China's SCS Strategy Thread


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Philippines woos neighbours to craft code on South China Sea​

  • Philippines approaches Malaysia, Vietnam on code
  • South China Sea situation has become 'more dire' -Marcos
  • Tension requires Philippines to partner with allies -Marcos
MANILA, Nov 20 (Reuters) - The Philippines has approached neighbours such as Malaysia and Vietnam to discuss a separate code of conduct regarding the South China Sea, its president said on Monday, citing limited progress towards striking a broader regional pact with China.

Relations between the two have grown more tense under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, who has increasingly complained about China's "aggressive" behaviour while rekindling strong ties with the Philippines' sole treaty ally, the United States.
"We are still waiting for the code of conduct between China and ASEAN and the progress has been rather slow unfortunately," Marcos said, referring to efforts by the grouping of Southeast Asian nations.

"We have taken the initiative to approach those other countries around ASEAN with whom we have existing territorial conflicts, Vietnam being one of them, Malaysia being another and to make our own code of conduct.
"Hopefully this will grow further and extend to other ASEAN countries."

The embassies of China, Malaysia and Vietnam in Manila did not immediately respond to a request for comment on a possible code.

Looks like the Philippines have no intention to sign the SCS code of conduct, China needs to take out the big stick now.


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Philippines woos neighbours to craft code on South China Sea​

  • Philippines approaches Malaysia, Vietnam on code
  • South China Sea situation has become 'more dire' -Marcos
  • Tension requires Philippines to partner with allies -Marcos

Looks like the Philippines have no intention to sign the SCS code of conduct, China needs to take out the big stick now.
Nope, the more the SCS code of conduct get delayed the most ASEAN loses. China is in no hurry.


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so i think a huge storm is coming for Filipino economy actually.

There is a pretty large section of Filipino work force that do call center type of stuff for Western countries. As AI continues to get better, the automated call functionality will get better. I really think over the next 10 years, we will be seeing a huge reduction in need for Asian call center type of offerings. Which is devastating for Philippines and India

Are you sure? The position of literally every Chinese state media/funded media is that China wants the SCS code of conduct to be signed immediately.
China wants a SCS code of conduct that favors China. If it cannot it, then SCS code of conduct can just keep rotting


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Philippines woos neighbours to craft code on South China Sea​

  • Philippines approaches Malaysia, Vietnam on code
  • South China Sea situation has become 'more dire' -Marcos
  • Tension requires Philippines to partner with allies -Marcos

Looks like the Philippines have no intention to sign the SCS code of conduct, China needs to take out the big stick now.
Lol the Philippine leadership and maybe most of the die hard American worshipping idiots think it has some kind of leverage to "woo" countries like Malaysia and Vietnam? With what exactly? Mangos, durian, coconuts? If Marcos Jr was running a country with a substantial economic heft like Singapore, then maybe. But what the bleep does his country have? This dude, is maybe listening too much from Richard "ASPI" Heydarian for his foreign policy decisions.


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Are you sure? The position of literally every Chinese state media/funded media is that China wants the SCS code of conduct to be signed immediately.
SCS Code will keep the US out of SCS but it also limit China's actions, now that China have overwhelming military advantage against the USA in the SCS, China can wait.
The Code of conduct benefit AESEAN more than China, if they want to wait it's their problem.


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SCS Code will keep the US out of SCS but it also limit China's actions, now that China have overwhelming military advantage against the USA in the SCS, China can wait.
The Code of conduct benefit AESEAN more than China, if they want to wait it's their problem.
Bingo, the COC will nullify the American FON, cause there is no Casus Belli for them to be there. Marcos is stupid, early on his state visit to Beijing, the document is there for his signing, Duterte FM Locsin had done a good job, even though it doesn't get all what we wanted at least there is oil sharing agreed (60/40) between the two parties. Its better than nothing and if there is a COC between them, Vietnam will be in a precarious situation cause they use the Philippine arbitration ruling as a cover for its island expansion, without that cover the Chinese will overwhelmed them and their claimed stand on shaky ground.

From my previous post Marcos run on only one platform, to save his family name and wealth, that its, no economic and geopolitical policy. He just react rather than plan for the future. He underestimated the price the American level on him and didn't expect the Chinese respond and the weak Collective West support, I mean did the Japanese sent their fleet as verbally promise and American action didn't deter the Chinese. Duterte understand that the SCS is a Chinese pond and the Philippine can lived under the Chinese shadow BUT the Japanese and SK can't due to pride and hubris, they becoming a willing ally to the US rather than work with the Chinese.
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Registered Member
Lol the Philippine leadership and maybe most of the die hard American worshipping idiots think it has some kind of leverage to "woo" countries like Malaysia and Vietnam? With what exactly? Mangos, durian, coconuts? If Marcos Jr was running a country with a substantial economic heft like Singapore, then maybe. But what the bleep does his country have? This dude, is maybe listening too much from Richard "ASPI" Heydarian for his foreign policy decisions.
Bro do you ever play with this?

Happy Sales HSHB-CRM, Chinese Health Balls Baoding Iron Ball, Chrome, Order  Comes with Random Color Pick

Its fun and my parents use it to exercise, Just image what the American will do with his


Registered Member
so i think a huge storm is coming for Filipino economy actually.

There is a pretty large section of Filipino work force that do call center type of stuff for Western countries. As AI continues to get better, the automated call functionality will get better. I really think over the next 10 years, we will be seeing a huge reduction in need for Asian call center type of offerings. Which is devastating for Philippines and India
Sir with the World Economy heading to recession, it will affect our main export the OFW.
China wants a SCS code of conduct that favors China. If it cannot it, then SCS code of conduct can just keep rotting
Sir its a given, the best thing to do is to benefit first AMONG THE CLAIMANTS like the possible 60/40 oil agreement , It can be siphon off as the oil under ground span the territorial claim of various country.