Maybe someone can compress it. It was a rather big poster and it has been posted in both the CDF and AFM forums. It showed a picture of the radar, that is completely nothing I have seen from existing both Russian and Chinese designs based on the servos and box components but didn't even say its designation.
It is possible that two radars were developed because China has two competiting firms from Leihua and NRIET. But NRIET has been winning all the contracts from the PLAAF with the exception of the JH-7A, and there is a rumor they want to change even the Leihua sourced radar (JL-10A) of that to NRIET's.
For example, Leihua's SY-80 competed with NRIET's KLJ-6E for the J-7G contract, and it appears to have lost. This despite the SY-80 is capable of using K band (higher than X/J band).
I am now leaning in the position that PL-12 and SD-10 both have different seekers. The PL-12 seeker is from NRIET while the SD-10 seeker is from Leihua.
The rumor for Leihua's candidate for the J-11B contract was something called the JL-15 aka Divine Eagle, where as NRIET's KLJ-4 had the code name 'Falcon' but the 'Falcon' radar turned out to be KLJ-6E for the J-7G.
There is a photo in NRIET's website that shows an ultra low sidelob array that looks like phase array. While it's oval shaped, it does not like like it is the one used on the KJ-2000 AWACS, so it might be for a fighter.