China Flanker thread

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Lieutenant General
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The squared tail of the MKK seems to give the impression that its taller than the tail of the UBK or the MKI, but in reality, looking at the side drawings, they're the same height as the clipped fins of the other two seaters. The MKI also has the corner patches, but they seem to have a lighter color than that of the J-11s. I suspect these patches are a kind of aerial signal receiver.

Just had some time to do a comparison ... You are right with the height, but otherwise I didn't know that there are so many changes !



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Banned Idiot
what is maximum range of type-1473 radar?
according to back issue of air international,max. tange of SU-27SK's N-1001 radar is 165km. tracking range 80km.
for the F-15A 185km.
and why is when western source usually provide both search and tracking range for the soviet airborne radar, while never mention tracking range for US make radar.?
Is tracking range refering to illumination range?


VIP Professional
Allegedly the range is about 160km (some say up to 180km). I don't know if this is tracking range or not, I think this is search distance, while tracking range may depend on the RCS of the target. My presumption is that the tracking range is between 80 to 120km depending on the RCS of popular fighters.


Junior Member
I find all these range quotes to be rather difficult to compare, considering they depend on at least two and probably more variables: what the target RCS is and what the miss rate per unit time is. For tracking, this gets even more blurred. What exactly do you mean by tracking? As in, to what accuracy and confidence?


Lieutenant General
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what is maximum range of type-1473 radar?
according to back issue of air international,max. tange of SU-27SK's N-1001 radar is 165km. tracking range 80km.
for the F-15A 185km.
and why is when western source usually provide both search and tracking range for the soviet airborne radar, while never mention tracking range for US make radar.?
Is tracking range refering to illumination range?

150 km vs 3 sqm targets according to the J-10 avionics developer guy. For su-27sk, search range is generally for searching much larger targets I think. We do have detection range for modern western fighters. For example, APG-77 is said to be able to track 1 m^2 targets at 170 to 190 km.


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This was what I always presume it to be the tracking range is roughly half of the max range of radar, for a RCS of <5m^2 such as a J-7.


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Also, some fresh news from HKB, aerospace daily. This is news from SAC, looks like it's about the naval J-11 or J-11BS

It talks about a new plane finishing the review and is delivered to the flight test station. This is a huge progress for this type of plane. The plane was first assembled in the end of August. They had to do a lot of tests to prepare it for flight test.
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Lieutenant General
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from avic1 on J-11B, well sort of, news from SAC
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Basically, the importance of this article is that it mentions J-11B finally successfully completed the certification review in 2007 and the engine it uses (WS-10A) passed design certification in Dec 2005. It mentions a bunch of other stuff, but in general, just another confirmation that J-11B is now in service.
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2005 年12月,该型发动机通过了设计定型审查。2007年,配装该发动机的重点型号飞机顺利完成定型审查。一航沈阳所与一航动力所携手并肩、共谱蓝天理想,解决了一个个重大技术难题,攻克了一道道技术难关。研发过程中,飞机型号总设计师组织精兵强将进行专题论证,对技术风险进行预测,并制定有效规避风险的工程研制方案。两所组成了联合小组深入部队考察、调研。双方联合提出建议开展“科研试飞、定型试飞”,逐步推进,最终达到协同发展。

飞机总设计师系统和发动机总设计师系统虽然隶属于不同的科研单位,但在中国一航统一领导下,始终能够以大集团战略为先,以行业大局为重,“无边界管理、无缝隙链接,通力合作”,把目光锁定在提高飞机的整体作战效能上,锁定在飞机和发动机的协同发展上。从化解风险的顶层决策、可行性论证、飞发匹配方案设计、到 “瓶颈”技术问题处理,总师系统充分地沟通,有效地指挥,积极地协调。


技术创新作为飞机设计和发动机设计的主旋律,体现在专业设计的每一个方面。重点型号飞机在国内率先建立了第三代战斗机的材料体系, 新研综合航电武器系统极大提高了超视距空战能力,实现了机体、动力和武器的综合集成设计等14项功能,填补了国内空白。发动机的设计采用了大量的先进部件技术,其中多项填补国内空白,上百项新工艺、新材料的应用,使发动机材料技术和制作技术实现了一系列重大突破。技术创新的同步效应显著,使飞机和发动机研制水平达到前所未有的新高度,有力地推动了飞机整体研制水平提升。




Senior Member
VIP Professional
All right, guys, very helpful comments.
But this thread has become very long and hard to follow, so here comes the continuation:

China Flanker Thread II

Great disscussion gents! But this thread is closed!
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Lieutenant General
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Is this the first ... or the second one (both were powered by AL-31F) ?


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