 100% and have suggested that the said people be fired for the FUBAR these backstreet boys created) must go to the U.S. Army.

The Army is one of those entities that our politicos and MSM have been given immunity from accountability and criticism. The Pentagon’s omnipresent campaign to sacrilize the American military has paid off in a big way. So, instead of offering the apology they owe the American people they carp from the sidelines (if retired), leak to the press (if still in uniform) and mobilize their corps of Pentagon-briefed, Pentagon-loyal camp-followers to lay the blame on President Biden*. These are members of the defense expert fraternity who have an unblemished record of getting just about everything wrong since the inception of the Global War On Terror. The decision to leave Afghanistan was made by Trump and Pompeo. They had nearly a year to prepare. Biden gave them an extra three months. Military forces in country were kept at levels that the Army itself deemed adequate to ensure a smooth withdrawal of troops. He later added a few thousand. And it was the Pentagon, not Joe Biden, that took the bizarre snap decision to quit the Begram Airbase in the dead of night (without informing the Afghan general slated to inherit it)thereby, denying us a secure airport conducive to an orderly processing and boarding of evacuees. However, it appears obvious that no contingency plans were ever made for a possible rapid evacuation of civilians – much less qualifying Afghans. Even in the fateful weeks when the handwriting was on the wall, they brass failed to act. The tragic fiasco at the airport was wholly the Pentagon’s fault. They could not as much as cordon off sections of the airport, establish control of entry gates, or maintain a modicum of order.

The ensuing chaos occurred despite the understanding with the Taliban, who observed it, not to interfere with the evacuations.

So, a fair judgment is that the people who should be denounced for sins of omission – and a few of commission – are Secretary of Defense General Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley, CENTCOM head General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr, and the American commander of ISAF, General Austin “Scott” Miller. They are the 4 untouchables who barely get a mention while the pack harries Joe Biden. Simply put, they didn’t do their jobs.

No candor, no sense of responsibility. What do we get instead? The Republicans castigate Biden for Trump's decision. The Pentagon casts aspersions on the administration - but surreptitiously. The media put on their hysterical psycho-drama - and, in the process, display their profound ignorance cultivated over 15 years of forgetting about Afghanistan. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan seeks to divert attention and to sow panic (thereby, perhaps, unifying Americans in collective fear) by loudly sounding the alarm about a fanciful ISIS threat - "real" and "acute" - to the evacuation.

*(Biden, for all his faults, was the one man in the Obama administration who stood up to the cabal orchestrated by Robert Gates, with Hillary out front providing political cover, that coerced Barack Obama into the ill-fated ‘surge’ of 2009-2010).

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Registered Member
Just read this long article written by Michael Brenner (no relations to CIA Dir.John Brenner) for
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regarding the Afghanistan debacle that's unfolded and is still ongoing. I must say that the article makes it points really well. It's a worthwhile read and it at least touched upon or in my view dismantles this pervasive and popular belief that the withdrawal mess must solely be attributed to Biden which the author suggests that the blame (of which I agree 100% and have suggested that the said people be fired for the FUBAR these backstreet boys created) must go to the U.S. Army.

The Army is one of those entities that our politicos and MSM have been given immunity from accountability and criticism. The Pentagon’s omnipresent campaign to sacrilize the American military has paid off in a big way. So, instead of offering the apology they owe the American people they carp from the sidelines (if retired), leak to the press (if still in uniform) and mobilize their corps of Pentagon-briefed, Pentagon-loyal camp-followers to lay the blame on President Biden*. These are members of the defense expert fraternity who have an unblemished record of getting just about everything wrong since the inception of the Global War On Terror. The decision to leave Afghanistan was made by Trump and Pompeo. They had nearly a year to prepare. Biden gave them an extra three months. Military forces in country were kept at levels that the Army itself deemed adequate to ensure a smooth withdrawal of troops. He later added a few thousand. And it was the Pentagon, not Joe Biden, that took the bizarre snap decision to quit the Begram Airbase in the dead of night (without informing the Afghan general slated to inherit it)thereby, denying us a secure airport conducive to an orderly processing and boarding of evacuees. However, it appears obvious that no contingency plans were ever made for a possible rapid evacuation of civilians – much less qualifying Afghans. Even in the fateful weeks when the handwriting was on the wall, they brass failed to act. The tragic fiasco at the airport was wholly the Pentagon’s fault. They could not as much as cordon off sections of the airport, establish control of entry gates, or maintain a modicum of order.

The ensuing chaos occurred despite the understanding with the Taliban, who observed it, not to interfere with the evacuations.

So, a fair judgment is that the people who should be denounced for sins of omission – and a few of commission – are Secretary of Defense General Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley, CENTCOM head General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr, and the American commander of ISAF, General Austin “Scott” Miller. They are the 4 untouchables who barely get a mention while the pack harries Joe Biden. Simply put, they didn’t do their jobs.

No candor, no sense of responsibility. What do we get instead? The Republicans castigate Biden for Trump's decision. The Pentagon casts aspersions on the administration - but surreptitiously. The media put on their hysterical psycho-drama - and, in the process, display their profound ignorance cultivated over 15 years of forgetting about Afghanistan. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan seeks to divert attention and to sow panic (thereby, perhaps, unifying Americans in collective fear) by loudly sounding the alarm about a fanciful ISIS threat - "real" and "acute" - to the evacuation.

*(Biden, for all his faults, was the one man in the Obama administration who stood up to the cabal orchestrated by Robert Gates, with Hillary out front providing political cover, that coerced Barack Obama into the ill-fated ‘surge’ of 2009-2010).

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And to further supplement my argument and the arguments laid on this essay, I present to you the just recently FIRED Marine Lt.Col. Stuart Scheller for basically expressing almost the exact sentiments that have been expressed here by a nobody like myself and other far more credentialed people. Here is the video.

And to further supplement my argument and the arguments laid on this essay, I present to you the just recently FIRED Marine Lt.Col. Stuart Scheller for basically expressing almost the exact sentiments that have been expressed here by a nobody like myself and other far more credentialed people. Here is the video.


Oh boy. Somebody needs to find a narrative to blame China because of <fill in the blank, e.g. genocide, democracy, freedom, rule of international order, show amerika in position of strength, ....>


Registered Member
Just had a thought

After 20 years, half of the Afghanistan population is below the poverty line of $1.90 per day

But the US was paying 30000 foreign contractors. At $100K per year, that's works out as $3 Billion per year

With that sort of money, you could eliminate extreme poverty in Afghanistan

It's ridiculous