China Flanker Thread II

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Senior Member
Su-33KUB also has side by side seating, however according to what i read, the duckbill radome does indeed reduce RCS, it is not a stealth fighter, true, but it has reduced RCS, plus it offers extra fuselage lift with the duckbill radome.
Su-34 also has better forward visibility than Su-33KUB

so much of the redesign work was already completed for the carrier trainer. i guess that makes more sense.


Tyrant King
When comparing SU34 to F15 or F16 you have to be careful because well Strike Eagle and Falcon may act as strikers SU34 is a bomber. A light bomber yes but a bomber. The flight deck feature list reads like a description of the flight deck of the B2 and no one would even try to operate a CAP mission with SU34


Banned Idiot
so much of the redesign work was already completed for the carrier trainer. i guess that makes more sense.

I do not see it in that way.

Su-32 was originally called Su-27IB IB stands in Russian for fighter-bomber.

Su-33KUB, KUB stands in Russian for naval trainer.

They are different programs, any one who has followed Su-34 development history knows that.

Plus Su-27IB first flew in 1990 and Su-33KUB in 1999.


Banned Idiot
When comparing SU34 to F15 or F16 you have to be careful because well Strike Eagle and Falcon may act as strikers SU34 is a bomber. A light bomber yes but a bomber. The flight deck feature list reads like a description of the flight deck of the B2 and no one would even try to operate a CAP mission with SU34

SU-32 can fire AA-11s and AA-10s, it can do CAP, not as efficiently as the SU-35S but definitively it has air to air capability, in fact that is the real reason it replaced Su-24, Su-24 only uses AA-8s for self defence.

I would say Su-34 has no equivalent in the world for that reason, is basicly what Mc namara wanted the F-111 to be


Senior Member
I do not see it in that way.

Su-32 was originally called Su-27IB IB stands in Russian for fighter-bomber.

Su-33KUB, KUB stands in Russian for naval trainer.

They are different programs, any one who has followed Su-34 development history knows that.

Plus Su-27IB first flew in 1990 and Su-33KUB in 1999.

you may be right. the original program was probably intended for a Su-24 replacement. but it seems to have converged with the carrier trainer program very early.
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"The prototype (T10V-1 coded "42") was built in Sukhoi's own workshops and first flown 13 April 1990. The aircraft was first seen in a Tass photograph showing this aircraft approaching (but not landing on) the carrier “Admiral of the Fleet Kuznetsov”. It was described as a deck landing trainer"

anyway, does the Su-34 have better low level flight characteristics compare to regular Su-27/30?


Immediately behind the pilot seats is the bulkhead. There is no room for a toilet or a galley.

Tags: Imageshack; Imgur; Russian Air Force; Sukhoi; Su-34; no galley; no toliet;


Banned Idiot
Между тем на форуме портала резмещен обзор вышедшей в недавнем номере американского военного журнала Defense Review статьи, где говорится о том, что Китай ведет работы по созданию собственного варианта российского фронтового бомбардировщика Су-34.

Китай уже имеет опыт успешной разработки истребителей J-11B и J-16 на базе российских Су-27 и Су-30. Сообщается, что завершен этап продувки модели J-17 (Су-34) в аэродинамической трубе. Далее идут предположения, что китайская версия Су-34 должна прийти на замену бомбардировщикам H-6 (Ту-16).
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According to this report, Defence review claimed China was building J-17 based upon Su-34, they say it is american and the test model of Su-34 was tested on a Wind tunnel, the aircraft J-17 might be to replace H-6 according to the source
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Lieutenant General
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But again !!! This report too says more or less exactly the samne what the other Russian report IO posted yesterday tells us. ... the quetion remains still remains: is this report true or once again some kind of BS ???



Между тем на форуме портала резмещен обзор вышедшей в недавнем номере американского военного журнала Defense Review статьи, где говорится о том, что Китай ведет работы по созданию собственного варианта российского фронтового бомбардировщика Су-34.

Китай уже имеет опыт успешной разработки истребителей J-11B и J-16 на базе российских Су-27 и Су-30. Сообщается, что завершен этап продувки модели J-17 (Су-34) в аэродинамической трубе. Далее идут предположения, что китайская версия Су-34 должна прийти на замену бомбардировщикам H-6 (Ту-16).
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According to this report, Defence review claimed China was building J-17 based upon Su-34, they say it is american and the test model of Su-34 was tested on a Wind tunnel, the aircraft J-17 might be to replace H-6 according to the source
The Su-34 test model being referred to was first seen no less than five years ago. So, what you have quoted above is simply recycled news; very old recycled news. Nothing has came out of the wind tunnel model then, nothing will come out of it now.

China tests a lot of models in the wind tunnel. There have even been pictures of F-16 and F-22 models being tested. That doesn't mean China is inducting F-16 or F-22.
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