China Flanker Thread II

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Junior Member
Of course J-11B and J-15 are legal, since they aren't illegal in the first place.

J-11B is the real lincense Flanker, it is what Su-27M should be. But these russians shamlessly supplied China sub standard parts like old radars, unrealiable missiles (R-77E), and underpower engine (AL-31F), plus stone aged avonics. China simply reject these parts and put their own advanced kits such as radars, WS-10 engine, PL-12 missile and far more advanced avonics on to these flankers. China paid big bucks for these flankers and is entile to put what ever it wants on to them. If Russia fail to meet or unwilling to meet Chinese demand they can FU@K off !

J-15 is developed from J-11B and T-10K from Ukraine. Same story, Russia offered China the base line Su-33 which is pure crap in today's standard. They hope to make big bucks from it like Su-30MKK then use that money to make more advanced verson and sell it to other country like india. China stop that dead in its trap and now russians are crying like baby. Whos fault is it ? It is russia's fault. They have not learn the lesson from J-11B, and made the same mistake twice !

Bottom line, if russia can not or unwilling to offer its best then get lost.

And now they craw back with their Su-35 with their most advanced stuffs like IRBIS radar, and 117S engine. It seems that they have finially learn that lesson. Now it is up to China to determine weather to buy it or not !


That's not true. Just consider engine development.

You're right . Russia still has an edge in Engine tech .. but it is very obvious China will surpass it in near future, in 2020 China Engine tech will be very close to the US or British and will be far better than Russian.

China is pumping $$$ like no tomorrow on Turbofan engine technology, they will nail it .... for sure


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Guys, let's drop this Russian element and go back to talk about Flanker development in China. We've had enough discussion about this already and we aren't getting anywhere with more of the same.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Guys, let's drop this Russian element and go back to talk about Flanker development in China. We've had enough discussion about this already and we aren't getting anywhere with more of the same.

Well TP, we never get tired of beating a dead horse here on Sino D, as hope springs eternal, some of us expect that dead horse to jump up and go back to work, an be the best horse we ever owned, Gittem UP SCOUT! HI-O SILVER and AWAY! Wait who's horse was better Tonto's [me think so], or the Ranger's? and yes I am 1/16th Cherokee, why do you ask? Strains of the William Tell Overture playing in the background. OH! End off Topic

I do love these little Flankers, but fella's I still want a T-50 for Christmas, but if ya can't afford one, I'll take any brand of Flanker, in any color, even primer. LOL and if the Chinese or the Russians do decide to make Top Gun II, I"ll gladly play Goose for a little "stick time". Kinda reminds me of Wrigley's Double Mint Gum!


China's purchase of Su-35 is unrealistic in every regard. If China wanted to buy the Su-35, then you would not see the J-11B, J-15, J-16 production lines running at full pace. You would not see engines being diverted to the J-11B and you would certainly not see flight testing of J-16 and J-15, which will enter service around the same time frame at which the supposed Su-35 would be delivered. What would China gain from the Su-35? All they would have would be a PESA radar in place for their domestic AESA radar, and pretty much the same set of upgrades that are already seen on the J-11B. Then we have the Indian MMRCA as an example. They clearly did not think that the Su-35 was a major step up. Then we have the South Korean fighter competition, where the F-15K without phased array radar was chosen over the Su-35. It doesn't add up.


Junior Member
The money for purchasing Su-35 could be put into much better use to beef up China's domestic defence industry such as engine R&D, etc. 117S engine that comes along with Su-35 can not supercruise thus no use for 5 gen either. Su-35 purchased can not use Chinese amos, can not be linked to Beidou, can not datalinked with other PLAAF assets (against PLAFF doctrine), etc., that's assuming that Su-35 will come as standard as expected not like another "J-11A" old story allover again - which is almost cetrian the case. Depending on Ruskies for future "upgrade" to the level Russia and Only Russia is confortable with will prove to be just another nightmare... All in all, importing Su-35 is idiotic neither possible nor do-able.
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