Now I suggest we get back on Topic before Dieno loses his patience entirely, sorry Dieno.
AMEN ... And never mind I couldn’t have said it better !
And now back to the topic !
Now I suggest we get back on Topic before Dieno loses his patience entirely, sorry Dieno.
You're onto Mig's strategy, if you don't find a reliable source, continue searching the inter-webs for a bogus article or study or Winslow Wheeler or Pierre Spey, folks who at one time where critical thinkers, but have since become Chihuahua's, with incessant yapping and running around in circles and yapping some more, engaging in circular reasoning. After being swatted with the newspaper of truth they come back and attack your ankles once more, such as the F-22 is vulnerable to small arms fire, the F-22 operates well above 35,000 ft. As Dieno stated, the article you have quoted is bogus, to continue to go back to that is an insult to logic and reasoning, and the intellegence of fellow form members.
Mig, I am your friend, I have given you credit where due, and defended your sorry butt, and your "right" to be here, but your circular reasoning tries my patience, much like a disobedient Chihuahua, you continue to yap and yip. While others post knowledgeable and credible sources, you will post anything that suits your fancy, or more accurately your "fantasy of the moment", when some unsuspecting innocent "buys" your story, then you'll flip-flop and argue with them.
Logic and Reason proceed in a linear fashion, you claim "math" as your foundation, but very seldom do you proceed in a logical or linear fashion, I have yet to see you issue a retraction or an apology when your "theories" are refuted by the truth and a credible source or witness, you just continue to repeat, repeat, repeat, as if that continued assault on our senses will give you a "victory".
Finally, the Su-34 & the F-22 are two entirely different animals, your failure to "grasp" that belies your self expressed expertise on matters of aircraft design and aerodynamics, like I said before, you better pray that your professors don't look at your posts. Brat
Now I suggest we get back on Topic before Dieno loses his patience entirely, sorry Dieno.
Can someone tell me are those Chinese or Russian engines (and how can you tell) ?
Can someone tell me are those Chinese or Russian engines (and how can you tell) ?
Those engines look Chinese to me. Chinese Flankers have only two choices, Russian or Chinese engines. Once there are only two types of fruits in the basket; apple and orange, it is easy; what are not apples are oranges.
J-11BS with WS-10 and J-15 with AL-31