A SU-30 belonging to the PLAN east sea made a successful landing with one engine after an bird strike shortly after taking-off at night.
Kudos to the pilot! Landing at night is difficult enough but to do it with one engine flameout is a pants soiling experience.
Nah, night landings are a piece of cake, line up the dots, the whole runway is illuminated, I used to practice black-out landings with no landing lights just for fun, Flying the Flanker on one is a simple matter of energy management, now if you have to perform a go around, then it could get hairy, then you have to keep airspeed above VMC in order to maintain directional control. Now if we are talking "night traps" that is a whole nother animal. Brat
russian avaition press report that Chinese version of SU-34 ( J-17) has wrap up wind tunnel test.PLAAF intend to use the aircraft to replace H-6 bomber,early production of H-6 are being scrap as.satelite photo show the number of H-6 is dwindling.