China Flanker Thread II

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Banned Idiot
Relax there Jr., there are a lot of reasons these things might or might not happen, 1. It gives you capability now instead of in five years, 2 It gives you access to the 117s which will benefit engine development on lots of different levels, so lets not beat up the folks who make these decisisions, lets just relax and see how this all plays out! AFB
it won`t give access to 117 technology, China-Russia have signed agreements regarding property rights, Sukhoi already has confirms the license is still going on, and third China will be able by her self to develop her engines without copying.

But definitively it will boost China`s capability until new fighters replace the Flanker in PLAAF

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
i won`t laugh, niether gloat, everyone is entitle to an opinion, those are simply flanker news for PLAAF.

if it happens okay if not not, we are not policy makers only fans at heart

Thats right Jr. and you R learning to play this game, and I appreciate the maturity you're showing right now, and we are all on the same team, and we are all getting an education thanks to Sino Defense and our Wise Men, the mods, thanks mods and all the rest of you fine gentlemen for making this the best military forum on the internet, your insight and interest in these areas amaze me everyday. AFB

Looks like its my turn to turn the page player. Oops maybe not!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
it won`t give access to 117 technology, China-Russia have signed agreements regarding property rights.

Actually it will, and the 117s is the prize as other posters have already suggested, and I didn't say they won't have an aggreement on the 117s, in fact I bet they will, and it wouldn't surprise me to see it in the J-20, its always a good idea to share with your friends Mig. AFB


Junior Member
Thanks, but it still NOT working.:(



Junior Member
Registered Member
Hi I am a noob. Can somebody please explain to me the difference between the J11-BS and the J-16? They look like same aircraft to me. Thanks in advance!
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