China need a new geopolitical Doctrine ?

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Two of the five eyes nations, Australia and UK started to mitigate the fallout from China's trade repercussion by substituting the potential fallout of barley, coal, beef and international student with their "Tim-Tams diplomacy".

All ya developing countries, learn from the Aussie and British, British ship Marmite to Aussie and Aussie ship Vegemites to British, lucrative trade, who need the Chinese?

They are now waiting for US 's M&Ms make it "Tim-Tam-Tom diplomacy"


Two of the five eyes nations, Australia and UK started to mitigate the fallout from China's trade repercussion by substituting the potential fallout of barley, coal, beef and international student with their "Tim-Tams diplomacy".

All ya developing countries, learn from the Aussie and British, British ship Marmite to Aussie and Aussie ship Vegemites to British, lucrative trade, who need the Chinese?

They are now waiting for US 's M&Ms make it "Tim-Tam-Tom diplomacy"

Wait, Aussies are very passionate about their Vegemite and both nations need to sort out how their respective yeast spreads could pass each other's high nose standards.

Tim Tam is owned by the US and again, the Aussies would be over the barrel.


No, I don't. That's making your complaint known as the first step against an offense. Whether or not more steps are taken depend on your leverage and the seriousness of the offense. Once again, if you consider that incoherent, then what would you do instead that is more "coherent"?

Offense? A country not willing to buy huawei is an offense to china, really? Is it an obligation for a country to buy huawei? Isn't China own policy to never meddle in other countries internal affairs ? US, Australia buying huawei or not is an internal affair like China banning google and twitter is internal affair.

But if you think it is an obligation for them then China should threaterns all of them to have a coherent policy. But china never threaterns US over Huawei but only urging almost "begging" US to stop its "unreasonable suppression of Huawei."

A coherent policy is not to theatern everyone over huawei. A country not buying huawei is not a threat to China's sovereignty or territorial integrity. China should just compete like a great power will do. China should keep threat for really important issues.


It is pointless to have a claim that you never enforce. All it does is prove your own impotence. Giving up an unenforceable claim costs nothing, all it means is that you are secure enough to accept reality and don't want to start a war. That's a good thing.

Excactly, realism and not idealism. Pointless to have a claim you never enforce or enforce badly with no clear result like the Huawei theatrical thing....


Offense? A country not willing to buy huawei is an offense to china, really? Is it an obligation for a country to buy huawei? Isn't China own policy to never meddle in other countries internal affairs ? US, Australia buying huawei or not is an internal affair like China banning google and twitter is internal affair.

But if you think it is an obligation for them then China should threaterns all of them to have a coherent policy. But china never threaterns US over Huawei but only urging almost "begging" US to stop its "unreasonable suppression of Huawei."

A coherent policy is not to theatern everyone over huawei. A country not buying huawei is not a threat to China's sovereignty or territorial integrity. China should just compete like a great power will do. China should keep threat for really important issues.
A ban on a company for unproven criminal claims simply because it represents Chinese tech is not an offense? OK, whatever you like to call it. Then China refusing to buy the things from these countries is also not an offense, nor a threat. We just don't want their stuff anymore, is that ok? LOL Or do we have to keep buying them under your "coherent" policy?

It's also completely untrue what you say about China and the US as China has threatened to create an unreliable entities list, which is basically tit-for-tat.

Your "coherent" policy is full of don't do, and has nothing that you would do. That's not really a policy. Basically, you have no idea how to solve the problem but are complaining that China can't cut some imports and ban some entities of politically hostile nations? I have no idea what you're trying to argue; sounds like you're just complaining cus you want to complain about something.


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Offense? A country not willing to buy huawei is an offense to china, really? Is it an obligation for a country to buy huawei? Isn't China own policy to never meddle in other countries internal affairs ? US, Australia buying huawei or not is an internal affair like China banning google and twitter is internal affair.

But if you think it is an obligation for them then China should threaterns all of them to have a coherent policy. But china never threaterns US over Huawei but only urging almost "begging" US to stop its "unreasonable suppression of Huawei."

A coherent policy is not to theatern everyone over huawei. A country not buying huawei is not a threat to China's sovereignty or territorial integrity. China should just compete like a great power will do. China should keep threat for really important issues.
Don't try to pretend to be innocent child! Kidnapped people is crime. Those kidnapper(Canada)should be shot to dead like Hollyweed film. Buy or pretend to buy product and use bullshit accused to flip over is crime. And crime should be punished. Don't try to mix up thing to make those criminal look innocent. Btw who is more evil?Supposed to be KGB style anarchy rule by ruthless Putin but can't proper kill innocent and careless old spy by world deadly toxin or fake ass gentleman poison own people to blame other.


A ban on a company for unproven criminal claims simply because it represents Chinese tech is not an offense?
Unproven criminal claim? Who care about that? We are in great power competition, and you are talking about proof. Since when state need proof to do something they thought to be importatnt for them?

Then China refusing to buy the things from these countries is also not an offense, nor a threat.
China has done that and is doing it. China also have a policy to protect local company from foreign ones and that is good.

It's also completely untrue what you say about China and the US as China has threatened to create an unreliable entities list, which is basically tit-for-tat.

Yeah we hear about china unreliable entities list but where is it? When it will become effective?
It is like every time US sell weapon to Taiwan, only China do is "to urge US to immediately cancel the sales". China almost never really theaten US about important issue like taiwan weapon issues but threatening Australia for Huawei. And you call that a coherent policy...

Your "coherent" policy is full of don't do, and has nothing that you would do.
The coherent policy about huawei is to compete. Got it?
That mean like to finance 5G projects in countries who accept to use Huawei. But realism means some countries will ban huawei.


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Not trying to please their media. But let's be pragmatic here, diaoyu, SCS mean a lot symbolically but really are not huge strategic importance. We have negotiated territory disputes with Russia and Pakistan and Nepal before. So it's not like it can't be done.

If we work towards getting rid of some of these disputes it gives less fodder for the US to malign.

The uhygur issue is literally the easiest one to solve. We close down that system and make an olive branch to the EU. Sure American fake news will try to spin it in some other disgusting way, but its better to get rid of that thorn.

Terrorism can be subdued in other more effective ways. Its hard to be a terrorist when even knives tracked by QR code....
Vietnam and Philippines and to some extent Malaysia and Indonesia have gobbled up South China Sea when China was weak and being friendly in 80s and 90s. Saudi and Turkey took advantages of China tolerant and openness in the 90s and 00s and funnel resources that built a ton of Mosques and ended up radicalized Uighurs. South Korea made a ton of money in trade with China and developed ambition towards Northeast China and got a unequal treaty over fishery rights in the East China Sea when it perceived China was weak and too willing to compromise. Taiwan ventured further toward independent after China offered so many incentives and lopsided trade deals. Japan took advantages of China appeasement strategy in the 90s and wanted to revise their history.

All these goodies and appeasement didn't work back then so you still wanted to double up and offer more appeasement so you can dream about an Asia unity that never existed.

I'm sorry that I reply for two old posts here. I think that both posters have good arguments here. First, Free_6 something is right that China need Geo politic allies. I think Indonesia is the best, as their territory is crucial in South East Asia for China to reach Indian Ocean.

And Free_6 something has a good argument that China should relinquish some claim to appease them. To avoid negative image from the country that China want to ally. You can't bring Indonesia closer to you when you still claim some part of their claim around Natuna Sea. To sacrifice a small portion of your cake and do wonder in order to gain Ally and thwart American stratagem.

But Kyii has also a good argument, that if you appease them a lot, they will think that China is weak.

You know why those nations afraid to US? Because of US military success in Iraq, Afghanistan. Their military campaign success has give the example that they're strong, very strong. and nobody can beat them.

The problem of China is, that they don't have focus. At one side they appease those countries, but at the other side, China give an excuse for the country to call China as a bully. This is a bad strategy. Like China appease Myanmar with help, but also sell weapons to rebel. Also you appease Indonesia with loan, investment, etc, but You make problem by coming Natuna with your claim.

This is why people start to believe that China can't be trusted.

For my argument is, that China is doing everything half way. If you want to appease somebody, do it whole heartily. But if you want to oppose them, and make an example, make your own Afghanistan / Iraq. China have to show everyone that their military is strong. not Useless Easy to break "Made in China". Also China must also made an understatement that China is strong and depend-able.

Rather than spreading your bullying to all countries who have claim with you, China should focus on one country and beat them whole heartly. To make an example that China is strong. Then go and give the benefit to the others, to make them closer to China. It's okay for China to relinguish a small part of their claim, like small part of Natuna Sea, if you can bring Indonesia to your camp. But to make them believe that they have chosen the right choice, you have to show the world that your military means something. Not only for Tiananmen parade.


It's not meddling; it's that if they want to unfairly lock out Huawei, we can unfairly lock out their companies too. It's not meddling; meddling would be threatening to attack someone or stop business between third parties because someone doesn't want to do business with you.
Who care about fair or unfair in IR? Do you think China itself is alway fair ? International Relation is about competition and strategy not fairness and idealism.


Unproven criminal claim? Who care about that? We are in great power competition, and you are talking about proof. Since when state need proof to do something they thought to be importatnt for them?
Wow, that went way over your head. I'm not asking for proof of the claim; I'm saying they unfairly barred a Chinese company so China can do the same to theirs. Natural equal reaction, nothing more or less.

China has done that and is doing it. China also have a policy to protect local company from foreign ones and that is good.
There's a coherent strategy.

Yeah we hear about china unreliable entities list but where is it? When it will become effective?
It is like every time US sell weapon to Taiwan, only China do is "to urge US to immediately cancel the sales". China almost never really theaten US about important issue like taiwan weapon issues but threatening Australia for Huawei. And you call that a coherent policy...
What threat to Australia? China has done the same to Australia as it does to the US, which is to warn that there would be consequences to the business relationship, and that's about it. China didn't tell the US that it would be upset and then tell Australia that it would whoop their asses. There's no difference and you don't know what you're complaining about.

The coherent policy about huawei is to compete. Got it?
That mean like to finance 5G projects in countries who accept to use Huawei. But realism means some countries will ban huawei.
Oh, yeah, to compete! Perfect, except you didn't come up with that. Huawei is too good at competing, which is why the US is trying so hard to kill it. Chinese exports are the most competitive in the world, so basically, you're saying that China has the most coherent policy in the world, right? LOL Like I said, you don't know what you're nagging about but you just want to complain.
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