China's SCS Strategy Thread


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You would not be pacifying them; you would be teaching them the errors of their ways by demonstrating a clear economic and moral superiority to the West.
Hanjians will never admit the error of their ways unless forcefully made to; their personal constitution is one of extreme selfishness, and will actively enrich themselves regardless of the cost to others. Trying to make the case of moral superiority will not work on them.
Bringing them to your side is detrimental in the long term too as they will corrupt your system to benefit themselves. Suppression and pacification is the only way to go.

I think the metaphor can be clarified in the sense that the homeless man defecating on my front step relies on me for food. So, if I stop feeding him, he'll stop defecating on my step. Either by way of a lack of intestinal byproduct due to starvation, or because of a conscious decision. But I understand that for many this course of action may be too slow and may also backfire due to the amount of time required to execute.
In real life, what you might find is that when food is withheld, the homeless man starts vandalizing your home in addition to sh*tting, pissing, and puking more all over the place. Don't assume benevolence or decency unless proven. Those with less to lose can and will stoop to lows unpalatable to you in order to beat you.

I agree with the views you express. I don't want to cause a regionalist breakdown of civil conversation, but in my experience interacting with young Chinese in the Shanghai urban area, there is an alarmingly high rate of 反党. Perhaps this is sampling bias. These are also perhaps the originators of the online presence you mention.
Bad sample - Shanghai is notorious for its 反贼.
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I personally have a vendetta against the Japanese. 国仇家恨. I'm incredibly biased on this matter.
Speaking of vendettas with Japan, I'm from Nanjing and I know it's not human to attack and kill someone submitting to you. As they are your enemy fighting against you, you think of all the things you will do to them when you have your hands around their necks but when it happens, and they beg, you look at their faces and the faces of their children and they look just like us. Your grip will release.
You would not be pacifying them; you would be teaching them the errors of their ways by demonstrating a clear economic and moral superiority to the West.
After COVID, they should have already learned this. If not yet, then they may only learn by demonstration through live conflict.
Probably true. I've been criticized for being too skeptical of, as you say: "unknown escalations".

Fair enough. But there's not much "at the expense of patriots" going on in the SCS. It's mostly people raring at the bit to prove the idiot Filipinos all over the Internet wrong.
This is in reply to your assertion that we need more time to convince our own Western worshippers.
I think the metaphor can be clarified in the sense that the homeless man defecating on my front step relies on me for food. So, if I stop feeding him, he'll stop defecating on my step. Either by way of a lack of intestinal byproduct due to starvation, or because of a conscious decision. But I understand that for many this course of action may be too slow and may also backfire due to the amount of time required to execute.
The latter part, exactly.
China is not strong enough to disregard the thoughts of all other nations yet. Most nations may not be swayed, but I would be cautious of disregarding those who can be swayed. The court of public opinion is often decided by such mindless who sway so easily in tempestuous winds.
China is not strong enough to waste oppertunities and true benefits hoping it would sway some countries. Countries are swayed by strength. Those who wish to join China's side remember suffering at the hands of the West. Those that stand by the West desire to keep the old order. This Philippino issue has very littler importance. It is as much an error to fear to make a good move as it is to make a bad move. The most correct answer is to do what is best for China with all other considerations being tertiary.
I would argue that what happened recently in SCS isn't really much of an escalation. But you are right that I am looking at things that worked and saying that they are enough, while I look at things that have not yet been tried and say that they will not work. Perhaps the line can be pushed a little further. It may prove to be the right choice, it may not.
I agree with the views you express. I don't want to cause a regionalist breakdown of civil conversation, but in my experience interacting with young Chinese in the Shanghai urban area, there is an alarmingly high rate of 反党. Perhaps this is sampling bias. These are also perhaps the originators of the online presence you mention.
Don't trust things online. American 3 lettered agencies lurk there.
I have not considered this yet. Now that I think of this, it is true. The Indians still worship the British (to a degree); the Filipinos: the Americans; the Japanese: the Americans. I did not think of this.
LOL This is such an important thing to understand when talking about the mentality of the small nations.


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我承认 CCG 一直保持着极度克制。我认为 CCG 也应该保持同样的克制,不要为了展示武力而升级到立即采取致命措施。水炮是一回事,而自动炮则完全是另一回事。再说一次,CCG 现在的做法很好。
From my understanding, Chinese internet users generally believe that individuals with Shanghai IP addresses have a higher proportion of making statements against China compared to those from other regions. Additionally, Shanghai has been significantly criticized online for its excessive focus on Europe and America. This has led to what is known on the internet as the "First Law of IP," which roughly means that someone who makes anti-China remarks or mindlessly criticizes Chinese policies is likely to have a Shanghai IP address. (Please note, I am merely describing a phenomenon I've noticed online, and do not wish to provoke any deeper disputes.)

Based on my knowledge of Chinese history and politics, Shanghai has never been China's political center; its core value is as a commercial city. Moreover, especially after the economic reforms and opening up, its commercial status has been further weakened with the emergence of other cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou, even more so than during the Republic of China period.

Furthermore, let's not forget that Shanghai only has 24.87 million people, making up less than 1.8% of China's population.

In conclusion, I believe that the political views of Shanghai alone cannot represent those of China as a whole.

Lastly, an important point that should not be overlooked is that if a Chinese person strongly supports China's current policies, they might not express this in conversations with foreigners to avoid potential conflicts due to different political views. Conversely, someone who dislikes China's policies and feels more aligned with the US or Europe might be more willing to express their thoughts in front of foreigners. (Here, I'm assuming you are not Chinese.)


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Hanjians will never admit the error of their ways unless forcefully made to; their personal constitution is one of extreme selfishness, and will actively enrich themselves regardless of the expense to others. Trying to make the case of moral superiority will not work on them.
These ones are not quite deliberately 汉奸, they are simply so ignorant that their actions are largely indistinguishable. I still believe they can be salvaged.
In real life, what you might find is that when food is withheld, the homeless man starts vandalizing your home in addition to sh*tting, pissing, and puking more all over the place. Don't assume benevolence or decency unless proven. Those with less to lose can and will stoop to lows unpalatable to you to beat you.
This is true... I've certainly seen this before in homeless people. And if pushed to desperation they may do desperate things.
Haha, 我住在国外已经十多年了。
Perhaps I am too naive. I have always tried to think of such behavior as poor manners, rather than a cultural ingraining.
Bad sample - Shanghai is notorious for its 反贼.
I thought so too. 外星人登陆在中国。在上海卖给美国人。... and the rest isn't quite relevant to here.
After COVID, they should have already learned this. If not yet, then they may only learn by demonstration through live conflict.
I suppose this is true... the Western-worship syndrome perhaps has more insidious roots than can be effectively combated.
LOL This is such an important thing to understand when talking about the mentality of the small nations.
I will give this much more thought. I had not considered that some nations enjoy or easily accept being made to serve others.
Really is food for thought for me: in foreign relations with the West and West-adjacent nations, can they kneel willingly out of intelligent observation, or must they be forced to their knees regardless? The UK and Japanese official positions on Chinese-related matters has always been unnecessarily bellicose--perhaps this is stemming from their desire for domination.


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I've taken the thread pretty far off topic, and I'll bring it back now:
- CCG demonstrates incredible restraint, and I think CCG should continue to demonstrate incredible restraint.
- Escalation cannot be discounted as a viable strategy, considering (a) the very slow progress of peaceful (i.e. economic) methods and (b) a potentially cultural emphasis in the West and Western-adjacent nations on being forcefully subjugated.
- A majority of sensible (not Shanghai-ese) Chinese netizens support the current CCG RoE, and a sizable group call for more aggressive measures.
- More aggressive measures may be more effective in suggesting to the Filipinos that they should give up on their dreams of holding the SCS islands.
- A more aggressive Chinese posture is unlikely to alienate the Global South

I still prefer to think that psychological warfare won't be necessary.


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Copium Koh at it again lmao. His attempt at damage control is so painfully obvious.
If CCG lost = It's because of their shitty training + our superior training
If CCG won = Still because of their shitty training + our superior 'self restraint'

The joke writes itself lol

"given their elite special forces training they could have severely whacked the CCG"

And then have those nearby PLAN warships CCG cutters with 76mm guns blasting them into floating pieces of meat chunk within 10 minutes of that happening?

This soy boy just couldn't stop making himself the Big L Clown. In fact, he would have done so much contribution to the internet space had he just stick to his original profession of materials science instead of entering geopolitics.
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