No, Mig-29, I did not claim that, I simply said that there were limitations placed on the F-22, both with BVR and other capabilities to level the playing field and not to count too highly on what a fighter jock said as a result of such a Red Flag exercise while engaging an F-22 so handicapped. I stand by that arguement and statement.That first is a way to claim IRST systems stop working, technically the IRST systems is not affected by any restriction beyond bad weather.
Nope again. Read what I wrote. I specifically said that the F-22 is NOT invulnerable.You think that F-22 is unvulnerable, un-detectable, that is not true, F-22 can be detected, even by old systems, as i told you a soccer ball pretty much is a ver small size, by the way 400km of engagement capability.
Not. Given the flight profile and capabilities it has, the reality is that most will get in range and deliver their JDAMS (or longer ranged standoff weapons if qual'ed) if they are tasked to do so. And the weapons will most certainly work if delivered.The reality at 28km, F-22 will be detected, even at 60-80km, the JDAMs are useless, that is the reality.
We will simply have to disagree on this. But it is a moot topic anyway because, as I have stated and will explain again, the F-22 is not likely to be tasked with this mission.
Well, Mig-29, I am certainly NOT thinking with YOUR logic...and that is fine.You re not thinking with logi
But everything I have mentioned to you has been very logically laid out. You just disagree with it...and that's fine too.
I have stated over and over that the probability of the F-22 being used as a strike aircraft is very low...too few aircraft in inventory and they are simply too good and valuable in the air to air role. But they are capbale of strike if the US desired. With the F-35 JSF, purpose built strike fighter coming on, it is unlikely that the option will ever be used.... first the F-22 will destroy enemy fighters and B-2s and F-15E destroy SAMs, AWACs and Radar stations and later F-22 will start doing bombing missions when there is little probability it might be down.
So, as a result, your scenario probably goes more like this.
1) Highly stealthy B-2s engage and destroy enemy radars and C&C targets using their stealth and standoff missiles to do so.
2) Highly stealthy F-35 strike aircraft follow up the B-2 raids and destroy leftover radars and other high value targets with standoff precision weapons.
3) While that is happening, F-22s establish air superiority and ultimately air dominance.
4) Then, F-35s acting in a non-stealth role, and F-15Es and other attack aircraft continue the attack.
Mig-29 said:He is the designer of F-16 says a rifle will down it, compare the Su-34 has armoured cockpit and Russia still retains Su-25s
Hitting an F-22 with a bullet fired from a rifle on the ground, while it is engaging in air to air combat, or attack combat at any altitude over 1000 feet is more unlikely than finding a needle in a haystack...a very large haystack.
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