Today Shenzhou-13 crew performed their second extravehicular activity in Tiangong Space Station.据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间2021年12月26日18时44分,神舟十三号航天员叶光富成功打开天和核心舱节点舱舱门,航天员叶光富于18时50分、航天员翟志刚于19时37分,身着我国新一代“飞天”舱外航天服,先后从天和核心舱节点舱成功出舱,后续将协同开展空间站舱外全景相机 C 抬升、自主携物转移等操作。期间,驻守舱内的航天员王亚平配合地面操控机械臂,支持两名出舱航天员开展舱外作业。
That is an irresponsible and dangerous behaviour of SpaceX and US Space administration ignoring their treaty obligation to ensure the peaceful use of outer space. I condemn such rogue activities that endanger the Chinese Space Station and its Crew."Beijing says in documents to UN that Starlink satellites launched by @Elonmusk'S @SpaceX of the US have had two close encounters with the China Space Station. For safety reasons, the CSS implemented preventive collision avoidance control on July 1 & Oct 21, 2021, respectively."