China's SCS Strategy Thread


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Stories about EW battle between US and China came out as early as morning of 12/21 in China (still 12/20 in the US).

The earliest report about Carl Vinson EW commander being fired that I found is dated 12/23 in the US, nearly 3 days after the EW contest stories.

The article below claims weather radar in Xiamen went crazy on 12/12 due to the EW contest between China and US.
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I do recall this incident, however I didn't think it was very news worthy at the time. That said linking the two didn't occur to me before, that is interesting.

I recall at the time I also thought it was pretty baseless rumour because the Y-8 that was supposedly involved was ELINT varient so not EW dedicated. The trouble with linking the two is also this guy is explicitly in charge of EA-18G while the other event supposedly involved EP-3E.


Lieutenant General
This narrative doesn't pass the smell test. Why would a EW officer be relieved if his equipment is not good enough? That's not something he can control, it's the responsibility of his government to provide him with tools which can do the job. Maybe you could make up something about convenient scapegoats or gross incompetence or whatever, but it's all unfounded speculation.

The simpler and more likely explanation is that the officer in question did something embarrassing during port leave in Singapore, as has happened to others in the past.

The EW commander would be culpable if he ordered his unit to start something they couldn’t finish, like initiate the EW contest for no good reason and maybe set the rules of engagement poorly enough that the PLA managed to bait his EW crews into revealing operationally relevant SIGINT. Just a guess, but the point is that this is entirely plausible.


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Super Moderator
EW is not like some wizard battle where people launch spells at each other and the guy with the stronger EW automatically wins. You don’t really counter EW directly by jamming them with your own EW assets. You try to work around the interference by switching to different frequency/sensors less vulnerable to jamming like IR.


Registered Member
EW is not like some wizard battle where people launch spells at each other and the guy with the stronger EW automatically wins. You don’t really counter EW directly by jamming them with your own EW assets. You try to work around the interference by switching to different frequency/sensors less vulnerable to jamming like IR.
TFW you realise modern EW is basically switching the machine on and off again and moving the wifi router.


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Something is happening, STC is on elevated alert and concentrating air and naval power into SCS, could be a 2016 style stand off.
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PLA conducts naval, air patrols in South China Sea amid US-Philippine provocations

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Wednesday launched a two-day routine patrol in the South China Sea, concurrently with a US-Philippines joint patrol in the region, with experts saying that the PLA patrol is pointed toward infringement and provocative actions by the Philippines and the US, and displays China’s determination and firm will in safeguarding territorial sovereignty and maritime rights.


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The US navy blinked first.
ABOARD THE BRP GREGORIO DEL PILAR, West Philippine Sea — Philippine and US Navy warships steamed toward a designated meeting point off Cabra Island in Occidental Mindoro for a joint exercise before dawn on Wednesday.

Mild swells gently rocked the Philippine Navy patrol ship BRP Gregorio del Pilar (PS-15), a former US Coast Guard cutter working for more than half a century, as it approached the area.

But a Jiangkai-class Chinese frigate got there first.

Canceled, shortened​

Two other US warships and the USS Carl Vinson were expected to join but did not show up due to “operational necessity.”

The scheduled photo exercise and gunnery exercises were thus canceled and the three-day activity was shortened to two, with the Philippine Navy ships and the USS Sterett limiting their activity to a passing exercise.
According to Western Command chief Vice Adm. Alberto Carlos, he and other Philippine military officials were supposed to fly out from the Del Pilar to the USS Carl Vinson on Thursday
to observe the operations of US fighter jets as part of the MCA.

“Unfortunately, they did not give specifics (why the other activities were canceled). They just said that ‘due to some operational necessity,’ they have to reallocate some of their forces to other tasks,” Carlos said in an interview on board the Del Pilar.


The presence of Chinese ships shadowing Philippine and US vessels did not interfere with the exercises, Carlos said.
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