China Flanker Thread II

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Guyz sorry to re-post the same message , but according to wikipedia Pakistan is interested in 120 Shenyang J-11Bs from China , this means in future we may see J11b in paf colours and may be negotiations are in progress b/w China and Pakistan .

Maybe wiki repeat the old story - let's wait and see :coffee:


Lieutenant General
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this is kind of interesting, it basically says that J-11B has achieved IOC (or Chinese equivalence of that).

There is also an article on this, please note that I'm too lazy to actually translate it, so I will just put some thoughts on this later in my blog.
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just says they've mastered the techs for the 3rd generation heavy fighter (3rd in China = 4th). And also the titanium ratio is 15%.


Banned Idiot
do the SU-30MKK sold to China included Radar cancellation technology?
during israel bombing of suppose syrian atomic reactor,Israel F-16 may have employed radar cancellation technology to penetrated the syrian air defense.


Banned Idiot
radar cancellation technique is highly classified,to date only few countries,like france,russia and US possess this technology.
during the bombing of serbia, B-2 bomber uses radar cancellation technology operated in low frequency to target serbian 's knife rest VHF band radar.the only radar band that according to some analysis capable of detecting stealth aircraft.making the aircraft invisible to UHF/VHF band radar.


VIP Professional
It sounds like overrated technology. Basically its just fancier "jamming" by emitting the same signal waveform as the ones reflected off the aircraft but slightly out of phase. So in truth, its still jamming. This might work against known radars whose different waveforms are well documented and collectively stored in some on board database, but not against LPI or agile radars or new radars that is not in your database or radars that have been upgraded and now have new modes, signals and waveforms that are not in your signal database.

Simply said, this is not a system you can rely to deal with the unknown.


Junior Member
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basically sounds like an expensive technology demonstration device that they want to attract foreign buyers for money. nothing more then a jammer in its own words.
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