China's SCS Strategy Thread


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I disagree on you on this part, China had Escalatory Dominance, its their neighborhood, if the American are stupid enough to make trouble then the Chinese can easily mobilized the needed asset to confront them, In fact if the American do intervene it will incentivize the Chinese to seize the shoal and end the trouble there for good. (In a time were the US are stretch thin and facing multiple front, a high probability of the American losing face and prestige if the situation escalate).

The SCS is a Chinese pond, those large fish (aircraft Carrier) can't maneuver and can easily be targeted. And will the US escalate the conflict further in the second island chain because that is the theater best suited for the Americans? will Japan and SK agree (most of their trade route transverse the SCS) ? even the Philippine will argue against such reckless behavior because we will be on the frontline. So yes all this Moro Moro or kabuki are all for show.
Hopefully you are correct. Am heading there this Friday.


Registered Member
Bro he is visiting Saudi Arabia for oil and investment, if he thinks MBS will give him the time of the day he is completely wrong, we import most of our refined oil product and guess which country we import the most. We will be closing our only refinery in Batangas due to cheap import and smuggling.

Shell, Petron and Caltex the big three source their import from China while the rest came from Singapore.
Doesn't the Philippines import its oil from KSA?


Registered Member
Doesn't the Philippines import its oil from KSA?
Yes bro BUT we don't have the refining capacity, only Petron in Batangas is still operating while Shell shutdown its huge refinery in Bataan in 2020 citing cost and of smuggling.

They want Saudi Aramco to invest here BUT the investment climate is not as good compare with China, there they invest massively in new Refining capacity as they see the Chinese as the main hub for their export in Asia.
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Junior Member
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it is folly to interpret China's restraint and meekness as weakness. Take the Chinese intervention in the Korean War as an example, China would act if national interest is at stake.
unlike the USA, China sees no pride in bullying weak neighbors, instead, it believes in peaceful co-existence and win-win beneficial development. I believe China right now is just using minimal force to deter the PPH from strengthening the structural integrity of the beached PPH vessel and allow nature and corrosion to take its course with or without US meddling. That's Chinese patience for you.
OTOH, in my humble opinion, I believe it is now time to show the world that China's interests in the SCS should be respected or else.
with America's focus turned to the ME for the foreseeable few months, perhaps now is the right time to tow the PPH vessel away?
And what can America do about it except for staring and barking?


Registered Member
it is folly to interpret China's restraint and meekness as weakness. Take the Chinese intervention in the Korean War as an example, China would act if national interest is at stake.
unlike the USA, China sees no pride in bullying weak neighbors, instead, it believes in peaceful co-existence and win-win beneficial development. I believe China right now is just using minimal force to deter the PPH from strengthening the structural integrity of the beached PPH vessel and allow nature and corrosion to take its course with or without US meddling. That's Chinese patience for you.
OTOH, in my humble opinion, I believe it is now time to show the world that China's interests in the SCS should be respected or else.
with America's focus turned to the ME for the foreseeable few months, perhaps now is the right time to tow the PPH vessel away?
And what can America do about it except for staring and barking?
The American want to convinced its vassals that China is an enemy and should form a BLOC to resist it, to able to so, they need to spend a buckle load of money, money that they don't have unless they cut their domestic spending or in their military budget. $15 million can't hack it except if you are the Philippine, we're cheap cause for the oligarch here they considered us as dispensable, they have DUAL Passport and can easily find safe shelter IF everything go south.

This crisis is for domestic consumption, it is being reported at the front page of major local newspaper BUT internationally the Israeli crisis take the center stage. You can sense the desperation among the oligarch political elite. They don't have national interest in mind and will fund potential candidate that will forward their agenda. Trading with China will loosen their grip, especially for us Hua Qiao who hold a cultural advantage to exploit it, so what to do? Easy foment a crisis that will limit trade with China BUT they miscalculate, 60% of our trade came from China, we can't afford expensive Japanese goods and even that of SK, a perfect example are cars, ordinary people can bought one and are favorable received, They question why both the Japanese and SK cars are so expensive with spartan design. (since most of those Japanese and SK car dealership are owned by the oligarch)

The more this played out, the more desperate they become, their China threat narrative had run its course, we want development not an alliance. Marcos had nothing to show for in his 1 year in office except more grief and gloom, we had seen Indonesia and Thailand being invited in the BRI conference and we're not.( the reason why Marcos schedule his state visit to KSA to cover up it up) they're afraid in the next election another Duterte will show up that will shake the applecart and finally undone the current political system.
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Registered Member
The more this played out, the more desperate they become, their China threat narrative had run its course, we want development not an alliance. Marcos had nothing to show for in his 1 year in office except more grief and gloom, we had seen Indonesia and Thailand being invited in the BRI conference and we're not.( the reason why Marcos schedule his state visit to KSA to cover up it up) they're afraid in the next election another Duterte will show up that will shake the applecart and finally undone the current political system.

Chinese reporters video interviewed a Philippine scholar, though I'm guessing she didn't attend BRI forum.
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Curiously CNN Phillippines reporter came, so I suspect Philippines government representatives also went to the BRI conference, probably super low key though.
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So far I haven't seen China cut funding or projects to the Philippines, that said of course China probably won't help Philippines develop EV supply chain anytime soon.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
it is folly to interpret China's restraint and meekness as weakness. Take the Chinese intervention in the Korean War as an example, China would act if national interest is at stake.
unlike the USA, China sees no pride in bullying weak neighbors, instead, it believes in peaceful co-existence and win-win beneficial development. I believe China right now is just using minimal force to deter the PPH from strengthening the structural integrity of the beached PPH vessel and allow nature and corrosion to take its course with or without US meddling. That's Chinese patience for you.
OTOH, in my humble opinion, I believe it is now time to show the world that China's interests in the SCS should be respected or else.
with America's focus turned to the ME for the foreseeable few months, perhaps now is the right time to tow the PPH vessel away?
And what can America do about it except for staring and barking?

You just said something interesting. China can just say they want to reduce "ecological destruction" of the Shoal and just tow the filippino ship. They don't even have to fire at the filippino soldiers. Just tow the ship away.

But they are not doing that, why, cause they still want to be friendly with the Philippines. The reason China is reacting now is to teach Philippines a lesson not to move too much towards the US camp. A short sharp clash or incident like the Galwan is certainly possible.

But again it depends on China's guts. National interest of China is to advance its economic, military and comprehensive power. Staying meek and ignoring provocations could be interpreted as following China's national interest. Xi Jinping is certainly no coward. But he is also very cautious and only takes action when things get too bad. Look at Hong Kong or his Covid reopening. He waited until things got too bad and blew up and then took action. Its hard to see Xi directly challenging the US in the SCS by going violent against the Philippines.