China Flanker Thread II

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Look like the aircraft has some system failure in the air, maybe engine failure, but was still rather controllable that's why the pilots tried to save the aircraft and also wanted to lead it away from crowded area. Eventually, they end-up landing without ejecting. I still don't understand one thing, if they didn't eject, how come we see ejection seat missing from the photos? Or when they remove the pilots, they also remove those seats?


Look like the aircraft has some system failure in the air, maybe engine failure, but was still rather controllable that's why the pilots tried to save the aircraft and also wanted to lead it away from crowded area. Eventually, they end-up landing without ejecting. I still don't understand one thing, if they didn't eject, how come we see ejection seat missing from the photos? Or when they remove the pilots, they also remove those seats?

My theory is that if pilots did eject, they probably ended up in the mud flat, which acts like quicksand and drowned the pilots.


Lieutenant General
My theory is that if pilots did eject, they probably ended up in the mud flat, which acts like quicksand and drowned the pilots.

Would seem the most likely reason for the deaths, which would have been pretty damn tragic if that was indeed the case, as looking at the plane, chances are the pilots would have survived had they not ejected since the plane and cockpit look pretty intact, so the force of the impact might not have been fatal. :(


My theory is that if pilots did eject, they probably ended up in the mud flat, which acts like quicksand and drowned the pilots.

I think you're theory is quite logical; they did eject but die after ejection. If you look at the photos again, you'll see people reaching there by boats even though water was so shallow and some place was dry.


Junior Member
Modern ejection seats can be ejected safely from ground level and even if the pilot ejected before impact, they still got a relatively good chance of surviving.

My uncle was the technical officer in the A4S squadron in Singapore Airforce. In one incident the A4 crashed and the pilot ejected but still died. when they recovered his body after 2 days of searching in the sea, his body was bloated beyond recognition. But the pilot didn't died of drowning. There was a deep laceration on his forehead and the post mortem was he didn't strapped his safety belt tightly.During the ejection process, his head hit the glass canopy and most likely he was killed at that point.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I was hinting at the picture possibly being photoshopped for the reason that the PLA never employ foreigners to do rescue work.

Ruskies?????, Su-35 protype???, sorry guys, I am also saddened that we lost 2 pilots, I only hope its not some of our J-15 drivers, as I will continue to state, flying is a dangerous business, and if in fact they lost their lives trying to avoid the bridge and homes, a double blessing to them in the life to come.....BRAT


Any current exercises with the Russians? If so, this could explain the few "Russians" helping in the rescue in that picture.


Lieutenant General
It's just a few local fishermen who got on the scene first. I have no idea where these 'Caucasian' claims came from.


It's just a few local fishermen who got on the scene first. I have no idea where these 'Caucasian' claims came from.

I think it was Quickie who first brought it up because he thought there were a couple of 'whitey' looking guys in that picture. Not sure why it's even an issue or why it would cross anyone's to make a point of pointing out the race of whoever is on the picture LOL. Personally I couldn't even tell if it was a mannequin or a monkey let alone if the person is white or Asian or whatever
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