China need a new geopolitical Doctrine ?

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I have no idea who this other poster is. I signed up after seeing how China's hostile belligerence towards everyone is now destroying successful Chinese companies and the life's work of China's geniuses like Ren Zhengfei. It really hurts my heart. For centuries China's political system persecuted and destroyed its brightest minds, best personalities, only for a few decades it let them thrive, now it's going back to the dark old days. This is so worrisome. China has so many smart and hardworking ambitious people, but now to be Chinese is labelled something ugly in the West and many other countries because China has mismanaged its foreign relations so badly. I don't know who this other poster is, but great minds think alike! If you are reading, you made correct points. I am sure you care about the Chinese people as much as I do.

The USA wants to cripple Huawei because it is a symbol of a hi-tech China that threatens to displace the USA.

But a prosperous hi-tech China would be 2-4x larger than the USA.

So no matter what China does - it is inevitable that the USA would lose its existing position in the world.

So I see the USA demonising and containing China, because the US wants to hold onto those privileges.


I have no idea who this other poster is. I signed up after seeing how China's hostile belligerence towards everyone is now destroying successful Chinese companies and the life's work of China's geniuses like Ren Zhengfei. It really hurts my heart. For centuries China's political system persecuted and destroyed its brightest minds, best personalities, only for a few decades it let them thrive, now it's going back to the dark old days. This is so worrisome. China has so many smart and hardworking ambitious people, but now to be Chinese is labelled something ugly in the West and many other countries because China has mismanaged its foreign relations so badly. I don't know who this other poster is, but great minds think alike! If you are reading, you made correct points. I am sure you care about the Chinese people as much as I do.
Funny thing to claim that you care about Chinese people but every time China and a neighboring country has a dispute, you consider it China's hostile belligerence or mismanagement. I actually care about Chinese people and I consider it China's defense against foreign hostile belligerence. China's hard-working ambitious people want to see China guard every interest and succeed in every endeavor, not to relent to every challenge. If you think that Chinese people wish to sacrifice national prestige and honor in (failed) attempt win some temporary comforts for themselves, then you think too lowly of Chinese people, a mistake commonly made by brain-washed Westerners. And if your heart hurts, it should be in memory of all the Chinese who fought and died in China's most hopeless times so it could have a brilliant future in which it is beyond challenge. That it hurts because China's finally standing up for itself and isn't seen as a lovely lapdog in the West, well... then it's clear where your heart is.

PS. It's interesting that tidalwave/adiru also liked to talk about his "heart" and hand himself compliments between his accounts. Your post reads like a guy telling others that he's not from Australia and has no idea where Australia is while speaking in a thick Aussie accent LOL I guess it's the next best thing for someone who so desperately wants but can't get compliments from other people.
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Registered Member
I kind of wish I went to school with someone like tidalwave back in the day. I'm not a bully but damn, he makes it tempting. If he wants to be a walking ATM then I have some "withdrawals" to make.

It's especially funny that on one of his alts he claimed to sleep with a loaded pistol under his pillow. If that's true and not just a manifestation of his sadly undiagnosed and untreated schizophrenia, he takes protection of his person and property very seriously. Why don't you just let robbers and murderers have their way with you, tidal? If someone wants to break into your home, rob you of your possessions and murder you for sport, what business do you have resisting this? Are you trying to cause trouble? Be "diplomatic."


Junior Member
I have no idea who this other poster is. I signed up after seeing how China's hostile belligerence towards everyone is now destroying successful Chinese companies and the life's work of China's geniuses like Ren Zhengfei. It really hurts my heart. For centuries China's political system persecuted and destroyed its brightest minds, best personalities, only for a few decades it let them thrive, now it's going back to the dark old days. This is so worrisome. China has so many smart and hardworking ambitious people, but now to be Chinese is labelled something ugly in the West and many other countries because China has mismanaged its foreign relations so badly. I don't know who this other poster is, but great minds think alike! If you are reading, you made correct points. I am sure you care about the Chinese people as much as I do.

You are gonna make me cry, stop it. Such a patriot.


Lieutenant General
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They're playing psychological games. It's just like Trump claiming China wants Joe Biden as President so Americans don't vote for Biden. Someone posted that article earlier about the Republicans' tactics are going to blame everything on China this upcoming election and there was another article that said Democrats are going take a harder line stance on China to counter it. That's what's happening.
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