China Flanker Thread II

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Sharp Sword 20 military drill...




Banned Idiot
... and no I don't want to live in the cradle to grave Nanny State, everything big government touches it feeds off of like a parasite and grow to a non-functional obese STATE.

correct, especially the united states military, which is the largest welfare system in the world. just ask any single (unmarried), childless, US service person -those who truly sacrifice to serve- the ridiculous number of ways in which they are discriminated against (primarily financially) in favor of those who join the military, not to serve, but to get welfare for the outcomes for their reproductive choices. it's a sham!

and, that's not to mention the corporate welfare that the capitalist class (who would NEVER make the sacrifice of military service ) receives, with the assistance of corrupt politicians and military officers, through the awarding of no-bid, or rigged-bid contracts, and their outright stealing of public money by inflating the price of each and every good and service it provides.

yeah, it's funny, but really pathetic, when those who've benefited, and benefit, most from the welfare systems of 'the nanny state' are so mystified by process that they fail to recognize reality.


Junior Member
LESS lost, my taxes are way lower than delfts, but it you got found by the Master, then you would have MORE! and you would prolly be headed in the right direction, stead of being lost, and no I don't want to live in the cradle to grave Nanny State, everything big government touches it feeds off of like a parasite and grow to a non-functional obese STATE.

Unfortunately for you already have "Big Gov" and its growing. The USA is not the biggest spender on it's military for nothing. When the entitlements are reduced or removed see what happens to social cohesion. Americans have got used to gov hand outs.


Lieutenant General
What the heck is that on your avatar picture Subedei? It looks to me like some Confederate Swastika flag or something, unless you're Buddhist. :confused:


What the heck is that on your avatar picture Subedei? It looks to me like some Confederate Swastika flag or something, unless you're Buddhist. :confused:

The Buddhist symbol goes the other way, completely different from the Swastika... So what is shown in the Avatar is definitely a Nazi/confederate Swastika.

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
What the heck is that on your avatar picture Subedei? It looks to me like some Confederate Swastika flag or something, unless you're Buddhist. :confused:

Yeah Sube, what are you a socialist Nazi? People in America "join" the military, they get well educated and good benefits, I have one son in law in the Army and another in the reserve. They did that because of the lack of jobs in the private sector, they have both been to active combat zones twice, they don't whine about being victims. If you're man enough to fly the confederate battle flag do it, don't deface it. I hearby sentence you to listen to "SWEET HOME ALABAMA" The US military is the Back-Bone of this nation, they "voluteer" to serve, and they deserve to be well taken care of. And my personal thanks to all our military, and I Gladly pay my taxes that support the men and women who defend this country every day. My son in law has spent his second Christmas away from his family, and yes we all miss him, but he knows we love him, and Respect HIS decision to serve HIS/OURS country. AFB


Banned Idiot
Always great to see people using patriotic feeling to defend global imperialism. I do not see why serving is good for mankind. War is good for no one. And about those not having jobs. Maybe you should look at which nation pretty much ruined the world economy. Let us return to a Flanker thread and not this... Thank you.


LESS lost, my taxes are way lower than delfts, but if you got found by the Master, then you would have MORE! and you would prolly be headed in the right direction, stead of being lost, and no I don't want to live in the cradle to grave Nanny State, everything big government touches it feeds off of like a parasite and grows to a non-functional obese STATE.
I understand that the US governments spends $1.60 for every dollar it receives in taxes. The difference is made up by selling Treasury bonds and because ordinary investors can only buy so much of them, or even consider they already have enough, much of those are sold to the Fed who gives dollars in return it magically creates out of thin air.
That's an interesting way of keeping taxes low but it might have to end soon.


Junior Member
Happy New Year guys, seems like the Flanker thread is drifting a little OT...US government taxation, confederate / Nazi symbols etc ;)
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