China's SCS Strategy Thread

Why can't they seek permission to move to more enriched provinces to live and find work? It's not like they're stuck in place forever?o_O

It's also naturally an issue of inertia and personal preference. It is a tough call for most people to leave their family and friends, or have to move all of them, leave a familiar way of life, and move to a different place and get used to different ways of life just for a chance at being abstractly or marginally wealthier.


Lieutenant General
It's also naturally an issue of inertia and personal preference. It is a tough call for most people to leave their family and friends, or have to move all of them, leave a familiar way of life, and move to a different place and get used to different ways of life just for a chance at being abstractly or marginally wealthier.
Times has change and so will one's economic situation. You can keep in touch with friends and families through the internet and travel, plus you can still practice your culture anywhere.


Times has change and so will one's economic situation. You can keep in touch with friends and families through the internet and travel, plus you can still practice your culture anywhere.

Many do leave to find work elsewhere, and I do not believe they need any special permission. However, that doesn't really solve the problem of integrating those regions. Most people will not want to leave their home, so you still have to make them a part of your solution.


Junior Member
Continuation from Indonesian Natuna incident ... ...

@ Daniel707

Thanks so much for the clarification.

I wish more and more Chinese who are living in ASEAN nations ( both the locals Chinese and the visiting Chinese ) will be aware about other Chinese and their own daily unintentional, and yet offensively arrogant, offensively impolite, and offensively rude behaviors towards the native ASEAN people, especially the small working folks, ...such as small street vendors, waitresses, security guards, home servants, cleaners, low skilled labourers, ... ...and so on.


And, I wish more and more Chinese will display politeness, being very humble by bowing, and show total respect by being the first to initiate warm greetings to the small working folks in the ASEAN nations.

I am absolutely certain that the above daily dosage of super friendly attitude will go along way in reducing the Brewing Animosity towards Chinese in general in all ASEAN nations.

IMHO, ... ...
If more and more Chinese wholeheartedly practise
弟子规 = DI ZI GUI, then PRC and all Chinese in ASEAN nations will have way much brighter future than the present trajectory.

My LIKE button still is not working, eventhough I have been using Mozilla browser.
Times has change and so will one's economic situation. You can keep in touch with friends and families through the internet and travel, plus you can still practice your culture anywhere.

Practicing your culture on your own, or even with people online, is not the same as doing it with a lot of people in person. That's why people with the same or similar cultural backgrounds tend to congregate, or self-segregate, the world over. Lone or small communities of migrants tend to end up assimilated unless they pursue extreme measures discouraging it to the point of practical prejudice, such as via rigid religious doctrines.


GreenestGDP, I am an ethnic Chinese born and living in Southeast Asian country (not 100% pure, huh). Regarding what you mentioned about stealing, one day I talked to some Vietnamese about illegal fishing, their reaction was that because in your own territory water, there is no fish and you need to feed yourself and family. So Vietnamese fishermen always go into others' EEZ for fishing. Being caught, ship confiscation, sinking are not news to them anymore.


Junior Member
Many thanks for your feedback.
Please don't worry about being pure.
For me being Chinese is in the hearts, that is all that matter.
not the superficial stuff being displayed on one's skin.

For example:

There were many, many low life traitors who think or they wish they become the Japanese, such as Lee Teng Hui and criminal low lifer Chen Shui Bian.

Taiwan Ex President * Low Criminal * Low Lifer Chen Shui Bian

Chen Shui Bian--Low Lifer--1a.jpg

Let's go back to ...China SCS Strategy


If more and more Chinese wholeheartedly practise 弟子规 = DI ZI GUI, then PRC and all Chinese in ASEAN nations will have way much brighter future than the present trajectory.

Are you kidding me? 弟子规 is one of the most backward and feudalistic piece of text I've read. It should have been left and forgotten in the dark where it belongs!


Lieutenant General
Practicing your culture on your own, or even with people online, is not the same as doing it with a lot of people in person. That's why people with the same or similar cultural backgrounds tend to congregate, or self-segregate, the world over. Lone or small communities of migrants tend to end up assimilated unless they pursue extreme measures discouraging it to the point of practical prejudice, such as via rigid religious doctrines.

True, but the world is not responsible to ensure that your culture or group of people are adequately provided enough to practice one's tradition regardless where they live. You either have the numbers or you don't. Yes size in population of groups does matter. No it does not mean the end of humanity if a minority group mingled with the majority groups and married one another. In other words, it's not the responsibility of the majority group to ensure that the numbers of minority groups doesn't become too low and end up being extinct by natural outcome (I'm talking purity of an ethnicity depending on one's definition and view of it). Why do I bring this out, because it's a joke that many of these so called "human rights" activist tries to spin it whenever a different ethnic Chinese migrating to live in either Xinjiang or Tibet region, as if the Chinese are "invading" someone else's country. No I am not accusing you of it, I just want to bring it out to make my point that's all.