This may seem ironic or overvaluing Chinese tech but once Turkey gets its hands on some complete Chinese air-defense systems, even if those systems may be export 'monkey' models, Turkey will then have potentially valuable information to offer other parties.
well here we go again. this is the first shot fired at turkey in the coming couple of weeks we should see the full onslaught against the Turkish govt and military from the state dept and the pentagon. the Turkish fort cannot hold, it will do as Israel did in the falcon awac's scenario. this contract will be aborted so let's watch the drama
Here's another thing.
The PAC-3 (in MEADS configuration mind you) is only a medium range SAM at best when fighting aircraft.
At the same time, if turkey wants full Chinese support for the best possible future upgrades, it would be incentivized to give Chinese access to relevant technologies which would otherwise the Chinese would have more trouble accessing.
When you are thoroughly capable of designing and building your missiles, losing some classified information on the margins hurts you less than you might think. You can always reconfigure your equipment to skirt the loss of secret information. But having leverage needed to access other people's technology, that's quite a boon.
Brand is just as important for military hardware as it is for clothing. Because of that Turkey selecting Chinese was in part a message. A lot of converging indirect events probably led up to this decision beyond that the FD2000 met Turkey's requirements and not that it was the best. Being snubbed for membership by the EU... the indecision on Syria... all you read in the news about the decision to choose Chinese is vast disappointment from the West. Turkey most likely feels like an alienated ally that is expected to follow without question. You do seem to hear Turkey speak up on more than one issue countering US interests. Turkey is aiming to reclaim the glory days of the Ottoman Empire. Is this a result of all the disrespect or was this always the plan? Who knows? All these different military systems Turkey has obtained is for now to not put all of their eggs in one basket except for their own which is eventually the goal. Turkey is looking out for itself not looking to make China a friend. I was reading on a Turkish news site articles on the Syrian conflict. I noticed something odd. When it referred to Russia and China, the article seemed to omit the "o" from "countries." Was it a typo or the Turkish public sentiment very much like has been heard from politicians of Turkish descent, i.e. wanting the heat wave in China during the summer to kill all Chinese? Anyway Beijing probably knows it can never count on Turkey. It's a great move if it was intentional on China's part. All the headlines that speak of shock that a NATO ally chose Chinese...
Turks don't like Russians or Chinese and they feel disrespected from the West. Their actions speak of independence. Americans like speculating what countries they have to "deal" with in the future. Lately it's forces not on the radar that have been the surprise.