J-11B a single seater upgraded from a J-11, license production of the Russia Su-27SK. The J-11B is either fully or mostly made from domestic Chinese parts enhancing the original J-11 basic license production of the Su-27SK to a more multi-role fighter through Chinese technology upgrades possibly designated as the J-11B. Most significant upgrades or domestic insertions that sets it apart from the basic J-11 would be replacing the Russia AL-31F turbofans to the Chinese WS-10A turbofans with increased thrust from 122.8kN to 129.4kN. And replacing the Russian NIIP N001 radar with Chinese Shedian-10 and finally the Russian R-77 AAM's with Chinese SD-10 AAM's. Now the original J-11 (Su-27) is a single seater and according to some articles so is the J-11B, and the Su-30MKK series are two seaters. If the single seater of the J-11B is true is basically and technological upgraded version of the the Su-27SK with near or full Chinese technology. Though the J-11B will have increased manuverability over the basic J-11, and can play more roles than the J-11 of being air superiority.
With the last post if their are any errors with the information feel free to correct or discuss. Though I do think that the J-11B will or has incorporated TVC turbofans engines.
hmm, let's not go that far with the engine yet. Yes, WS-10A is an important step considering that its basic performance is suppose to match that of F110-129, but that doesn't mean we can just make extremely high expectation of it. For example, it currently doesn't even have FADEC. It still uses hybird control system, even though China has developed FADEC. As for TVC, again it's something that hasn't been incorporated yet. I'm far more interested in the next generation of WS-10 with FADEC and thrust of 155kN.