China's SCS Strategy Thread


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I am being sarcastic but not because of what Phillipines are saying but why they can say these things, why they have so much confidence. It because of Chinese timidity and lack of focus on military power. Current military budget of 1.4% of GDP does not really show strong focus on military power.

China's opponents are raising their budget by 15-20% per year these days. They are doing deals to create more alliances. Compared to that China has been extremely timid. its time to raise the budget, build up and then cross the red lines.
We're not seriously calling Jai Hind level retardation confidence are we?


Registered Member
Some additional information about the recent incident:
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The NTF-WPS reported that CCG vessel 21555 performed dangerous blocking maneuvers against BRP Sindangan that led to a minor collision. The incident was recorded at 6:32 a.m.

The BRP Sindangan sustained "superficial structural damage," the task force said.

At 8:15 a.m., another CCG vessel "caused a minor collision" with Unaizah May 4 "due to its dangerous blocking maneuvers," the task force said.

Two Chinese ships, CCG vessels 21555 and 21551, simultaneously fired water cannons against Unaizah May 4.

Due to the damage and injuries to the vessel and crew, Unaizah May 4 returned to mainland Palawan under escort of BRP Sindangan.

At 9:30 a.m., Unaizah May 1 successfully docked with BRP Sierra Madre and started its resupply. Its mission was completed and left BRP Sierra Madre at 10:45 a.m.

I was wondering if UM4 was able to continue the resupply after getting water cannon'd because reporting says resupply was carried out. I thought it would have been pretty ballsy and looks bad on CCG if they used water cannon and was still unable to prevent a resupply. Turns out UM4 did turn around after getting sprayed and it was another ship UM1 that did the resupply. Again CCG policy isn't to stop resupply of necessitates to the ship but to prevent building material from reaching it.

In this case I wonder if they got inside word that a vice admiral was onboard UM4, possibly for photo opportunity like that time last year and singled out UM4 because of it.

LCS-26 USS Mobile left Manilla bay on 03/03, 2 days before the incident. So likely her presence near Renaijiao was no coincidence. If so this is another replay of "只打蒋舰,不打美舰" from 2nd Taiwan Strait Crisis.


I am being sarcastic but not because of what Phillipines are saying but why they can say these things, why they have so much confidence. It because of Chinese timidity and lack of focus on military power. Current military budget of 1.4% of GDP does not really show strong focus on military power.
Stupid people are more confident than smart people because they don't even understand the challenge. People who are desperate with nothing to lose have bigger mouths than people who are calculating thier futures. When a lizard stares at an incoming elephant, it puffs out its frills and hisses loudly while the elephant can silently trample it or walk above it without even noticing. That's literally it. That's all there is to it behind Filipino "confidence."
China's opponents are raising their budget by 15-20% per year these days.
And yet they build far less than China's military.
They are doing deals to create more alliances.
Like what? Quad? AUKUS? LOLOL The most solid alliance that has been formed in recent events is the one between China and Russia.
Compared to that China has been extremely timid.
Build more, talk less. More movement, less sound. The quiet rooster eats the most grain.
its time to raise the budget, build up and then cross the red lines.
That's exactly what China has been doing; it's just not doing it loudly.


Registered Member
I am being sarcastic but not because of what Phillipines are saying but why they can say these things, why they have so much confidence. It because of Chinese timidity and lack of focus on military power. Current military budget of 1.4% of GDP does not really show strong focus on military power.

China's opponents are raising their budget by 15-20% per year these days. They are doing deals to create more alliances. Compared to that China has been extremely timid. its time to raise the budget, build up and then cross the red lines.
China is the giant surrounded by midgets economically seen. 1.4% of GDP the size of China is way way more than any hostile nation surrounding China can support or they will have to sacrifice their economies..

Also the US has to fight an unbeatable enemy in Asia the pacific ocean or have to solve the unsolvable problem the "tyranny of Distance" to help their allies to sustain their potential conflict with China.


Junior Member
I hope you are being sarcastic because the Philippines is the weakest militarily amongst all ASEAN countries and that's not saying much with the exception of Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand or maybe Singapore.
I trained with PH army before.Their infantry soldiers are tough and fit but equipments hopelessly obsolete. In one instance during joint live firing exercise, their OV-10 was supposed to drop dumb bombs at a designated target zone on the slope of a mountain.instead the bombs overshot to the other side of the mountain.

Coincidentally when i was there in 95' , that was when the first flared up in SCS happened.


Registered Member
I trained with PH army before.Their infantry soldiers are tough and fit but equipments hopelessly obsolete. In one instance during joint live firing exercise, their OV-10 was supposed to drop dumb bombs at a designated target zone on the slope of a mountain.instead the bombs overshot to the other side of the mountain.

Coincidentally when i was there in 95' , that was when the first flared up in SCS happened.
My friends Dad served in the PH military, in the Army to be exact (back in the 1970's to 1995 ) pacifying the restive regions of Maguindanao, Cotabato, Tawi-Tawi, Jolo (regions with majority Muslim aboriginals to those islands). While there's no doubt that Philippine military service people have to be tough like any and all militaries, they have no other choice. It's not a feature but a bug.

Chuck Norris (when he was filming his Vietnam war series in that country) made fun/disparaged the Philippine choppers (American donated/hand me downs Huey) for it's constant breakdowns and issues. You have officers using those same choppers as their personal transport to ferry their wives or to their other wives. Bravery and toughness are traits that are not exclusive to the Jai Hind Pinoy Powers delusional idiots. They don't have the tech, the current tech and military structure, doctrine, logistics to even DREAM OF COMBATTING THE CHINESE.

Please see the recent MARAWI battle the Philippine Military waged for freaking 6 MONTHS against the Maute group numbering in the hundreds. The PH military had to be assisted for their ISR by Australia, America, and got firearms donations from China and if not mistaken Russia as well.

I don't respect the PH especially their leaders in the military, police, and it's political so-called leaders. Recognition and elevation to higher responsibilities "ARE NOT BASED ON MERIT" but through patronage, schemes, and backstabbing resulting on leaders getting roles they should have not been given. Which is why we're having this idiotic false bravado from the idiotic PH. They are CLUELESS to the difference of power between their country and China. And much of that confidence is again equally retarded thinking that another MacArthur like figure would save them from those dastardly CCP-Chinese.

A country that couldn't even dent it's colonizers the Spaniards, the Americans to leave unlike the Vietnamese, Koreans, and especially the Chinese is not worth of any respect. They are ass kissers to the highest degree, and racist to boot especially AGAINST CHINESE which f..Ng hilarious .


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Apparently CCG informed UM4 that only one ship (presumably referring to UM1) would be allowed through before they used water cannons.

The China Coast Guard (CCG) told the Philippine resupply contingent that it will only allow one ship to reach the grounded BRP Sierra Madre in the Ayungin Shoal an Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) official revealed Friday.

AFP Western Command chief Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos said the Navy considered the CCG’s radio challenges to Unaizah Mae 4 (UM4) as a provocation which it chose to ignore as they proceeded with their resupply mission on Tuesday, March 5.

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Junior Member
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Apparently CCG informed UM4 that only one ship (presumably referring to UM1) would be allowed through before they used water cannons.

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I know it's not Chinese policy to thwart any humanitarian resupply missions but theoretically let's say they decide to go full Monroe Doctrine mode and deny any ships passage whatsoever, counter any aerial resupply missions too. Will that invoke the MDT with the US? Will it be considered an "attack"?