is the j-15 program mature enough to warrant it's own thread on sdf, yet?
J-15 is just a flanker derivative, no need for another thread.
is the j-15 program mature enough to warrant it's own thread on sdf, yet?
is the j-15 program mature enough to warrant it's own thread on sdf, yet?
is the j-15 program mature enough to warrant it's own thread on sdf, yet?
J-11B has been upgraded with ESA radar??
J-15 is just a flanker derivative, no need for another thread.
J-11B is the real lincense Flanker, it is what Su-27M should be. But these russians shamlessly supplied China sub standard parts like old radars, unrealiable missiles (R-77E), and underpower engine (AL-31F), plus stone aged avonics. China simply reject these parts and put their own advanced kits such as radars, WS-10 engine, PL-12 missile and far more advanced avonics on to these flankers. China paid big bucks for these flankers and is entile to put what ever it wants on to them. If Russia fail to meet or unwilling to meet Chinese demand they can FU@K off !
J-15 is developed from J-11B and T-10K from Ukraine. Same story, Russia offered China the base line Su-33 which is pure crap in today's standard. They hope to make big bucks from it like Su-30MKK then use that money to make more advanced verson and sell it to other country like india. China stop that dead in its trap and now russians are crying like baby. Whos fault is it ? It is russia's fault. They have not learn the lesson from J-11B, and made the same mistake twice !
Bottom line, if russia can not or unwilling to offer its best then get lost.
And now they craw back with their Su-35 with their most advanced stuffs like IRBIS radar, and 117S engine. It seems that they have finially learn that lesson. Now it is up to China to determine weather to buy it or not !
I read an article sometime ago on the origin of J11B. It seems that when the first batch of basic SU-27 kits was delivered, the Russian botched up big time on the parts. The knocked down kits did not fit together due to incorrectly sourced suppliers from different parts of Russia (remember that the flankers have many versions). To rectify the problem, Sukhoi have to send engineers to work with their Chinese counterparts to conduct a "blue printing" exercise. This means they have to literally share the blue print of the aircraft to ensure the correct parts are sourced as per their original specification down to every last rivets, nuts and bolts. At the end of the exercise, the knocked down kits were finally assembled correctly, the by-product of this exercised is a very high degree of knowledge transfer. Unlike other countries who are Sukhoi customer, the Chinese already have a substantial aeronautical engineering base, now with this knowledge now in hand, the Chinese decided that they can build better flanker airframe than the Russians. It seems that even after this one-off exercise, Sukhoi have not shown that they have really rectified the root cause of their kit delivery issue and it was likely that the next batch will face the same problem, so the Chinese decided to stop ordering the kits and do it themselves.
I am not sure how much of the above is true, but it was an interesting explanation on the origin of J11B.
Even if only the part about the tech-transfer were true, it would make accusations that China can somehow reverse engineer entire planes from a few terabytes of stolen files in 3 years even more ridiculous.
Any more details on where you read this? Maybe we could find it again.
No less ridiculous than the fact that China can reverse an entire stealth jet from the ruins debris of a shot down F-117, but hey!!! A LOT of people actually believe it.