I think it was Quickie who first brought it up because he thought there were a couple of 'whitey' looking guys in that picture. Not sure why it's even an issue or why it would cross anyone's to make a point of pointing out the race of whoever is on the picture LOL. Personally I couldn't even tell if it was a mannequin or a monkey let alone if the person is white or Asian or whatever
Actually Kwai, I can't tell either, but we need not pretend that doesn't figure into "who" we are in a positive way, and how we all relate to one another, it can be a barrier to friendship and positive relationship, I'm the one who said "whitey", I was just given Quickie some Krap, I enjoy doing that with my good friends, and some of you guys are my besties, as my tweeny daughters say.... Americans can be lots of different colors and ethnicities, we are all Americans, we can also be confident and even arrogant, I'm sure I have been, and apologys all around, I do let my hair down here on Sino D because I am among my peers, I love all you guys in a brotherly way. I appreciate it when you humor me, and hope I can be equally gracious in return, believe me when I say I feel a great bond of friendship with you all, and also when I express my sorrow that brother aviators have lost their lives serving their country, and respecting your faith, and practice, I would say this in a non-preachy tone, (yes, I are one of those), I believe we all share a Creator, and I believe we are each one prescious to Him.
Finally Quickies intention was to point out the photo may have been doctored??, (we have lots of those too), my point was maybe not, Wolfie is prolly correct that they are local fishermen who tried to help?
Finally, I have made rash/brash statements that upon reflection could have hurt someones pride or feelings when trying to get a point across, feel free to say hey Bax, (my real name, from my grandfather), I think thats unfair, or you hit a raw nerve, I do delete about half of what I write on Sino D, when looking at it I realize it may be 1.IN ERROR, 2. In poor taste, 3.Insensitive or unkind. I would encourage you to look back, there are occasions when I have been in-accurate, and I do print apologys and or retractions as is appropriate..MODS this is OT and feel free to delete any and all of it. Brat