I have to agre that it sounds like "chinese forum gossip", but it seems indeed to be based on a Russian report:
Otherwise I don't agree; even if the Su-34 is surely a unique design and capable of missions more related to larger designs it is a dated design, simply since it is based on a Flanker and originally developed ages ago !! As such that does not mind its operational use, in a modern battlefield with the lack of stealth it could be "problematic" and therefore I think a development of SAC's XXJ-submission or XAC's JH-XX are better suited for that role.
Otherwise the often mentioned wind-tunnel test of a Su-34-look alike say nothing. We 've seen Rafale, F-22, S-70 and NH-90 models under test and there's surely not a program under way to copy all them. They are simply tested as comparative studies to examine their aerodynamics ...
Just my 2 cents,
The article says the test are made in Russia, not China.
Now let me say why i disagree.
Su-34 has the range of Tu-22M but with the payload of Tu-16/H-6.
As the article mentions, Su-34 can easily do what the Tu-16 does, so basicly it can replace it.
That is what basicly the article says.
Now, all operational aircraft in 2013 have shorter legs, Eurofighter, Rafale, F-15E, JH-7.
F-22s have stealth true but there is a very bad constraign to stealth, yes payload, F-22 has small weapons bays, so it can not carry large weapons, see
The F-22 has a significant capability to attack surface targets. In the air-to-ground configuration the aircraft can carry two 1,000-pound GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions internally and will use on-board avionics for navigation and weapons delivery support. In the future air-to-ground capability will be enhanced with the addition of an upgraded radar and up to eight small diameter bombs. The Raptor will also carry two AIM-120s and two AIM-9s in the air-to-ground configuration.
As we can see, F-22 has a very limited air to ground capability, in fact it has to get very close to deliver its GBU-32, so close that it will be detected.
So in few words, F-22 firing a JDAM, it loses its stealth by flying close to the target and if it carries air to surface weapons externally it destroys its stealth and increases drag.
In few words, stealth fighters are BVR aircraft designed to fight at more than 100km of the target to be successful in air to air, from 100 to 50 km are detectable by fighters easily such as Su-35 with ist powerful radar and IRST systems, and less than 50km are regular aircraft.
Since they have limited air to ground capability due to small payload capability, basicly they can not compare to their 4++ generation in payload capability.
Su-34 can carry more wapons at longer ranges and weapons that can be fired from longer ranges.
The only aircraft now Superior to Su-34 is B-2, because it has longer payload, longer range and and a good payload capability, F-35 or F-22 have limitations in payload..
Russia is designing PAKDA to be a kind of B-2 aircraft or better, but now in the arsenal of any nation, Su-34 is very effective