China need a new geopolitical Doctrine ?

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I'm confused, are you Vietnamese or not? As I mentioned previously, I don't believe the Chinese decision makers harbor any ambition to recover any islands or reefs currently occupied by other claimants. I believe China would be perfectly willing to reach an agreement with any country, Vietnam included, that would respect the status quo.

In any case, you are right about the last part. China sits on the most desirable real estate on the Asian continent, bar none. That is why China has historically been the elephant (or dragon, if you will) in the neighborhood and why it's always under attack in one form or another.
Well I'm pretty sure im Vietnamese or at least 50%. I mocking those" Chinese" have idea about give up those SCS island because this action will make more chaos and unnecessary problem. In Vietnam everyone talk about how Vietnam will reclaimed all those SCS island but in reality any sane person know this is unrealistic. Yeah i personal want everything settles down in SCS too, but look like a lot of shadow force don't like that idea. Currently situation actually very balance in SCS. I don't want SCS became battlefield results of evil plan of US. We Asian just enter new era. I want taste the sweet of advance civilization at least 50 year. Not some crazy shit like Middle East right now.


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As I mentioned previously, I don't believe the Chinese decision makers harbor any ambition to recover any islands or reefs currently occupied by other claimants. I believe China would be perfectly willing to reach an agreement with any country, Vietnam included, that would respect the status quo.

I agree that Chinese decision makers don't need to recover any other islands or reefs occupied by other claimants.
With its current megabases in the SCS, China can already control the area.
Additional islands would change the strategic balance very little.


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In any case, you are right about the last part. China sits on the most desirable real estate on the Asian continent, bar none. That is why China has historically been the elephant (or dragon, if you will) in the neighborhood and why it's always under attack in one form or another.

I would add the landmass is only part of what makes China desirable.
It's also the vast number of people who occupy those lands with:

1. their work ethic and productivity
2. who historically manufactured high-quality goods
3. which all translates into a huge consumer market for every type of product
4. and a huge manufacturing base for every type of product


For much of history, Chinese Porcelain, Silk and Tea were the luxury goods coveted by the elites all over Asia and Europe.
The equivalent today would be an iPhone or luxury couture from the fashion houses in Paris or Milan.


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It seems that political dissidents from China are getting influential positions in the Trump administration. Tiananmen still causes headaches to China to this day. It is important that Hong Kong's dissidents are not allowed to join influential positions in the future. I suggest that the PRC does what it can to amplify the US's warcrimes in the middle east to distract people from trouble at home, as well as make the US appear more hypocritical. Of course, with the sanctions on the ICC, the Trump administration is already doing that, but every little bit helps.
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Bob Smith

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It seems that political dissidents from China are getting influential positions in the Trump administration. Tiananmen still causes headaches to China to this day. It is important that Hong Kong's dissidents are not allowed to join influential positions in the future. I suggest that the PRC does what it can to amplify the US's warcrimes in the middle east to distract people from trouble at home, as well as make the US appear more hypocritical. Of course, with the sanctions on the ICC, the Trump administration is already doing that, but every little bit helps.
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Easiest way to keep America on its toes is to keep racial issues at the forefront. As the whites become a smaller share of the population every year, they become increasingly anxious that they will no longer be the majority demographic. China should find a way to secretly fund both white supremacists and black lives matter.


"the engineer"
Easiest way to keep America on its toes is to keep racial issues at the forefront. As the whites become a smaller share of the population every year, they become increasingly anxious that they will no longer be the majority demographic. China should find a way to secretly fund both white supremacists and black lives matter.
China is not dumb enough to play these games that typically have major blowback attached.


Of course as a True Patriot of China, I should want China to be at war with everyone. War with the US! War with India! War with Taiwan! War with Australia! The best thing for China is to have everyone shooting at China. Of course that's far better than trade and cooperative relations. Don't you know? Nothing is more in your interest than a bullet flying at you. Preferably over the smallest and most worthless piece of land ever. The honor of 1,000 of Chinese generations depends on controlling 1 sq km of toxic waste no one has ever heard of.
1 sq km (or thousands actually) of "toxic waste" that you can't get anyone to give up so you're going to ask your own country to give them all up? LOL True Patriots of China died fighting for every inch of Chinese territory while cowards like you want to give away territory larger than some small European countries for temporary improvement in relations and permanent loss of respect. All land is useful; the only toxic waste is people like you.

An example of being bogged down in spats are the Diaoyu Islands and Arunachal Pradesh claims. If we're being real here, these disputes are not going to be resolved any time soon as long as the US is number 1. Can China beat India/Japan in a 1 on 1? Yes. But if you bring the US into the mix? Then no.
Not really. At this point, I don't think the US can stop China at all but wants China to give some poor country a beat-down so it can try to pass UN sanctions on China. What do you think the US can do if China shish-kabobed India's entire east side tomorrow? Nothing except complain and sanction and hope that the world falls in line.
China stands far more to gain through economic cooperation with both than to press claims that are just not going to happen. China as it stands is currently still only the 2nd strongest power. Wouldn't it be smarter to focus all your energy on taking down the number 1 and keeping as many countries neutral as possible.
Economic cooperation is built on mutual benefits and money-making, which is why China, with nowhere near the political favor of the US in the past decades, still became the largest trading country. And the claims are happening; China's gaining territory in the SCS and maybe at the Indian border too. You cannot make countries neutral by giving them your territory; you can only make then want more from you and act more boldly in their claims. This seems to be a theme that some (mostly tidalwave's fake accounts) don't understand. You think it's a matter of giving someone what they want so they stop bothering you, but it is actually like feeding pigeons, the more you give, the more they want, except these pigeons peck the flesh right off of you.
For this new Cold War, China cannot face another NATO as the USSR did. The West and US allies in the East are disunited and squabbling between each other (see South Korea/Japan spat). They are mostly economically dominated by China but don't think for a second they won't sacrifice that to join the US.
Both underestimating and overestimating your enemy are critical mistakes. They don't want to sacrifice at all; they want to ensure their own survival. If they are convinced that China could do them in all the same, they won't want to join that fight.
Overall, China has won nothing in diplomatic disputes except to confirm to the other side why China poses a threat.
Several islands with military bases on them in the SCS seem to disagree.
China has to keep US allies neutral so it has to lay low and maintain the status quo until it can topple the US.
Already addressed above in paragraph surrounding bold... and in yesterday's post.
China is growing at a rapid rate both militarily and economically. However, it is still weaker than the US in pretty much every regard right now. Why pick a fight now?
Eh... questionable. We thought the US had the best healthcare system; then COVID blew the lid off of that. We thought American human rights were excellent, then Floyd blew the lid off that. What other American strengths are fake?
Why play a game with a weak hand when a couple rounds later, you will have a much stronger hand? Mao's approach to border disputes was to simply push it off until China got stronger and could force the issue. China's greatest advantage is the fact that is has long term thinking and strategies.
Keep playing; when the hand is stronger, make even more powerful moves. China's hand right now is good enough to play, no need to sit out. Time's wasting.
Kissinger once said that US strategy is like Chess where they aim to get a quick checkmate through a power move to instantly end the game where as the Chinese strategy is like Weiqi. It slowly builds up assets through a long game until the lead is insurmountable. Currently picking fights seems like trying to get a quick checkmate and resolving the issues rather than quietly building strength until the enemies see the writing on the wall and back off. Win without fighting. It's a classic Chinese strategy that has been played without fail.
Nope. Currently, those fights are first of all, China defending its interests, NOT picking fights. Secondly, it is still building power like Weiqi and not like Kissenger's chess because when China wins these disputes, it gains bits territory/resources/bases while also showing other Asian countries the benefits of siding with China and the harms of siding with the US. There's no checkmate move in there against America at all; it's all slowly building.


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All countries are HEDGING between CHINA and US, its like a YING & YANG , CHINA mainly for trade, The US for securitY. They dont want to choose side, even VIETNAM, its ruling communist party enjoy good rapport with their counterpart in Beijing.

Now for me, I like your # 1 suggestion, Beijing best course of action is to open its economy MORE and tie them in. The US cannot relied on SECURITY alone , they need to give some economic incentive. The current economic difficulties and AMERICAN FIRST POLICY of TRUMP will not help.

Sometimes Im bewildered by AUSTRALIAN and CANADIAN ACTION, especially AUSTRALIAN which relies heavily for CHINA for trade. IDEOLOGY played a bigger part than economic self interest, My theory is since they are not ASIAN per se (transplant from europe), they can easily migrate to europe and america if things goes serious wrong.

China needs to crank up it military power so that countries not only trade with China, but also have to reckon with China's military power.


Registered Member
China needs to crank up it military power so that countries not only trade with China, but also have to reckon with China's military power.
Hi Peter2018

That's the worst thing if CHINA ever go that route, It must not fall to AMERICAN TRAP. We cant out spend the american, especially that THE DOLLAR is the world international currency and also its legitimize the RED PERIL AMERICAN NARATIVE of us.

What we must do is go all out to the current 2020-2025 HI TECH INDUSTRIAL POLICY PLAN approved in this year CPP LEGISLATIVE CONGRESS. That is the sector of our economy that need fixing to achieve THE COMPREHENVISE NATIONAL POWER.
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