China Flanker Thread II

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I think in all likelihood, it was seeing the landings that killed him.

He was the chairman of SAC, not an engineer or project leader, for him to be present would support my earlier belief that they feel fairly confident about their capabilities and that this entire exercise was more of a presentation rather than purely for training. And I would be amazed if he was the only VIP onboard that day.

I think there was a good chance that some very senior PLAN and Chinese government figures were also onboard the Liaoning that day for the demonstration, and it was more for their benefit rather than the CCTV crew that the display was made. Hell, the CCTV crew may well have been covering the VIP's visit as well, guess that's something we might want to look out for.

He was likely to have been overworked leading up to the landings, and I can only imagine the kind of pressure, stress he would have been feeling leading up to the landings, then the sense of relief and euphoria after the landings went perfectly was evidently just too much for his heart. :(

Thanks for clearing that up Wolfie, and I agree, this was a big, big, deal! AFB It is very sad that this brave patriot, who put it all out there won't get to see his babies take wing, but he did witness the very best execution of the roll out, and you've got to know that true leaders everywhere have faith in their people!


Senior Member
I think in all likelihood, it was seeing the landings that killed him.

He was the chairman of SAC, not an engineer or project leader, for him to be present would support my earlier belief that they feel fairly confident about their capabilities and that this entire exercise was more of a presentation rather than purely for training. And I would be amazed if he was the only VIP onboard that day.

I think there was a good chance that some very senior PLAN and Chinese government figures were also onboard the Liaoning that day for the demonstration, and it was more for their benefit rather than the CCTV crew that the display was made. Hell, the CCTV crew may well have been covering the VIP's visit as well, guess that's something we might want to look out for.

He was likely to have been overworked leading up to the landings, and I can only imagine the kind of pressure, stress he would have been feeling leading up to the landings, then the sense of relief and euphoria after the landings went perfectly was evidently just too much for his heart. :(

He is the chief designer of J-15 before he hand over it to someone else and take on he role of SAC chairman. J-15 is his baby... But since he has already handover, I am sure J-15/J-15S project will not be affected too much.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
He is the chief designer of J-15 before he hand over it to someone else and take on he role of SAC chairman. J-15 is his baby... But since he has already handover, I am sure J-15/J-15S project will not be affected too much.

Thanks Lion, I thought I had heard that, all makes perfect sense now, How about those Flankers kids, now that is an airplane anybody could be proud of, and its nice for him to be honored for his lifes work and dream, an article on the PLAN CV thread stated that the approaches where all manually flown as I said earlier, you can see the elevator pumping up and down as DAI flies his final approach to that first trap!

Incidentally, the Air Force Magazine Daily Report states that was the first Trap, lots of touch and goes, get you to that first Trap. DR was dated today, so I rest my case again, I think! Brat
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Senior Member
Xinhua defends J-15 warplane from foreign criticism

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Its not usual for Xinhua to do this. The whole aircraft carrier development has really touched chinese hearts for them to do this.


It looks like the Liaoning and the J-15 is China's short term and quickest solution to acquiring an aircraft carrier.

The longer term solution is building her own indigenously designed aircraft carrier with its complement of carrier stealth fighters.


Senior Member
It looks like the Liaoning and the J-15 is China's short term and quickest solution to acquiring an aircraft carrier.

The longer term solution is building her own indigenously designed aircraft carrier with its complement of carrier stealth fighters.

That is same as my sentiment CV liaoning will be out into an operational battle ready carrier in the short time. The latest date I expect it to be battle ready will be before next lunar new year. If by surprise. Before end of this year, probably.

CCTV already announce CV liaoning will be out to western pacific for training before end of nov. you can see the tempo is real fast.


I cannot believe this report: it sounded like China is going to import Su-35 from Russia:

记者:据俄媒报道,前不久俄罗斯防长绍伊古访华期间,俄中双方就俄向中方出售24架苏35战斗机达成 了初步协议,合同价值超过了15亿美元,请予以证实?第二个问题,另据报道近年中俄军技合作出现了一 些问题,如伊尔-76MD运输机和伊尔-78加油机项目迟迟未能履行,还有中方未经俄方许可擅自改制俄罗斯 装备,请问对此进行评论?

  耿雁生:11月20日至21日,俄罗斯国防部长绍伊古应邀访华,胡锦涛主席、**副主席许其亮、国务委员兼国防部长梁光烈分别与其举行会见、会谈,双方就共同关心的问题深入交换意见,对近年来两国军技合作成果予以充分肯定,并就下一步合作事宜进行了研究和探讨。双方一致认为,中俄军技合作不针对第三方,有利于世界和地区的和平稳定。中俄都有完整的国防工业体系和较强的装备研制生产能力,两国军技合作有着广阔的前景和发展空间。双方表示,将巩固并进一步扩大军际合作,以实现互利共赢。  第二个问题,有关报道捕风捉影,不符合事实。


Junior Member
I cannot believe this report: it sounded like China is going to import Su-35 from Russia:

记者:据俄媒报道,前不久俄罗斯防长绍伊古访华期间,俄中双方就俄向中方出售24架苏35战斗机达成 了初步协议,合同价值超过了15亿美元,请予以证实?第二个问题,另据报道近年中俄军技合作出现了一 些问题,如伊尔-76MD运输机和伊尔-78加油机项目迟迟未能履行,还有中方未经俄方许可擅自改制俄罗斯 装备,请问对此进行评论?

  耿雁生:11月20日至21日,俄罗斯国防部长绍伊古应邀访华,胡锦涛主席、**副主席许其亮、国务委员兼国防部长梁光烈分别与其举行会见、会谈,双方就共同关心的问题深入交换意见,对近年来两国军技合作成果予以充分肯定,并就下一步合作事宜进行了研究和探讨。双方一致认为,中俄军技合作不针对第三方,有利于世界和地区的和平稳定。中俄都有完整的国防工业体系和较强的装备研制生产能力,两国军技合作有着广阔的前景和发展空间。双方表示,将巩固并进一步扩大军际合作,以实现互利共赢。  第二个问题,有关报道捕风捉影,不符合事实。

lol, I read this on Chao Da defence too.

But I think it is still in talks, my believe is that China does not want to publicly humilate Russia, so it is not confirming the deal nor denying it at the moment.

In the end, I doubt this deal would go through.


VIP Professional
I recall the original offer was 48 Su-35's for $4 billion, but since Russia lost the sale in India and Brazil, they were more willing to accept $1.5 billion for 24. However...

1. It's questionable that the Chinese military would spend the $1.5 billion to import Su-35's.

2. The Russians would probably prefer a larger sale for any kind of tech transfer and localized production.

3. When you sign a $400 million contract (T/A-50) with the Indonesians, the contract may somehow magically reduce to $280 million with barter. In contrast, when you sign an $800 million contract (INS Vikramaditya) with the Russians, the contract may somehow magically grow to $2.35 billion after years of delay. The Russians had wanted to bump the price up to as high as $3.4 billion.
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