... and no I don't want to live in the cradle to grave Nanny State, everything big government touches it feeds off of like a parasite and grow to a non-functional obese STATE.
correct, especially the united states military, which is the largest welfare system in the world. just ask any single (unmarried), childless, US service person -those who truly sacrifice to serve- the ridiculous number of ways in which they are discriminated against (primarily financially) in favor of those who join the military, not to serve, but to get welfare for the outcomes for their reproductive choices. it's a sham!
and, that's not to mention the corporate welfare that the capitalist class (who would NEVER make the sacrifice of military service ) receives, with the assistance of corrupt politicians and military officers, through the awarding of no-bid, or rigged-bid contracts, and their outright stealing of public money by inflating the price of each and every good and service it provides.
yeah, it's funny, but really pathetic, when those who've benefited, and benefit, most from the welfare systems of 'the nanny state' are so mystified by process that they fail to recognize reality.