China Flanker Thread II

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Junior Member
J-11BS has center mounted IRST in front of windscreen. J-16 has offset IRST ( to right ) and an IFR retractable probe mounted opposite (on the left). Radome is black on J-11BS and grey on J-16. These are the more conspicuous differences. I'm sure there are other minute or hard to see (internal ones) differences.


Lieutenant General
The J11BS is just a twin seat J11B, and seems mainly intended for training, although it is also fully combat capable.

The J16 is a dedicated ground attack striker, with similar structural strengthening, boosted fuel load and dedicated avionics for precision strike missions first and for most.

Just think of the difference between the J11BS and J16 as similar to that between the Su27UKB and Su30MKK.


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J-15 555 + J-20 behind :p


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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Hi I am a noob. Can somebody please explain to me the difference between the J11-BS and the J-16? They look like same aircraft to me. Thanks in advance!

Hey I think your onto something, in the US it would be the difference between the F-15c and the F-15e, I think China/Shenyang is just trying to confuse us poor dumb 80 IQ poor Westerner Hillbillys, actually politicians aren't to bright about aircraft so you have to make it sound like they're buying something totally new in order to get them to turn loose of the money, I guess Chinese politicians are no different LOL!

Butt, being an edumakated Hillbilly, a Flanker is a Flanker is a Flanker, so you are quite right, but the guys are technically correct, the J-15 is a naval version of the Air Force J-11.


Hey I think your onto something, in the US it would be the difference between the F-15c and the F-15e, I think China/Shenyang is just trying to confuse us poor dumb 80 IQ poor Westerner Hillbillys, actually politicians aren't to bright about aircraft so you have to make it sound like they're buying something totally new in order to get them to turn loose of the money, I guess Chinese politicians are no different LOL!

Butt, being an edumakated Hillbilly, a Flanker is a Flanker is a Flanker, so you are quite right, but the guys are technically correct, the J-15 is a naval version of the Air Force J-11.
Chinese politicians are often engineers or scientists. Was that fighter bomber named F-15E to avoid politicians noticing the amount of work and money needed for its development? SAC didn't try that trick with its fighter bomber?
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Chinese politicians are often engineers or scientists. Was that fighter bomber named F-15E to avoid politicians noticing the amount of work and money needed for its development? SAC didn't try that trick with its fighter bomber?

No, The E model is an F-15 like the prototype, and if you where going to answer this as an engineer rather than a politician you would be in total agreement with me. And why pray tell would it matter to you what the US taxpayers spend for our prescious aeroplanes and ships and side arms, petty jealousy, if you want to come to America, I will adopt you and buy you a one way ticket so you could get your butt to work and help us pay for this stuff! Love ya brother, but man, I think you just wanna be a cowboy, come on over an try it out before you go kickin on us Hillbillys. And another thing, I pay my sheriff much less than you pay yours, thats why I can afford a few toys, Freedom isn't Free, it costs money, and another thing my Son in Law is in Germany, serving not only my country, but the German people as well, he's willing to fight for what we believe in, and yes he has been to Iraq twice to liberate those poor folks, and another Son in Law has been to Iraq and Afghanistan. We may be a bunch of dumb hillbillies, but we care about other people and we serve other people, we're not perfect, but have a Master who is and we're workin on it! Thanks for askin AFB! End off Topic, sorry Mods, my point remains that a Flanker is a Flanker, Russian, Chinese, and a couple of Americans own theirs as well as other end users have theirs. They are all Flankers, and no we don't need a separate thread to cover another Flanker variant if in fact the Russians do manage to sell a few more to who-ever. One final thing, engineers and scientests of the first order are frankly quite bored with politics and real engs and scientists are intriqued by the truth, not social engineering! End OFF TOPIC


Junior Member
No, The E model is an F-15 like the prototype, and if you where going to answer this as an engineer rather than a politician you would be in total agreement with me. And why pray tell would it matter to you what the US taxpayers spend for our prescious aeroplanes and ships and side arms, petty jealousy, if you want to come to America, I will adopt you and buy you a one way ticket so you could get your butt to work and help us pay for this stuff! Love ya brother, but man, I think you just wanna be a cowboy, come on over an try it out before you go kickin on us Hillbillys. And another thing, I pay my sheriff much MORE than you pay yours, thats why I can afford a few toys, Freedom isn't Free, it costs money, and another thing my Son in Law is in Germany, serving not only my country, but the German people as well, he's willing to fight for what we believe in, and yes he has been to Iraq twice to liberate those poor folks, and another Son in Law has been to Iraq and Afghanistan. We may be a bunch of dumb hillbillies, but we care about other people and we serve other people, we're not perfect, but have a Master who is and we're workin on it! Thanks for askin AFB! End off Topic, sorry Mods, my point remains that a Flanker is a Flanker, Russian, Chinese, and a couple of Americans own theirs as well as other end users have theirs. They are all Flankers, and no we don't need a separate thread to cover another Flanker variant if in fact the Russians do manage to sell a few more to who-ever. One final thing, engineers and scientests of the first order are frankly quite bored with politics and real engs and scientists are intriqued by the truth, not social engineering! End OFF TOPIC


Air Force Brat

Super Moderator

LESS lost, my taxes are way lower than delfts, but if you got found by the Master, then you would have MORE! and you would prolly be headed in the right direction, stead of being lost, and no I don't want to live in the cradle to grave Nanny State, everything big government touches it feeds off of like a parasite and grows to a non-functional obese STATE.
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