China Flanker Thread II

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Banned Idiot
Most likely ejected, but has fallen into an area that they can't survive. I used to swims in rivers before, these mud areas are extremely deadly. Not only you can get struck by the mud, there might also be plants beneath that can than tangle you and drag you down with the current.


Senior Member
I think the problem of strong airflow is not really an issue if the airplane can still be controlled to slow down to an airspeed where the pilots can still manage to fly the plane without the canopy.

Actually , Flankers could and did fly without canopy at high speeds (I don't think they broke sound barrier tho :D ) . Take a look at link (replace xttp with http , remove ]Russian Jet Cabrio Flight [updated] | English )

xttp://]Russian Jet Cabrio Flight [updated] | English
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Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Frankly... I tot we are not allow to go into aircraft vs aircraft type of scenario. This always ended in a heated flamewar?


cool video! I like to see the J-20 do those moves some day but right now w/o TVC and lackluster engines I'm not sure if it could or not.

There was a video of the J-20 doing a very quick half turn. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough or haven't bumped into it yet but I haven't seen a video of the F-22, T-50 or the F-35 doing such a quick tight maneouvre. (The video was posted in the J-20 thread a while ago, I think. I'll try to look for it and repost it here.)

Found it in youtube instead.


Another one of interest.

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