China need a new geopolitical Doctrine ?

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Junior Member
I'm somewhat confused by your statement.

In the long-run, we could see China grow to become twice the size of the USA in economic terms by 2030-2035.

At that point, would China make a decision to significantly outspend the US military, and change the military balance?

I don't think there is any issue with saying this publicly now, because relations with the US are almost completely broken and the USA is actively trying to contain China.

So best to broadcast to everyone that you really want to stay neutral and not follow the US, as this is a losing proposition.

Plus there isn't anything the USA can do to change China's trajectory, as future Chinese development is now dependent on her own decisions.

the US economy has hollowed and it has become a massive parasite, it does not hold the material advantage to start a war. all the agressive actions taken against China are certainly based on the calculation that the US holds the advantage and China will put up to borrow time. my point is if confrontation is inevitable, then fight early may not be a bad thing.


Registered Member
the US economy has hollowed and it has become a massive parasite, it does not hold the material advantage to start a war. all the agressive actions taken against China are certainly based on the calculation that the US holds the advantage and China will put up to borrow time. my point is if confrontation is inevitable, then fight early may not be a bad thing.

An actual China-USA war is not inevitable.

Let's say China grows to 2-3x larger than the USA in the future, and builds a significantly larger military.

Then it is obvious that the USA should not get involved in any war against China, because the result is the USA losing.

This was the same logic the Royal Navy forced with respect to US/UK policy back in 1900 when the USA was ascendant.


Registered Member
I'd say that the US has no viable long-term strategy to stop China from growing far larger and influential than the USA.

And that is fundamentally at odds with the ideology of American Exceptionalism.
HI andrew

SPOT ON, I dont know who wrote and endorse such STUPID IDEOLOGY. IF AMERICAN follow the CO- OPT strategy which THE ELDER BUSH espouse , even if CHINA GROW 2X economy , A friendlier open RICH China is in AMERICA BEST INTEREST and it jive with China CORE INTEREST.

China will never replace AMERICA as a super power , cause it never aspire to. What this animosity the AMERICAN unleash exposes the ugliness and fragility of the PRESENT system, its been captured by corporate elite. People grievance and suffering had been ignored. THE AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM catch phrase is been instill to cover up its mistake.


Registered Member
And one more thing

It may sound crazy, but the CHINESE SYSTEM may look attractive compare to WESTERN SYSTEM to some countries (both developing and develop), YOU MAY HEAR a catch phrase like SOCIALISM WITH HUNGARIAN CHARACTERISTIC in our lifetime soon LOL.
Whatever propaganda being laid to China, the more negative news its produce, the exact opposite happen. People are really asking very difficult question and the western govt had no clear answer.

THE AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC EXPERIMENT now is being question by both the society and intellectual, there is some intense debate of whether a SOFT SOCIALISM is viable and that BERNIE SANDERS suggestion may be implemented. I hope the WHOLE US ESTABLISHMENT listen and took action. A US in internal turmoil is a SCARY PROSPECT, it will drag the whole world into CHAOS.


Registered Member
HI andrew

SPOT ON, I dont know who wrote and endorse such STUPID IDEOLOGY. IF AMERICAN follow the CO- OPT strategy which THE ELDER BUSH espouse , even if CHINA GROW 2X economy , A friendlier open RICH China is in AMERICA BEST INTEREST and it jive with China CORE INTEREST.


It sounds like you're not too familiar with the differences between Americans and the Chinese in terms of ideology.

So I'd recommend this book which details how the Chinese came to believe the things they do.

Basically it outlines "Chinese/Confucian Exceptionalism" in contrast to "American/Western Exceptionalism"

Superpower Interrupted: The Chinese History of the World Hardcover – June 9, 2020

This history of China as the Chinese would write it gives brilliant and unconventional insights for understanding China's role in the world, especially the drive to "Make China Great Again."

We in the West routinely ask: "What does China want?" The answer is quite simple: the superpower status it always had, but briefly lost.

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Registered Member

It sounds like you're not too familiar with the differences between Americans and the Chinese in terms of ideology.

So I'd recommend this book which details how the Chinese came to believe the things they do.

Basically it outlines "Chinese/Confucian Exceptionalism" in contrast to "American/Western Exceptionalism"

Copy with a lot of thanks


Junior Member
Registered Member
Everything in Vietnam is boring right now. So i will stir up this thread with question for "Chinese" with open heart and extremely generosity! If( big if) China give away those SCS islands then China can give it all to Vietnam? We Vietnamese are very happy to have all those island or rock or coral reef or whatever name you call. And plz don't give it to Philippines or whoever else! Plz. And in sack of good friendship you Chinese can send some trop, missiles and warships to protect us from who don't agree with this decision. This way China will have Vietnam trust and friendship forever. Yeah but i not sure about other side so don't count on us when bad thing happen.
P/s: And if thing going too well then China can give us Liangguang? Yeah those land belong to ancient Baiyue so technically belong to Ouyue so we happy to take back too.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Everything in Vietnam is boring right now. So i will stir up this thread with question for "Chinese" with open heart and extremely generosity! If( big if) China give away those SCS islands then China can give it all to Vietnam? We Vietnamese are very happy to have all those island or rock or coral reef or whatever name you call. And plz don't give it to Philippines or whoever else! Plz. And in sack of good friendship you Chinese can send some trop, missiles and warships to protect us from who don't agree with this decision. This way China will have Vietnam trust and friendship forever. Yeah but i not sure about other side so don't count on us when bad thing happen.
P/s: And if thing going too well then China can give us Liangguang? Yeah those land belong to ancient Baiyue so technically belong to Ouyue so we happy to take back too.

Lol, good joke, thanks for the laugh


Everything in Vietnam is boring right now. So i will stir up this thread with question for "Chinese" with open heart and extremely generosity! If( big if) China give away those SCS islands then China can give it all to Vietnam? We Vietnamese are very happy to have all those island or rock or coral reef or whatever name you call. And plz don't give it to Philippines or whoever else! Plz. And in sack of good friendship you Chinese can send some trop, missiles and warships to protect us from who don't agree with this decision. This way China will have Vietnam trust and friendship forever. Yeah but i not sure about other side so don't count on us when bad thing happen.
P/s: And if thing going too well then China can give us Liangguang? Yeah those land belong to ancient Baiyue so technically belong to Ouyue so we happy to take back too.

I got a better idea, why don't you guys rejoin China instead of pretending to be a mini-China all the time? This way, all those lands will technically be yours again, and your girls won't have to fake marry some desperate rural guy in order to work in China.
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